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: 4 YEAR : 2013 Prepared by: Usha Gade & Mohd Nauman :6

ICT Capability in Science (Australian Curriculum) Students develop ICT capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively in all learning areas at school, and in their lives beyond school. ICT capability involves students in learning to make the most of the technologies available to them, adapting to new ways of doing things as technologies evolve and limiting the risks to themselves and others in a digital environment. Students develop ICT capability when they research science concepts and applications, investigate scientific phenomena, and communicate their scientific understandings. In particular, they employ their ICT capability to access information; collect, analyse and represent data; model and interpret concepts and relationships; and communicate science ideas, processes and information. Digital technology can be used to represent scientific phenomenon in ways that improve students understanding of concepts, ideas and information. Digital aids such as animations and simulations provide opportunities to view phenomena and test predictions that cannot be investigated through practical experiments in the classroom and may enhance students understanding and engagement with science. Information and Communications Technology Level 6 Standards (Ausvels) Ausvels Level 6 Progression points
For 5.5 ICT for Visualizing Thinking Creation of graphic organizers appropriate for new learning situations, using familiar software and a range of techniques to ICT for creating Creation of an electronic portfolio that logically displays files meeting collaboratively determined criteria; ICT for communicating Inclusion of new keywords and the deletion of some original ones in a search string, to narrow the listing

2 manipulate and edit a variety of data types. for example, the use of multimedia tools for solving problems of websites relevant to a particular inquiry Testing of uploaded files and folders in a nominated location on an intranet; for example, checking that all files are present and accessible Representation of patterns or cause-and-effect relationships, using unfamiliar software such Annotations to their own as a modeling software, and a range of information products that manipulation techniques explains why formatting and solution features of information Regular recording of the use and value of products, such as working visual thinking tools for understanding hyperlinks, suit the purpose and concepts and relationships in their learning audience needs

Identification of the attributes of various communications methods Hand-drawn and electronically that are appropriate in particular created designs for the layout and types of inquiry; for example, solutions of information products, selecting methods that protect the using tools selected from a disclosure of important collaboratively determined list information At Level 6, students safely and independently use a range of skills, procedures, equipment and functions to process different data types and produce accurate and suitably formatted products to suit different purposes and audiences. They use design tools to represent how solutions will be produced and the layout of information products. Students select relevant techniques for minimising the time taken to process data, and apply conventions and techniques that improve the appearance of the finished product. Students modify products on an ongoing basis in order to improve At Level 6, students use email, websites and frequently asked question facilities to acquire from, or share information with, peers and known and unknown experts. When emailing, they successfully attach files and they apply protocols for sending and receiving electronic information. They successfully upload their work to a protected public online space. Using recommended search engines, students refine their search strategies to locate information quickly. They evaluate the integrity of the located information based on its accuracy and the reliability of

For level 6

At Level 6, students apply ICT tools and techniques to represent and explore processes, patterns and cause-and-effect relationships. Students use ICT tools and techniques that support the organisation and analysis of concepts, issues and ideas and that allow relationships to be identified and inferences drawn from them. Students review their stored thinking strategies in order to identify similarities and differences in their thinking patterns. They document in their bank of digital evidence how these visualising thinking strategies help them to understand concepts and relationships.

3 meaning and judge their products the web host. against agreed criteria. Students create and maintain an upto-date, logically structured bank of digital evidence of their learning. They password protect and back up important files and use file naming conventions that allow easy retrieval.

ICT level 4 VELS Learning Focus:

ICT for visual thinking Level 4 1.At Level 4, students apply ICT tools and techniques to represent and explore processes, patterns and cause-and-effect relationships. ICT for creating 1At Level 4, students safely and independently use a range of skills, procedures, equipment and functions to process different data types and produce accurate and suitably formatted products to suit different purposes and audiences. 1. They use design tools to represent how solutions will be produced and the layout of information products. select relevant techniques for minimizing the time taken to process data, and apply conventions and techniques that improve the appearance of the finished product. Students modify products on an ongoing basis in order to improve meaning and judge their ICT for communication 1. At Level 4, students use email, websites and frequently asked question facilities to acquire from, or share information with, peers and known and unknown experts. When emailing, they successfully attach files and they apply protocols for sending and receiving electronic information. They successfully upload their work to a protected public online space. Using recommended search engines, students refine their search strategies to locate information quickly.

1. Students use ICT tools and techniques that

support the organization and analysis of concepts, issues and ideas and that allow relationships to be identified and inferences drawn from them. 2. Students review their stored thinking strategies in order to identify similarities and differences in their thinking patterns.


2. Students

3. 4.

3. They document in their bank of digital

evidence how these visualizing thinking strategies help them to understand concepts


and relationships. 4. products against agreed criteria. Students create and maintain an up-to-date, logically structured bank of digital evidence of their learning. They password protect and back up important files and use file naming conventions that allow easy retrieval. 5. They evaluate the integrity of the located information based on its accuracy and the reliability of the web host.



WEEK WEEK 1 & 2: TEACHING FOCUS (TOPIC) Edmodo Creating an edmodo account Joining Groups Account settings Creating your profile

VELS/OUTCOMES ICT for communicating:

ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES Activities posted by the teacher through edmodo

RESOURCES Edmodo Social learning network platform Cyberquoll

Students safely and independently use a range of skills, procedures, equipment and functions to process different data types Learning activity through and produce accurate and edmodo (Internet safety: suitably formatted products to suit different purposes cyberquoll/html/menu.html and audiences.

Teachers posts: m/watch? v=SmmdGeQ5_Js&lis t=PLGssre4r6wuMy7e UVS_yAiwevqECfPbd g&index=1 m/watch? v=tANAWKwDdY&list=PLGssre4 r6wuMy7eUVS_yAiwe vqECfPbdg

Edmodo: Posting a message Filters and tags Reply to posts WEEK 3 & 4:Teacher Posts: ch?v=tANAWKwDdY&list=PLGssre4r6wu My7eUVS_yAiwevqECfPbd g m/watch? v=3FLyVhw1jNs&list =PLGssre4r6wuMy7e UVS_yAiwevqECfPbd g

They use design tools to represent how solutions will be produced and the layout of information products. m/watch?
v=quWUKbnHdpM&l ist=PLGssre4r6wuMy 7eUVS_yAiwevqECfP relevant bdg m/watch? v=KjJoKM1qtTw&list= PLGssre4r6wuMy7eUV S_yAiwevqECfPbdg

WEEK 5 & 6:-

Edmodo Using the planner Notifications Turning in the assignments Take a quiz Edmodo: Collaboration with Homeroom Teachers To cover concepts and topics taught in the classroom

Students select techniques for minimizing the time taken to process data, and apply conventions and techniques that improve the appearance of the finished product.

Students modify products on an ongoing basis in order to improve meaning and judge their products against agreed criteria.

WEEK 7 & 8:-

Edmodo Check your grades Manage your backpack

Students create and maintain an up-to-date, logically structured bank of digital evidence of their learning.

Attaching backpack items Collaboration with Homeroom Teachers To cover concepts and topics taught in the classroom

They password protect and back up important files and use file naming conventions that allow easy retrieval.

Edmodo WEEK 9 & 10:Taking a poll Creating a Google doc account Collaboration with Homeroom Teachers To cover concepts and topics taught in the classroom

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