Asic Ocabulary: Stem) of Slaves)

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abaku (a/u): (A) send, lead, (B) uproot abalu (a/a): dry up, dry out (intrans.) abatu (a/u): (A) destroy, (B) flee (mostly in N stem) abbuttu: slave lock (a hair-style characteristic of slaves) abnu (m./f.): stone abu (pl. abbu): father abubu: deluge, flood abullu: city-gate adannu: (specified) moment, period (of time) adaru (a/u): (A) become worried, become disturbed, (B) fear, reverence adi (prep./conj.): until, up to, as long as, together with ad (pl.): formal agreement, treaty agagu (a/u): become angry agaru (a/u): hire, rent ag: crown, tiara agurru: baked brick, paving slab ahame (adv.): each other, one another, together, alike ahatu: sister ahazu (a/u): take, seize, marry, learn ahu (pl. ahhu): brother ahu (pl. ahu or ahatu): side of body, arm, bank, shore ah (adj.): strange (person), foreigner, additional, other aj (e or i): not (vetitive particle) ajjabu: enemy ajj: who, which, what (interrogative) akalu: bread, food akalu (a/u): eat, consume, take for oneself, be entitled to the use of alaku (a/i): go, walk, move about, (with ventive) come, arrive ali: where (interrogative) allu: hoe alpu: bull, ox alu: city amaru (a/u): see, look at, examine, experience ammini (< ana minim): why (interrogative) amtu: slave woman, slave girl amurru: west ana (prep.): to, for, because of, in order to anahu (a/a): become tired, collapse anaku: tin (and/or lead) anaku: I anduraru: freedom ann: this (here or the aforementioned) anumma (adv.): now, now then, herewith apalu (a/u): answer, pay, repay aplu: heir appu: nose appuna (adv.): moreover, besides, in addition, furthermore apputtu: please, it is urgent aps: underground lake (the freshwater sea that existed under the world) araku (i/i): become long araru (a/u): curse arhi (adv.): quickly, soon arhu: cow arnu: crime, sin, guilt, punishment as: physician aar (prep./conj): where aaridu (aaredu): first (class), foremost, prince aru: place aatu: wife aum (conj.): because aum (prep.): because of, on account of, on behalf of, regarding, concerning atta: you (m. sing.) atti: you (f. sing.) attina: you (f. pl.) attunu: you (m. pl.) awatu (amatu): word, matter, affair, decision, news awilu (amelu): man, citizen aw (u/u): speak (mostly in Gt)

baaru (a-class): catch (fish/animals), hunt baau (a-class): come to shame babu: gate bak (i/i): weep, cry balalu (a/u): mix


bala#u (u/u): become well, be alive, live balu (prep.): without baniu: builder, maker ban (i/i): (A) build, create, engender, (B) become pleasant, become beautiful, grow baqamu (a/u): pluck (hair or wool) baqaru (a/u): claim (legally) baraqu (i/i): flash (of lightning), strike with lightning barbaru: wolf bar (i/i): look at, inspect, observe baalu (a/a): boil, roast, ripen baamu (i/i): form, design, build ba (i/i): be, exist, be present, be available bataqu (a/u): cut off, cut through, divide bu (a-class): go along, go through, go over ba#alu (i/i): cease beltu: lady, mistress belu: lord, master, owner blu (e-class): rule ber (e/e): become hungry, go hungry, starve beru: mile, double-hour biltu: burden, tribute, rent, yield, talent (weight) biri (or birit) (prep.): between, among birku: leg, knee, lap, sexual parts birtu: citadel, castle, fort biru: divination biu: possession bitu: house, household, estate, temple, building bubutu: hunger, famine, sustenance budu: shoulder bukru: son, child bullu#u (D stem): heal, give life to bulu (collective): (herd of) cattle, sheep, horses bunu: face, features, appearance buqlu: malt burtu: well, cistern buru: calf buu (bu): valuables, goods, property bu (D and derived stems only): seek, search for, examine, wish dalalu (a/u): proclaim, glorify, praise daltu: door damamu (u/u): mourn damaqu (i/i): prosper, flourish, have good fortune, be pleasing damu: blood dananu (i/i): become strong, become powerful dannatu: famine, distress, fortress danni (adv.): very, greatly, much dannu (adj.): strong, powerful, difficult, serious, severe dar (adj.): everlasting, perpetual, enduring dek (i/i): remove, mobilize, arouse, muster, summon diau (i-class): thresh dianu (i-class): judge, start a lawsuit dimtu: tower, fortification dimtu: tear, weeping dinu: verdict, judgment, lawsuit, law, case diparu: torch dipu: honey dullu: misery, forced labor, work, ritual duru: (A) city-wall, (B) continuity, permanent status

