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Cues, questions, and advanced organizers set the stage for learning .

They give the teacher an idea of how much is known about a particular subject, and what questions students may have about a topic before the lesson. They also allow the teacher to follow up and see if students understand the lesson

Effective Cooperative Learning occurs when students work together to accomplish shared goals, and when positive structures are in place to support that process

Cues and Questions

Cooperative Learning Group

Similarities and differences includes various activites that help learners see patterns and make connections

Advanced Organizers

Marzanos 6 Instructional Strategies

Similarities and Differences

Homework and practice is used to reeinforce or practice lesson content already learned. It is also used to prepare for upcoming lessons.

Homework / Practice

Nonlinguistic Representation / Graphic Organizers

Learners also acquire and retain knowledge nonlinguistically through visual imagery, auditory experiences, and events like dramatizations and computer simulations

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