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EECE 5683 Computer Laboratory Exercise No: 2 Analysis of Three-Phase Circuits Objective: Verify the solution of balanced three

phase circuits using the single phase equivalent method. Correct the power factor of three phase load by proper placement of shunt capacitors. a1 a 0.2 + j 0.1 100 V-peak 60-Hz. j1.0 Rn = 0.5

i a1-b1

i n-n1
n b c 0.2 + j 0.1 c1 Procedure: j1.0




j1.0 0.6 b1

0.2 + j 0.1

a) Using Matlabs SimPower Toolbox, build the electrical circuit shown above. You should use powerlib library and Simulink library to find the required components and measuring devices for your circuit. b) Obtain and plot the waveforms of Van and ia1b1 on the same graph. c) Determine the single phase equivalent circuit of the given balanced three phase circuit for phase A. Calculate and plot the waveforms of Van and Va1 n1 of the single phase equivalent. d) Calculate the waveforms of ia1b1 and Va1b1 . Verify the results from part b. e) Plot in n1 for Rn = 0.5, 1.0 and 10.0 . Comment on the results. f) Change La1n1 to j10 . Repeat part e, only for Rn = 0.5 and 10.0 . Comment on your results. g) Compute the total reactive power delivered by the three phase source. h) Compute the total power dissipated in the three phase series branch. i) Try to minimize the power dissipation in part h, by connecting a Y-connected three phase capacitor bank at terminals a1, b1 and c1. Adjust the source voltages so that the load voltage magnitude remains the same as in part a. Verify your choice of capacitor by calculations. j) Repeat parts g and h for this choice of capacitor.

Report: Show the complete diagram of your circuit, measurements and instrumentation. Provide a step by step account of the procedure you followed and the results you have obtained. Answer all questions appearing in any of the steps of the procedure. List all of the references you use in preparing the report. If you use any references, number them and refer to them within your report.

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