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Excel Skills | Annual Leave Template

This template enables users to control the annual leave entitlement of employees and to calculate a provision for the annual leave liability. The template can be used to calculate annual leave balances for any 12 month period that is specified by the user after which the template can easily be rolled forward for the next 12 month period. After recording the opening balances and annual leave entitlement of all employees, the leave that is taken by each employee can simply be recorded and the template automatically calculates the leave days due for each employee and the overall outstanding leave liability. The template includes the following sheets: Leave - when an employee takes leave, the number of days that is taken should be recorded on this sheet. Summary - the opening leave days, annual leave entitlement and gross monthly salary of each employee should be recorded on this sheet and the accrued leave, leave days taken, leave days due and the leave provision for each employee are automatically calculated. The reporting periods that are included in the template are determined by the start date that is entered in cell E2. Monthly - this sheet includes a 12 month summary of the leave that is taken by each of the employees that are added to the Summary sheet.

Template Set-up
The first step in customizing the template for your business is to specify the template start date in cell E2 on the Summary sheet. The date that is entered in this cell determines the 12 month period that is included in the template and the end date that is calculated in cell E3 indicates the last day that will form part of this period. Note: The first day of the appropriate financial year should always be specified as the template start date because the calculation of the accrued leave days are based on the date that is specified in this cell. This means that even if you initially intend to use the template for only a portion of a financial year, you still have to enter the first day of the appropriate financial year as the start date. Also note that if you enter any start date other than the first day of the particular month, the leave calculations will be based on the date that you enter - all the entries before this date will be ignored. The next step in customizing the template is to specify the number of public holidays that is included in the 12 month reporting period that is indicated by the start and end dates in cells E2 and E3. The number of holidays only forms part of the calculation of the leave provision in column J and has no influence on the leave days calculations. The work days calculation in cell G3 reflects the number of business days in the particular 12 month reporting period after deducting the number of holidays in cell G2. This calculation only forms part of the leave provision calculation in column J and has no influence on the leave days calculations. Note: The number of work days (or business days) excludes all the weekends that form part of the reporting period and is calculated by using the NETWORKDAYS function. In Excel 2003, this function is only available if you've installed the Analysis Toolpak. If this Excel add-in is not installed, the function calculation will result in an error and the number of work days will then be set to an average value of 260. After completing the two initial template set-up steps, all the appropriate employees should be included on the Summary sheet. The following details are required for each employee: Employee Code - a unique employee code should be entered for each employee in column A. We recommend that you use the employee number as per your payroll system for this purpose. If your payroll system does not include unique employee numbers, you can use any unique numbering system.

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Excel Skills | Annual Leave Template

Employee Name - enter the name of the employee in column B. Department Code - enter a department or group code for each employee in column C. The code that is entered in this column will enable you to use the Auto Filter feature in order to filter employees by group or department and to calculate a leave provision for each group or department. Monthly Salary - enter the gross monthly remuneration of each employee in column D. This amount forms part of the leave provision calculation. Leave Entitlement - enter the annual leave entitlement of each employee in column E. This is the number of days of annual leave that each employee is entitled to for the particular financial year. Opening Leave Days - enter the number of leave days that each employee has accrued as at the first day that is included in the template calculations. If the template is used for a full financial year, the opening leave days that are specified should equal the leave days due at the end of the previous financial year. If the template is used for only a portion of the financial year, the opening leave days as at the first day that is included in the template calculations should be entered in this column. Note: Columns G to J contain formulas that calculate the leave accrued, leave days taken, leave days due and the leave provision for each employee. The formulas in these columns should be copied for all new employees that are added to the Summary sheet. Leave Accrued - the number of leave days that is accrued by each employee from the template start date to the end of the period that is selected from the list box in cell J2 is calculated in this column. This calculation is based on the employee's leave entitlement that is specified in column E and the number of monthly periods that is included in the date range from the template start date to the period that is selected in cell J2. The number of elapsed monthly periods is also reflected in cell J3. Leave Days Taken - the number of leave days that have been taken by each employee is calculated based on the leave days that are entered on the Leave sheet. This calculation only includes the leave days taken between the template start date and the end of the period that is selected from the list box in cell J2. Leave Days Due - the leave days that are due to each employee is calculated in column I. The balance as at the end of the period that is selected from the list box in column J is reflected in this column and is calculated by adding the leave accrued to the opening leave days and deducting the leave days taken from this calculation. Leave Provision - the leave provision for each employee is calculated in this column. This amount is calculated by applying a daily remuneration rate to the leave days due in column I. The daily remuneration rate is calculated by multiplying the gross salary of the employee in column D by 12 (to calculate an annual salary equivalent) and dividing the calculation result by the number of work days in cell G3. The leave provision amount that is calculated represents the amount that should be paid to the employee upon resignation or dismissal (if the leave cannot be taken before the resignation or dismissal date). Note: If the calculation of the leave days due in column I results in a negative value, the value is highlighted in orange and the leave provision amount in column J is nil. The highlighting indicates that the employee has taken more leave than entitled to (up to the end of the particular reporting period) - the leave of these employees should therefore be closely monitored bearing in mind that some employees may take most of their annual leave entitlement early on in a financial year and the accrual of leave in subsequent periods may reinstate a positive leave days due balance. Negative leave days due balances result in a nil provision amount because it is assumed that excessive leave that has been taken is not deducted from an employee's salary. The total leave provision that is calculated for the employees that are included on the Summary sheet is reflected in cell J4. If a filter is applied to the Summary sheet by using the AutoFilter feature, the total provision amount that is calculated will only include the filtered records.

