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Classroom Management Planning Grid Goals for Student: - Be Respectful. - Be On Time. - Be Responsible. - Be Your Best! Class Rules: 1.

Follow directions, policies, courtesy norms and instructions from me. 2. Be respectful to yourself, all adults, and your classmates at all times. 3. Be productive at all times to your fullest potential. 4. Be on time and be prepared to learn. Rationale For Class Rules: 1. Following all directions will increase classroom academic success and ensure higher learning and safety for everyone. 2. Being respectful during class are key to learning in the classroom and in Life. 3. Always giving your maximum effort on all academic work will increase your personal fulfillment in everything you do. 4. Always being on time and meeting your commitments sets a positive tone that reflects on you and on your work. Consequences: 1. Verbal Warning 2. One-on-one talk with student. 3. Call / Email / Letter Home. (Parent Contact). 4. Detention. 5. Parent Conference. Rewards: 1. Individual Praise (Continuous) 2. Group Praise. 3. Parent Praise (Email, phone call, letter.) 4. Individual Language Certificate Award

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