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Proprietary Confidential

Required form ZTE Side Before Second Round

Consider Win this Bidding, We Required 200 TI/200 MW SWAP Each month Provide Project Team Organization Chart Provide Communication Planning(Project Communication/Commercial Communication) Provide Key Person: PD/PM/Team Leader CV Provide Cash Flow for Coming four Months Planning
Time Line: 2012-5-15 ZTE Project team/Outsourcing Team/QA team will Visit your office in coming week, Review all PD/PM/TL /offices/Finance situation/HSE

How To Win?TI & MW Bidding

Two Round Bidding Model
Closed Bidding

Proprietary Confidential

Total RFQ sent to 41 Partners(8 Chinese Company

Prepara tion


First Round

After Second round Revised Bidding Price

First Obsolete 10% according to Second Rounding Bidding Technical & Commercial Will plan to obsolete 10% Evaluation according to Commercial Evaluation,10% according Second Round to Technical

Describe Rsk Bidding Round

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