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Lesson Objectives Assignment

Concept: Developing and Advertising Campaign Knowledge TSW visualize how they want their product/service portrayed to audience. Understand TSW describe the concept of their ad campaign. Apply TSW determine their target market. Analyze TSW compare benefits of different media outlets. Evaluate TSW choose a media outlet based on target market preferences. Create TSW develop their own ad campaign for a product/service of their choice. Concept: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Knowledge TSW define customer service. Understand TSW differentiate between customer service and customer support. Apply TSW experiment with different reward programs. Analyze- TSW analyze CRM situations. Evaluate - TSW evaluate pros and cons of reward programs. Create TSW simulate different CRM situations. Concept: Inventory Management Knowledge TSW define inventory turnover. Understand TSW compare the concepts of FIFO and LIFO. Apply TSW calculate inventory orders based off last years sales. Analyze TSW prioritize inventory based off weekly sales. Evaluate TSW choose items to put on clearance, given sales history. Create TSW simulate order entries.

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