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Excel Skills | Annual Leave Template

Note: All employee records that are added to the Summary sheet should be included in a continuous cell range otherwise all employees may not be included in the template calculations. Blank rows should therefore not be inserted between rows that contain data. As we mentioned before, the template start date that is specified in cell E2 should always be the first day of the appropriate financial year but this does not mean that the template cannot be used for only a portion of a financial year. The reason why it is important that the template start date is the first day of the financial year is to ensure that the accrued leave in column G is calculated correctly. If you want to use the template for a portion of the financial year, you only need to ensure that the correct opening leave days are entered in column F. Example: If the first day of a financial year is 1 March and we only want to use the template from July to February, the template start date should be the 1st of March but the opening leave days for each employee as at 30 June should be entered in column F on the Summary sheet. The accrued leave in column G will be calculated correctly and if all the leave that is taken by employees from the 1st of July are entered on the Leave sheet, the leave days due and leave provision calculations will also be accurate.

Recording Leave Taken

When an employee takes leave, the number of days leave that is taken should be entered on the Leave sheet. The following columns are included on this sheet: Date of Leave - enter the date on which the employee's leave commences. All dates should be entered in accordance with the regional date settings that are specified in the System Control Panel. Form Number - enter the leave form number. If leave forms are not being used, enter a transaction number instead. We strongly recommend using leave forms that are numbered sequentially in order to be able to ensure the completeness of leave input. Employee Code - select the appropriate employee code from the list box in column C. All employee codes that have been included on the Summary sheet are included in the list box. For new employees, you will have to add the appropriate employee code to the Summary sheet before it will be available for selection from this list box. Number of Days - enter the number of days leave that is taken by the employee. Employee Name - this column contains a formula that displays the employee name that is associated with the employee code that has been selected in column C. The formula should be copied for all new rows that are entered on this sheet. The employee name can be used to check whether the correct employee code has been selected in column C. Note: All the data that is added to the Leave sheet should be included in a continuous cell range otherwise all the leave that is taken may not be included in the template calculations. Blank rows should therefore not be inserted between rows that contain data. The leave data that is entered on the Leave sheet is used to update the calculations in the Leave Taken column on the Summary sheet and the monthly analysis of leave by employee on the Monthly sheet.

Annual Leave Reporting

The leave days due to each employee and the overall leave provision are both calculated on the Summary sheet. These calculations are based on the period that is selected from the list box in cell J2. This list box contains 12 monthly periods which are determined based on the template start date that is specified in cell E2. The calculations on the Summary sheet are automatically updated when a new period is selected from the list box.

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Excel Skills | Annual Leave Template

Note: All the calculations on the Summary sheet are automatically updated when a new period is selected from the list box in cell J2. Users are therefore able to display the annual leave calculations for a previous period by simply selecting the appropriate period from this list box. The Monthly sheet includes a monthly analysis of the leave that is taken by each employee as well as the opening and closing annual leave balances. All calculations are displayed in days. The periods that are included on this sheet are determined by the template start date that is specified in cell E2 on the Summary sheet. Note: The Monthly sheet requires no user input. All the calculations on this sheet are automated but only the first 30 employees are included on this sheet by default. The number of employees that are included on this sheet can be extended by simply copying the formulas in the last row that contains data to the appropriate number of additional rows.