ebebu (i/i): become (ritually) clean, become pure eberu (i/i): cross (over) eburu: harvest, crop, summer edelu (i/i): lock edeu (i/i): become new eg (i/i): be careless, be negligent ekallu (f.; pl. ekallatu): palace ekdu (adj.): fierce ekelu (i/i): become dark ekemu (i/i): take away (by force) ekurru (f.; pl. ekurratu): temple elelu (i/i): become pure, become free eli (prep.): above, over, on, against, beyond elippu (f.; pl. elippetu): boat, ship el (adj.): high el (i/i): go up, become high emedu (i/i): lean against, impose (taxes, punishments, etc.) emqu (adj.): wise, skilled emu: father-in-law, son-in-law emuqu: strength enequ (i/i): suck eneu (i/i): become weak enu: weak en (i/i): change (trans.)

dababu (u/u): speak, tell dabd (damd, dawd): defeat, massacre dadmu (pl.): inhabited world (settlements and inhabitants) dagalu (a/u): look (at) dajjanu: judge dku (u-class): kill, defeat, mistreat dalahu (a/u): stir up, disturb, confuse


enu: ruler, lord, high priest enzu: she-goat, goat eperu (epru): dirt, dust epeu (e/u;u/u): make, do, act, perform epinnu: (seeder) plow epitu: work, act, deed, construction, ritual, magic eqlu: field, area erb (arbaum): four erebu (u/u): enter, go in erenu: cedar ereu: smell, scent, fragrance ereu (i/i): ask, request, desire ereu (i/i;u/u;a/u): cultivate, plow, seed eriqqu (f.): wagon, cart eritu: wish, request, (object of) desire erpetu: cloud erreu: farmer, cultivator erretum: curse, malediction er$etu: earth eru (f.): bed er: copper eseru (i/i): (A) press for payment, collect, (B) enclose, confine e$edu (i/i): harvest e$emtu: bone e$enu (i/i): smell (trans.) e$eru (i/i): draw, make a design eeru (i/i): go straight, prosper er (adj.): tenth er (eer): ten eu: new e (i/i): confuse, trouble, become confused, become troubled etellu: prince, lord etequ (i/i): pass by, pass through, go beyond, cross over e#eru (i/i): (A) take away, save, (B) pay e#lu: (young) man e# (i/i): become dark, become dim ew (i/i): become, turn into, change (intrans.) ezebu (i/i): leave behind, abandon, divorce ezezu (i/i): become angry, become fierce ezzu (adj.): angry, fierce gamaru (a/u): bring to an end, come to an end, finish, end gamru (adj.): whole, complete gaaru (i/i): become powerful gazazu (a/u): shear (sheep and goats) ger (i/i): become hostile, start a lawsuit gigun: terrace-temple gimillu: act of kindness, favor, mercy gimru: totality, all, universe girru (m.): fire girru (m./f.): road, journey, caravan, military campaign giimmaru (m./f.): date palm ginugallu: alabaster gitmalu (adj.): equal, noble, perfect gugallu: water regulator, canal inspector gullubu (D stem): shave, shave off guuru: log, beam

habalu (a/u): (A) oppress, wrong, ravage, (B) borrow habatu (a/u): rob, take away (by force) had (u/u;i/i): rejoice, become glad halapu (u/u): cover, clothe halaqu (i/i): vanish, become lost, escape, flee, run away hal$u: fortress, fortification, district hama#u (a/u): burn, be inflamed hama#u (u/u): hasten, be quick hamu (adj.): fifth hamu (hami): five harpu (adj.): early harranu: road, trip, caravan, military expedition hasasu (a/u): think of, be mindful of, heed, become intelligent hasisu: ear, hearing, intelligence, understanding ha$$inu: axe haahu (i/i;a/u): need, require, desire, like ha: lungs hattu (f.): panic, fear ha##u: scepter, staff, stick ha# (i/i): make a mistake, neglect, sin hazannu: mayor hegallu: abundance hep (i/i): break her (i/i): dig hia#u (i-class): watch over, examine, search, pay himetu: ghee

