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LESSON PLAN Teacher: DeWitt Academic Subject: Language Arts Grade Level: Kindergarten Lesson Topic: Acceptance Length

of Lesson: 45 Minutes

Stage/Part 1: Identify desired results. What do students need to know and be able to do? Language Arts Standards Academic C1: Students listen and view to gain information (Kenosha Unified Standards) Content of the Lesson Students will listen to the teacher read The Odd Egg out loud in Content of lesson class Objectives Students will discuss how the duck felt when he was made fun of Vocabulary to be developed Students will color and egg of their own Students will compare their eggs to the other students and notice that they are all different Vocab: different, feelings (happy, sad, mad) Stage/Part 2: Determine acceptable evidence. How will we know when the students know and are able to apply what they know? Checking for understanding. Assessment Look at completion of the egg drawing and grade based on their Informal or formal coloring ability Begins with a verb. Give checks when each students shares their colored egg Stage/Part 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction. How will we ensure that all students know and are able to apply what they know? Introduction Review what makes us different How will you begin and interest students in Review feelings and what makes people feel the way they do
this lesson? (KWL, question, story, brief activity, review etc.) Each step/activity begins with a verb. Things to think about: Environment Expectations Warm-Up Interest Purpose Review

Development (New Learning/Input)

What is the step-by-step process for teaching the new learning of the lesson? Each step/activity begins with a verb. Things to think about: Student Engagement Connect to prior knowledge/experiences Teaching Strategies Modeling Guided and Independent Practice

How will this lesson end/wrap-up? Each step/activity begins with a verb. Things to think about: Culminating Activity Show they know Self and peer assessment Reflection journaling

Read The Odd Egg out loud to class In the middle of the book, when the duck is being made fun of, ask students how they think the duck feels Have students raise hands to share their ideas Pass out sheets of paper with an egg-shaped outline Tell students to color their egg however they want Give students 10 minutes to color egg Have every student share why they colored their egg the way they did Ask students if the eggs are all colored the same or different? Explain to students that we are all different, and it is what makes our class fun and exciting Staple eggs to a bulletin board to remind students that we are all different

Needed Resources and Materials

The Odd Egg book, egg-outlined papers, crayons

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