Template Roll Forward

This template includes a 12 month reporting period that is determined by the template start date. When you come to the end of the initial 12 month period, you will have to roll the template forward for the next 12 month period. The following steps should be completed in order to roll the template forward: Make sure that you complete all the input of leave taken before rolling the template forward for the next 12 month period, otherwise the necessary input would need to be repeated in the new version of the template. Save the template under a different file name in order to create a copy of the current version of the template. Copy all the leave days due calculations in column I on the Summary sheet and paste the calculations as values in column F on the Summary sheet. The closing leave balances of the previous period are thereby included as the opening balances of the new 12 month period. Enter a new template start date in cell E2 on the Summary sheet. The 12 month reporting period that is included in the template will be amended automatically. Update the monthly salary amounts and the leave entitlement values in column D and E on the Summary sheet. The leave data that has been captured on the Leave sheet can be retained and will not affect the calculations for the new financial period. If you prefer to delete the entries that relate to the previous 12 month period, you can do so but make sure that you retain the formula in the first row in column E.

Template Settings
The functionality that has been included in this template uses data validation, conditional formatting and named cell ranges in order to validate all user input and to produce the reports that form part of this template. Most of the formulas that are used in this template are based on named cell ranges that include the first 1,000 rows on the Leave and Summary sheets. When the number of entries that you've recorded on the Leave or Summary sheets reaches this limit, you will therefore have to extend the default number of rows in order to include all your entries in the template calculations. The named cell ranges can be extended by accessing the main Insert menu, selecting Name, and selecting Define in order to open the Define Name dialog box. The calculations that include the entries on the Leave and Summary sheets are all based on the "Records" named range. This named cell range includes a default value of 1,000 - you can therefore extend the number of entries that are included in the template calculations by simply entering a new value for this named range and clicking the OK button.

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Excel Skills | Annual Leave Template

The data validation and conditional formatting features that are used to validate user input on the Leave and Summary sheets have been implemented in the first 1,000 rows on these sheets. Before you reach this limit, you can simply copy one of the blank rows before row 1,000 and paste the cells in this row into the required number of rows. This action will copy all the data validation and conditional formatting features into the target cell range.

Help & Customization

If you experience any difficulty while using this template and you are not able to find the appropriate guidance in these instructions, please e-mail us at for assistance. This template has been designed with flexibility in mind to ensure that it can be used in most business environments. If however you need an Excel based template that is customized specifically for your business requirements, please e-mail our Support function and provide a brief explanation of your requirements.

This template remains the intellectual property of and is protected by international copyright laws. Any publication or distribution of this template outside the scope of the permitted use of the template is expressly prohibited. In terms of the permitted use of this template, only the distribution of the template to persons within the same organisation as the registered user or persons outside the organisation who can reasonably be expected to require access to the template as a direct result of the use of the template by the registered user is allowed. Subsequent distribution of the template by parties outside of the organisation is however expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of international copyright laws.

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Annual Leave
Leave Records

Date of Leave Form Number

3/22/2013 4/26/2013 5/3/2013 6/20/2013 7/18/2013 8/15/2013 10/20/2013 12/16/2013 12/16/2013 12/16/2013 1/1/2014 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Employee Code
1000 1000 1025 1000 1050 1020 1035 1025 1035 1050 1020

Number of Days

Employee Name

3.00 A Taylor 3.00 A Taylor 4.00 C Jones 9.00 A Taylor 10.00 W Clark 16.00 M Smith 2.00 T Cook 9.00 C Jones 9.00 T Cook 9.00 W Clark 1.00 M Smith

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Annual Leave

Start Date End Date Department Code

1 1 2 2 2

3/1/2013 2/28/2014

Holidays Work Days

10.00 251.00

Month Number Total Provision

12 48,731.47

Employee Code
1000 1020 1025 1035 1050

Employee Name
A Taylor M Smith C Jones T Cook W Clark

Monthly Salary
36,000.00 17,500.00 8,400.00 26,000.00 41,000.00

Leave Entitlement
20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00

Opening Leave Days Leave Accrued

5.00 1.50 1.00 6.50 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00

Leave Days Taken

(15.00) (17.00) (13.00) (11.00) (19.00)

Leave Days Due

10.00 (0.50) 2.00 5.00 12.50

Leave Provision
17,211.16 803.19 6,215.14 24,501.99

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Annual Leave
Monthly Leave Summary Employee Code Employee Name 1000 1020 1025 1035 1050 A Taylor M Smith C Jones T Cook W Clark Opening Days 5.00 1.50 1.00 6.50 Leave Entitlement 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 Closing Days 10.00 (0.50) 2.00 5.00 12.50

Mar-2013 (3.00) -

Apr-2013 (3.00) -

May-2013 (4.00) -

Jun-2013 (9.00) -

Jul-2013 (10.00)

Aug-2013 (16.00) -

Sep-2013 -

Oct-2013 (2.00) -

Nov-2013 -

Dec-2013 (9.00) (9.00) (9.00)

Jan-2014 (1.00) -

Feb-2014 -

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