gabbu: entirety, all, every galatu (u/u): twitch, become nervous, become frightened gallabu: barber gamalu (i/i): spare, save, perform a kind act


hitu: fault, harm, negligence, sin hubullu: debt, obligation, interest (on a debt) hulqu: lost (object) hura$u: gold huranu (pl.): mountain (region) huahhu: famine, scarcity, need i (u or i; irreg.): have itinnu: (house) builder itti (prep.): (together) with, from ittu: mark, sign, omen itt (i##): (crude) bitumen it : border, adjacent to, neighbor

ibru: friend, peer idu (m./f.): arm, side idu (pl.): hire, wages, rent id (i/i irreg.): know igaru: wall ikkaru: plowman, farmer, cultivator ikkibu: crime, abomination ikletu: darkness ilku: feudal service (required goods or services provided in exchange for the use of land) illatu (f.): clan, confederates, army, caravan iltu: goddess ilu : god imbaru: fog, mist imeru: ass, homer (measure of capacity) imittu: right (side or hand; m. = imnu) immeru: sheep ina (prep.): in, into, from, out of, with, by means of inanna (adv.): now inbu: fruit, fruit tree inu (f.): eye inu (conj.): when, at the time that inuma (conj.): when, after, while, as soon as ipru: (barley) ration, food allowance irbu: gifts (to god or king), income (of temple, etc.) irtu: chest, breast isinnu: festival isqu: lot, share, fortune i$$uru: bird i$u: wood, tree iaru (adj.): straight, just, prosperous, favorable iatu: fire idu (usually du.): foundation, base, bottom ikaru (m./f.): (assigned) work, work assignment, finished product iparu (uparu): weaver iiakku: (city) ruler, (a type of) farmer itanu (iltanu): north iten: one itenu (adj.): first itu (prep./conj.): from, out of, after, since

janu: (there) is not, (there) are not ji: to me, for me (dat.) jti: me (acc.)

kabaru (i/i): become thick kabasu (a/u): step, tread (on) kabattu: liver, heart, mind, humor kabatu (i/i): become heavy kabtu: heavy, important, difficult kadru: wild, fierce, raging kajjani (adv.): constantly kajjanu (adj.): lasting, enduring, perpetual kakkabu: star kakku: weapon, mace kalmu: every kind, all kalbu: dog kal: totality, all, whole, entirety kal (a/a): hold back, retain, stop kamaru (a/u;i/i): pile up, amass kamasu (i/i): (A) gather together, (B) bow down, kneel kam (i/i): bind kanaku (a/u): seal kanau (u/u): humble oneself, submit, bow down knu (u-class): become firm, become true kapadu (u/u): plan, scheme, arrange kaparu (a/u): wipe off kappu: wing karabu (a/u): bless, pray, dedicate, greet karanu: wine karmu: ruin, wasteland karpatu: vessel, pot kar (i/i;u/u): become short karu: quay, trading-post, warehouse, commercial center kaspu: silver, money kas (u/u;i/i): bind kasu: cup, goblet ka$aru (a/u): knot, fasten, join (together) ka$ (i/i): become cold kaadu (a/u): reach, arrive, conquer


katamu (a/u): clothe, cover ki (prep./conj.): like, as, so kiam (adv.): thus, so, as follows kibratu (pl.): quarters, world-regions kibru: bank, shore, edge kidanu (adv.): outside, out kidinnu: (type of) privilege, protection kilalla(n) (du. tantum): both kima (prep./conj.): like, as, when, as soon as, that kimtu: family kimu: in place of, as kini: truly kinu (adj.): faithful, true, firm, permanent kir: orchard, garden kiadu: bank (of a river), neck, throat kipu: sorcery, magic kiatu: totality, world, universe kittu: truth, permanence, faithfulness, justice kudurru: boundary, boundary-stone kullu (D stem only): hold (firmly), hold back kullumu (D stem only): show kunau: emmer (wheat) kunukku: seal, sealed document kupru: bitumen kurru: kor (dry measure) kurummatu: (daily) food (allowance), nourishment, per diem kuss: chair, throne ku$ u: cold, winter leu: tablet libbatu: rage, fury libbu: heart, mind, inside, middle, midst libittu: (mud) brick limmu (limu): (year) eponym limu: thousand lianu: tongue, language lu: be it, indeed, even if (precative, optative, or asseverative particle) lu lu: either or

