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Classroom Rules

Jordan Ryder

1) Respect the Teacher and Others

Listen when others are speaking and dont speak over others, raise your hand to speak, etc. Be ready when class starts to minimize interruptions Respect others property, dont write on desks or others belongings, etc.

2) Use Manners
Everyone should be courteous by using manners, such as please and thank you Ask politely when a hall pass is needed Speak to others the way you would want to be spoken to

3) Stay on Task
Have all necessary materials ready and available for use Facilitates active learning staying on task helps the learner be involved in the activity, discussion, or whatever is going on in class. When a student gets off task they arent fully involved in the lesson.

4) Ask Questions When Needed

If something is unclear, ask questions Get help, before it is past helping

5) Participate Actively
Give appropriate feedback Contribute thoughts and ideas Good learning comes from taking risks and learning from mistakes

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