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Grade 4 Social Studies Unit Preview Unit 3: Maryland: Growth and Change (1800-1875)

Lesson One: How did Marylands industry and population change in the 1800s? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Identify different religious, economic, and ethnic groups who migrated to Maryland. Describe changes in industry and immigration. Describe the economic interests in Maryland such as agricultural vs. industrial and slaves vs. free citizens. Identify reasons for the movement of people to, from, and within Maryland. Vocabulary/Concepts industry The production of goods, especially in factories, a type of trade or service that produces things such as: the clothing industry immigrant A person who moves into a new country to live diverse - Different from each other; having differences such as people from different cultures or backgrounds economy The way people use their resources to make, sell, buy and use goods and services

Lesson Two: What was Marylands role in the War of 1812? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Explain Marylands role in the War of 1812, such as: the Battle of Baltimore, the Battle of Bladensburg, and the burning of Washington. Vocabulary/Concepts privateer A sailor on a ship, who is not part of the military, who has permission to attack enemy ships impressment - Forcing people to serve in the military anthem A song that a certain group of people consider to be important to them. A song of praise for a country retreat To withdraw or move back

Lesson Three: How did transportation change during the 1800s? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Describe the changes in industry and transportation in Maryland, such as the building of roads and canals, the B&O railroad, the National Road, and use of immigrant workers. Explain how geographic characteristics of a place or region change over time. Explain how changes in transportation and communication led to growth and development of towns and cities in Maryland. Describe ways and reasons people modify the natural environment and the consequences of the modifications. Describe how technological ideas--such as the building of roads, railroads, and canals--affect the way people work and live. Describe technological changes in transportation and communication over time. Vocabulary/Concepts canal A human-made feature, a long, narrow toll The money you have to pay to travel on a ditch filled with water for ships or boats to length of road or a bridge travel along, or to bring water from one place to another

HCPSS, Office of Elementary Social Studies

Draft 2009

Grade 4 Social Studies Unit Preview Unit 3: Maryland: Growth and Change (1800-1875)
Lesson Four: How did life for Maryland citizens change after the Revolutionary War? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Explain changes in education, rights, and freedoms in Maryland during the 1800s. Identify different religious groups who migrated to Maryland. Vocabulary/Concepts education A process of learning religion Beliefs

Lesson Five: What was life like for enslaved people and how did Marylanders support the freedom effort? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Compare the living conditions of slave families and free blacks. Describe the abolitionist movement in Maryland. Describe the conditions that promoted the growth of the Underground Railroad in Maryland. Describe the contribution of individuals and groups such as Frederick Douglass, Harriett Tubman, and the Freedmens Bureau. Explain why loyalties to the North and the South were divided in Maryland. Describe the economic interests in Maryland such as: agricultural v. industrial and slave v. nonslave. Vocabulary/Concepts overseer A person who has the job of watching over other people to be sure they work rebellion A fight against a person or group in power abolitionist A person who wanted to end slavery Underground Railroad A system of people and buildings that helped slaves to escape to freedom emancipation Freedom or release from slavery secede To leave a country and form another country because of a disagreement

Lesson Six: What was the Civil War and how did it affect people in Maryland? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Explain why loyalties to the North and the South were divided in Maryland. Describe the economic interests in Maryland such as: agricultural v. industrial and slave v. nonslave. Vocabulary/Concepts Union Made up for the northern states that remained part of the United States during the Civil War Border State A state located between the northern and southern states Confederacy Made up of the southern states that seceded from the Union during the Civil War

HCPSS, Office of Elementary Social Studies

Draft 2009

Grade 4 Social Studies Unit Preview Unit 3: Maryland: Growth and Change (1800-1875)
Lesson Seven: What events and people were significant in Maryland history? Objectives: (The student will be able to) Explain how changes in transportation and communication led to growth and development of towns and cities in Maryland. Explain Marylands role in the War of 1812. Describe why loyalties to the North and the South were divided in Maryland. Describe the conditions that promoted the growth of the Underground Railroad in Maryland.

HCPSS, Office of Elementary Social Studies

Draft 2009

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