-ma (enclitic particle with verbs): and ma: (particle introducing direct speech) maadu (i-class): become many, become numerous madadu (a/u): measure (grain) madattu: tribute madu (adj.): many, numerous magaru (a/u): be in agreement, reach an agreement, agree, please, grant maharu (a/u): receive, face, oppose, confront maha$u (a/a): beat, strike mahazu: cult-city, cult-place mahiru: price, value, exchange rate mahru: front, front side mahr (adj.): first, former, earliest, next mala (prep./conj.): as much as malahu (malahhu): sailor, boatman malaku (i/i): plan, take counsel malku: prince, counsellor mal (a/a): become full mamman: anyone (in neg., no one) mannu: who (interrogative) man: mina (unit of weight) man (u/u): count maqatu: fall, happen, arrive mara$u (u/u): become ill, become sick, become difficult marru: spade, shovel mar$u (f. marutum) (adj.): sick, difficult, painful martu: liver, gall bladder martu: daughter maru: son, child, descendant, member (of a group) maahu (a/u): measure maku: skin, hide, leather mamau: exorcist ma (i/i): forget mati(ma): at any time, whenever matu (pl. matatu): country, land

la: not labanu (i/i): (A) throw down, (B) make bricks labaru (i/i): become old labau (a/a;i/i): clothe (oneself), wear (clothes), put on (clothes) labbu (labu): lion labiru (adj.): old lama (prep./conj.): before (time) lamadu (a/a): learn, know, find out lamassu: protective spirit, genie lapan (prep./conj.): before lapanu (i/i): become poor lapatu (a/u): touch, grasp, afflict lasamu (u.u): run, gallop law (i/i): surround, encircle, besiege lemenu (i/i): become bad, become evil lemnu (adj.): bad, evil leq (i/i): take, receive, accept letu: cheek le (i/i): be able, win, overcome


mtu (u-class): die ma# (i/i): become small melammu: brightness, splendor meretu: cultivation, field mes (i/i): wash -mi (enclitic particle marking direct speech) migru: favorite milku: advice, plan, counsel, consideration, mood, intent milu: flood, high water mimma: anything (with neg. nothing), whatever mimma umu: anything whatsoever, everything (lit. whatever its name) mimm: property, goods minu: what (interrogative) mintu (pl. mintu): mass, form miqittu: fall mi$ru: boundary, border area, district milu: half miaru: justice mithari (adv.): equally mitu (adj.): dead m (pl. tantum): water mud: savant, one who knows, knower muhhu: top (of the head), top part mutalu: prudent muu: night mutu: husband mutu: death napalsuhu: prostate oneself napark: cease, fail, stop (work) napahu (a/u): kindle, start a fire napau (u/u): become broad, spread (intrans.) napharu: total napitu: breath, life naplusu (N stem only): look at, look on (favorably) nappahu: smith naqaru (a/u): destroy, demolish naqbu: spring, source naqidu: herdsman, shepherd naq (i/i): pour out, make a libation, offer naramu: beloved narkabtu: chariot nar: stele naru: river, stream, canal nru (a- or e-class): kill nasahu (a/u): tear out, uproot, transfer, deduct nasaku (u/u): lay down, throw down nasaqu (a/u): select, choose na$aru (a/u): guard, preserve, keep, watch (over) naaku (a/u): bite naaqu (i/i): kiss na (i/i): lift, bear, carry, raise nu (u-class): shake, quake na#alu (a/u): look at, glance at, see nawaru (namaru): shine, be bright naw: steppe, uncultivated land, nomadic encampment nemelu: profit nemequ: wisdom nertu: murder nes (adj.): distant, remote neu: lion nidittu: gift nikkassu: account, settlement niknakku: censer, incense-bowl niq: sacrifice, libation, offering niru: yoke, rule, niu (f.; pl. tantum): people niu: life niu: lifting, raising nuhatimmu: baker nuhu: abundance numatu: household goods nunu: fish nuru: light

