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Appendix 2: Rubric for Assignment 3 Individual reflection

Criteria Present ation & content

High Distinction Clear, concise and creative presentation reflecting an outstanding critical reflection of the teaching experience with all sections consistently connected, There is excellent description of what students learned in the lesson you delivered (minimum 3 students). Students artefacts are appropriately chosen and presented to represent what they have learned. Exceptional critical reflection on the effectiveness of the lesson sequence to encourage caring and sustainable attitudes indicating which elements need to be modified and how.

Distinction Clear and creative presentation reflecting a good critical reflection of the teaching experience with all sections consistently connected, There is a good description of what students learned in the lesson you delivered (minimum 3 students). Students artefacts are appropriately chosen to represent what they have learned. Excellent critical reflection on the effectiveness of the lesson sequence to encourage caring and sustainable attitudes indicating which elements need to be modified and how.

Credit Clear and creative presentation reflecting a good reflection of the teaching experience with all sections consistently connected, There is a sound description of what students learned in the lesson you delivered (minimum 3 students). Students artefacts present what they have learned.

Pass Clear presentation with all sections clearly presented and reflecting a satisfactory level of analysis of the teaching experience. There is a general description of what students learned in the lesson you delivered. There are some of the students artefacts presenting what they have learned. General reflection on the effectiveness of the lesson sequence to encourage caring and sustainable attitudes indicating some elements that need to be modified and how.

Fail The presentation of your teaching experience lacks clarity and the different sections are not easily connected. There is no clear description of what students learned in the lesson you delivered, or Students artefacts fail to show what they have learned, or General description of the effectiveness of the lesson sequence with lack of critical analysis on the elements that need to be modified and how, in order to encourage caring and sustainable attitudes Your discussion of the challenges faced in designing and teaching a science
Semester 2, 2013 Version: UnitOutline2012

Student s learning outcom es

Reflecti on of the effectiv eness of the lesson sequen ce Critical discussi on of the

Good reflection on the effectiveness of the lesson sequence to encourage caring and sustainable attitudes indicating which elements need to be modified and how.

An outstanding critical discussion of the different challenges in designing and teaching a science lesson

Good critical discussion of the different challenges in designing and teaching a science lesson sequence

Good discussion of the different challenges in designing and teaching a science lesson sequence

A general discussion of the different challenges in designing and teaching a science lesson sequence

Page 15 of 16 This version produced 26 July 2013

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sequence based on the teaching approach you used and constructivist theory. Your discussion is based on evidence from students artefacts and responses during class and specific examples of class situations.

based on the teaching approach you used and constructivist theory. Your discussion is based on evidence from students artefacts and responses during class and specific examples of class situations.

based on the teaching approach you used and constructivist theory. Some evidence from students artefacts and responses during class and specific examples of class situations are presented as evidence.

based on the teaching approach you used and constructivist theory.

lesson sequence lacks clarity and connection to constructivist theory or it is absent.

Page 16 of 16 This version produced 26 July 2013

Semester 2, 2013 Version: UnitOutline2012

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