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The teacher/sheik treads the way; on every span of ground he leaves his footprints, clearly cut, which all

can see and be assured that he, their master went that way.
DO MOORS NEED A MASTER IN THE TEMPLE TO SHOW THEM HOW TO GET TO ALLAH; ONE THAT HAVE BEEN TO ALLAH AND KNOW HOW TO GET TO ALLAH. IN OUR MHK IT TALKS ABOUT THESE TYPES OF MASTERS AND SHEIKS AND WHAT ARE THERE STATIONS. SO MY QUESTION IS HOW IS IT THAT WE GOT SOME MOORS CALLING THERE SELVE NATIONAL GRAND SHEIKS AND HAVE NOT BEEN TAUGHT HOW TO SAVE THERE SELVES AND NOW OTHERES? MHK ch 2. a. Teacher Elihu-Salome Lessons- Higher self and Lower self MHK ch 2. b. Students Mary- Elizabeth Egyptian Know thyself School MHK ch 4. a. Teacher Matheno Lessons- The Preparation of the Soul MHK ch 4. b. Student John The Nazarite MHK ch 13 a Teacher Elihu-Salome Lessons- Adept Chamber Student Jesus Now, (you may never point the way and tell the multitudes to do what you have never done); but you must go before and show the way. The man who stands upon the corners of the paths and points the way, but does not go, is just a pointer; So moors we do need a Master Teacher relationship in the temple to show us the proper way to understand and show us how to use these lessons and lead ones to Allah. P&l

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