naadu (i-class): pay attention to, be careful, be pious nabalkutu: cross over, transgress, revolt nabalu (a/u): destroy nab (i/i): call, name nadanu (i/i): give ndu (a-class): praise nad (i/i): throw, throw down, drop naggaru: carpenter nagiru: herald nag: province, region nakadu (u/u): beat (of the heart), become disturbed nakaru (i/i): become different, become hostile, deny nakasu (i/i): cut (through), cut off, cut down nakru (pl. nakrutu): enemy, hostile, outsider namau (u/u): move, move on, start out namkuru: property, possession namru (adj.): bright, shining

pad (i/i): save pagru: body, corpse


paharu (u/u): gather, assemble (intrans.) palahu (a/a): fear, be afraid of, respect, revere pal: turn in office, reign panu: front, front side panu: face paqadu (i/i): entrust, turn over (to), take care of, administer parakku: dais, sanctuary paraku (i/i): bar, forbid access parasu (a/u): cut, separate, divide, decide par$u: rite, ritual parzillu: iron pauru: table paa#u (i/i): erase, efface paau (a/u): anoint, rub with oil paahu (a/a;i/i): calm down, subside paaru (a/u): sell, redeem (property), release (from oath, curse, etc.) pa#aru (a/u): loosen, untie, solve, redeem (hostages), release (troops) pa#ru: knife, sword, dagger pa#u: region, boundary peh (i/i): caulk, close pe$ (i/i): become white, become clean pet (e/e): open (trans.) pihatu: province, obligation pilu: limestone piqittu: task piru: seed, offspring pu: mouth, entrance, (mostly in pl.) speech, words p: straw, chaff puhallu: (mature male) animal puhadu: lamb puhru: assembly puh u: substitute pulhu (puluhtu): fear, awe, reverence, respect puridu: leg puruss: decision, oracle puqu: difficulty, distress, need putu: forehead, front qarnu: horn qarradu: warrior, hero qatu: bow qatnu (adj.): narrow, thin qat (i/i): come to an end qatu: hand qeberu (i/i): bury, dig qerbu: midst, interior qerebu (i/i;u/u): become near, approach qemu: flour qiau (i-class): give, present qibitu: command, order qinnu: nest, family qipu: official, agent qitu: gift, present qitu: end q: thread quradu: warrior, hero qutrinnu: incense qu (D stem only): wait for, await (can be intrans.)

raamu (a-class): love raba$u (i/i): lie down, lie in wait (for) rab (adj.): big, large, great rab (i/i): become big, become large, become great, grow up ragamu (u/u): cry (out), shout, claim, make a legal complaint raha$u (i/i): flood, destroy rakabu (i/i): mount, ride (on) rakasu (a/u): bind, tie up ramaku (u/u): bathe, wash oneself ramanu: self ram (i/i): throw rapau (i/i): become broad, become wide rapadu (u/u): roam, wander rapu (adj.): broad, wide, widespread, numerous ra (i/i): acquire, have, get reb (adj.): fourth red (e/e): lead, bring red (i/i): follow, drive, pursue, lead (animals, captives, etc.) rmu (e-class): pity, have mercy rqu (e-class): become distant re$u: helper, ally retu (adj.): first, elder, first-class reu: head, chief, beginning, top, capital re (i/i): pasture, feed (animals) re: shepherd

qablu: middle, midst, battle, fight qab (i/i): speak, say, command, order qal (u/u;i/i): burn (trans.) qlu (u-class): be silent, be attentive qam (i/i): burn (trans.) qan: reed qaqqadu: head, capital, self qaqqaru: (open) ground, earth, (empty) space qardu (adj.): warlike


retu: shepherdship riabu (i-class): restore, replace riaqu (i-class): become empty riau (i-class): rejoice ribitu: square, market place rigmu: noise, uproar, shout, fuss rihtu: rest, remainder rikistu: (contractual) agreement riksu: joint, contract rimu: wild ox, wild bull riqqu: aromatic plant, aromatic essence, perfume rittu: hand, wrist, palm (of the hand) rub (rubau): prince, noble rugumm: (legal) claim supp (D stem only): pray, implore suqu: street sutu: seah (measure of capacity)

$abatu (a/a): seize, hold, capture $abu (collective): troops, workers $alalu (a/a): lie asleep, fall asleep, remain inactive $alamu (i/i): become black, become dark $almu (adj.): black, dark $almu: statue, relief, figurine $altu: fight, quarrel $amadu (i/i): make ready, yoke, harness $am (u/u): become thirsty $arapu (a/u): (A) refine (metals), fire (bricks), burn, (B) dye red $arpi (adv.): bitterly, loudly $eheru (i/i): become small, be young $ehru: small, young $elu: rib, side $enu (adj.): wicked $enu (collective): sheep and goats, small cattle $eru: (A) back, top (of the back), (B) steppe, plain, (C) snake $iahu (i-class): laugh, smile $ibittu: prison, imprisonment $ibtu (f.): interest (on a loan) $ibtu (m.): (A) seizure, attack, imprisonment, (B) (agricultural) holding $ibtu: need, want, request $illu: shade, shadow, protection $iru (adj.): first-rank, outstanding, excellent, exalted $itu: rising (of the sun), emergence, expenditure $ubatu: garment $ullulu (D stem only): roof (a building), provide shade

sadaru (a/a;i/i): put in order, arrange sahapu (a/u): throw down saharu (a/u): turn (intrans.), return, seek sahl: mustard sakapu (i/i): overthrow salahu (a/u): sprinkle salamu (i/i): become reconciled, be at peace with salatu: kin, kindred saman (samane): eight samnu (adj.): eighth samu (adj.): red sanaqu (i/i): approach, test, set off (to) sapahu (a/u): disperse, ruin, destroy sapanu (a/u): level, cut down saphu (adj.): scattered sarratu (f. pl.): lies, deceit, deception sarru: (A) false, lying, fraudulent, (B) liar, criminal sattukku: regular offering, provisions seb (f. sebutu) (adj.): seventh seb (sebe) (f. sebettu): seven sekeru (i/i): dam, block (a river or canal) sihu: revolt sikkatu: peg sikkuru: bolt, bar simmu: wound, injury simtu: (something) appropriate, fitting, suitable sinnitu: woman siparru: bronze sis: horse sittu: remainder, rest suluppu: date sunqu: need, want

a (indecl.): who, which, of, belonging to (rel. pron.) aalu (a-class): ask, question adadu (a/u): pull, drag, stretch out, measure (land) adalu (i/i): become wide ad: mountain, east agau (akau) (i/i): kill, murder, mistreat aha#u (a/u): shake off, tear loose aha#u (i/i): leap (at or upon)


ah: pig akanu (a/u): place, set, put, establish, found akkanakku: governor, governor-general aknu: governor, appointee alalu (a/u): carry off (as booty), carry away, capture, plunder alamu (i/i): become whole, become sound, become well allatu: booty alau (ala): three alu (adj.): third al (i/i): sink (intrans.) alutu: one third amu: sun amaammu: probably flax (usually translated sesame) ammu: plant, grass, vegetation amnu: oil am (pl. tantum): sky, heavens mu (a-class): buy ananu (a/u): rival, oppose an (adj.): other, another, second an (i/i): do again, do for a second time apaku (a/u): pour on, stack, pile up aparu (a/u): send, dispatch, write apl (adj.): lower aptu: lip aqalu (a/u): weigh (out), measure, pay aq (i/i): water, give to drink aq (u/u): become high araku (a/u): give, present, bestow arapu (a/u): burn, light araqu (i/i): steal arratu: queen arraqu: thief arru: king arrutu: kingship artu: hair ar (adj.): rich, wealthy aru: wind, direction as (i/i): cry (out), call (after) atammu: clerk, accountant attu (f.; pl. anatu): year at (i/i): drink a#aru (a/u): write, inscribe eberu (i/i): break, break up eb (i/i): become satisfied em (e/e): hear, listen to, heed epu: foot ertu: offense, punishment eru: morning eu (f. editu): six eu (f. edutu): sixth eu: grain, barley e (i/i): seek i: she, it iamu (i-class): fix, determine (fate) iaim: to her, for her, to it, for it (f. sing. dat.) iati: her, it (f. sing. acc.) ibbu: belt ibu: gray, old, elder, witness ibutum: testimony iddu: side, measurement ikaru: beer imtu: fate, destiny imu: price, purchase ina: they (f. pl.) ina (du. tantum): two inaim: to them, for them (f. pl. dat.) inati: them (f. pl. acc.) innu: tooth ipatu (pl.): wool ipru: work, activity, message, messenger iqlu: shekel iranu: muscle, sinew iriktu: gift, present iru: flesh, meat itta(n) (du. tantum): two thirds izbu: milk u: he, it uaim (im): to him, for him, to it, for it (m. sing. dat.; later also f.) uati (ti): him, it (m. sing. acc.; later also f.) ubtu: dwelling, abode uknu: bow down, prostrate oneself uklulu ( stem): finish, perfect, complete ulmanu: gift ulmu: welfare, well-being, health uluhhu: ritual cleansing, hand washing, ritual umelu: left (side or hand) umma: if umru$u: (very) ill, (very) sick umu: name, offspring, progeny umu: onion, leek, aliaceous plant unu: they (m. pl.) unuim: to them, for them (m. pl. dat.) unuti: them (m. pl. acc.) uplu: exchange up (adj.): highly esteemed, high uquru: precious uru: root urudu ( stem): establish (firmly), found urqu: stolen (object) uttu (f.; pl. unatu): dream utu: south



tabaku (a/u): pour out tabalu (a/a): take away, take for oneself tahazu: battle takalu (a/a): confide (in), trust, entrust, give allegience to tamahu (a/u): grasp, take tamharu: battle tamkaru: merchant tam (a/a): swear tapp: companion, friend, (business) associate tara$u (a/u): stretch out, extend, point (a finger) tar$u: extent, duration, time (a point in time or a period of time) tru (u-class): turn, return (intrans) tawirtu (tamirtu): meadow tazzimtu: complaint teb (i/i): rise (up), revolt (intrans) tem(m)ennu: foundation (of a building) trtu: command, order, omen (report) tiamtu: sea tibnu: straw tillu: ruin, hill, tell ti (adj.): ninth ti (tie): nine tukultu: trust tupikku (or #upikku): basket (for carrying bricks) tuqumtu (or tuqmatu): battle

uiltu: contract, report ul (ula): not ull: that (over there), (the) other umma: thus, as follows (introduces direct quotations) ummanu (f.; pl. ummanatu): army ummnu: craftsman, master, expert ummu (f.; pl. ummatu): mother umu: day, time, weather, storm unqu: ring unutu: vessel, (household) utensil, equipment uqn: lapis lazuli urhu: way, road uri$u: he-goat, goat urru: light, day ur: (male) horse uru: roof usatu: help, aid u$urtu: plan, drawing, design, outline uu (pl.): foundation utnennu (irreg. verb): pray utulu (irreg. verb): lie (down) uznu: ear, feeling, understanding, intelligence uzuzzu (izuzzu) (irreg. verb): stand, serve, be available

wabalu (a/i): bring, carry waklu: overseer waladu (a/i): give birth, bear, beget, fashion wap: become visible, appear (mostly in stems) waqaru (i/i): become rare, become scarce, become costly waradu (a/i): go down, descend waraqu (i/i): become yellowish green, become green wardu: slave warhu: month warka (conj.): after warki (prep.): after wark (adj.): later, future warqu: green, yellowish green war (u/u): lead, guide wru (a-class): go (off), (mostly in D stems) send, command, instruct wa$ (i/i): go out waabu (a/i): sit, dwell, be (located) wa#u (adj.): difficult, unpleasant watar (adv): further, excessively wataru (i/i): be excessive watru (adj.): extra, surpassing, superfluous

#abahu (a/u): slaughter #abtu: salt #abu (adj.): good, sweet, pleasing #aradu (a/u): send (animate objects), drive away #atu: gift, bribe #eb (i/i): sink (intrans.) #eh (e/e): approach, draw near, come near #emu: understanding, news, report, instruction #iabu (i-class): become good, become sweet, become pleasant #iddu: clay #uparru (or tuparru): scribe #uppu (or tuppu): tablet

u: and, or ubanu: finger ud: (household) vessel ugaru: field, meadow


wi$u (adj.): (too) small, little, few wuuru (D stem only): release, let go, leave behind zaqapu (a/u): erect, point upward, plant, set up zzu (u-class): divide, share zeru: seed zru (e-class): hate ziaqu (i-class): blow (of wind), storm (intrans.) zibbatu: tail zikaru (zikru): man, male zikru: name, command, utterance, oath ziqnu: beard zittu: part, share zumru: body zunnu: rain

zabalu (i/i): carry, bear zairu: hostile (used as noun: enemy) zakaru (a/u): declare, name, invoke, mention zak (u/u): become clean, become free, become clear zamaru (u/u): sing zananu (a/u): support, provide food for zananu (u/u): rain


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