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Part A: Planning cycle.

Collect CollectInformation: Information:

Jaslyn, Ashley, Reahn, Olivia and Max are very interested inin drawings. They always Jaslyn, Ashley, Reahn, Olivia and Max are very interested drawings. They always spend their time atat the free drawing table and easel corner. They love toto draw with spend their time the free drawing table and easel corner. They love draw with different colour ofof textas and paint. One day, Reahn and Max were spending their time different colour textas and paint. One day, Reahn and Max were spending their time painting atat the easel corner. After they finish painting with the brushes, Reahn started painting the easel corner. After they finish painting with the brushes, Reahn started toto use her fingers toto create patterns inin her drawings. She was so proud ofof her final use her fingers create patterns her drawings. She was so proud her final product and she showed her drawing toto the teacher and she said Look atat the beautiful product and she showed her drawing the teacher and she said Look the beautiful patterns that Ive made! Max and Jaslyn did the same thing as Reahn. The teacher patterns that Ive made! Max and Jaslyn did the same thing as Reahn. The teacher praised and show encouragement inin her good work. praised and show encouragement her good work.

Questions/ Questions/Analyse: Analyse:

From the observation above, the children learn toto explore different pattern and colours From the observation above, the children learn explore different pattern and colours using their senses. Reahn was able toto apply her imagination and creativity skills inin her using their senses. Reahn was able apply her imagination and creativity skills her drawings activity. She also developed her sense ofof wellbeing as she had made new drawings activity. She also developed her sense wellbeing as she had made new discoveries and celebrates her own efforts and achievements with the others. The discoveries and celebrates her own efforts and achievements with the others. The teacher gave positive feedbacks towards Reahn drawings. teacher gave positive feedbacks towards Reahn drawings.
Questions: How can I expand the childrens interest inin exploring patterns inin drawings? Questions: How can I expand the childrens interest exploring patterns drawings? How can I expand the childrens interest into different domains toto their learning? How can I expand the childrens interest into different domains their learning?

Plan: Plan:
InIn order toto extend the childrens learning and plan the activity based on their interest, I I order extend the childrens learning and plan the activity based on their interest, have planned an interesting activity which isis comb painting activity. Through this have planned an interesting activity which comb painting activity. Through this activity, the children are able toto use concrete materials such as different sizes ofof comb activity, the children are able use concrete materials such as different sizes comb toto create different patterns and effects inin their drawing. create different patterns and effects their drawing.

Act/ Act/Do: Do:

Materials are well prepared for the comb painting activity: Materials are well prepared for the comb painting activity: For example: different colours ofof paint, paintbrushes, easel papers, different sizes ofof For example: different colours paint, paintbrushes, easel papers, different sizes comb and smock. comb and smock. Encourage the children toto create their own masterpiece with the materials provided. Encourage the children create their own masterpiece with the materials provided. InIn conducting this activity, I will support the children by giving them clear instructions, conducting this activity, I will support the children by giving them clear instructions, explanations and provide demonstration ofof the activity if if needed. explanations and provide demonstration the activity needed.

Review/ Review/Reflect Reflect

The children enjoyed and engaged inin the comb painting activity. They were happy The children enjoyed and engaged the comb painting activity. They were happy toto create marks and patterns in their drawing using the different sizes of comb. create marks and patterns in their drawing using the different sizes of comb. Some ofof them need guidance before they start toto do the drawing while the other Some them need guidance before they start do the drawing while the other children showed increasing control in their used of the combs. children showed increasing control in their used of the combs. Questioning and conversations between the children was constantly occurs Questioning and conversations between the children was constantly occurs throughout the process ofof the activity, for instance: throughout the process the activity, for instance: Look, I made some curve and straight lines inin my drawing! Look, I made some curve and straight lines my drawing! How do you make those patterns? It It was good! How do you make those patterns? was good! I I mix the colour toto create new rainbow colours inin my drawing! mix the colour create new rainbow colours my drawing! Wow, when I mix red and yellow and it it makes orange! Wow, when I mix red and yellow and makes orange! Mix, mix, mix all the colours! Mix, mix, mix all the colours! EYLF Learning outcomes: EYLF Learning outcomes: Learning outcome 1:1: 1.2.2 ~~ For the children toto be open toto new challenges. Learning outcome 1.2.2 For the children be open new challenges. Learning outcome 3: 3.2.4 ~ For the children to combine gross and fine Learning outcome 3: 3.2.4 ~ For the children to combine gross and fine motor movements and balance toto achieve. motor movements and balance achieve. Learning outcome 4:4: 4.1.4 ~~ Follow and extend their own interests with Learning outcome 4.1.4 Follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasms, energy and concentration. enthusiasms, energy and concentration.

Part B: Reflective on Learning outcomes.

The school that I did my placement was a private school, Mentone Grammar Early Learning Centre. The planning cycle above was conducted on the 4 th week of my placement with a group of 4 years old children in the Pre- prep classroom. I conducted the comb painting activity at the painting easel corner and the materials were well- prepared for the children to work with the activity.

Rationale: Demonstrate how effective of the planning cycle?

By using the planning cycle, it could bring all aspects of planning into a coherent and integrated process which is easy to evaluate whether the activity planned is effective or not. Besides that, the planning cycle helped me to plan and manage on-going projects or activities up to a certain level of complexity. It also provide a clearer image to help me ensure that the activities that I planned were fully considered, well focused and practical which also provide me an opportunity to reflect from mistakes and feed this back to future planning and decision making. Rationale of comb painting activity: Try out different types of painting on the easel. Explore different patterns and colours. Develop their imagination and creativity skills.

Impact on you as a developing teacher:

As a pre-service teacher, I always have a question in my mind which is How can I plan a variety of meaningful activities that links to the EVLF Learning Outcomes and how to record childrens learning in a manageable way? This challenge arise as I am just coming to know the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning outcomes, trying out the formats for planning programs and beginning to identify what do children so as evidence of learning in relation to the EYLF outcomes. Therefore, in continuing learning to use and make a link between the activities planned and childrens learning, it is really important to get to know the outcomes and not to treat them as checklist. Moreover, in referring to the learning outcomes, I learned that it is a good way for me to reflect on what I feel and what I understand about childrens learning as well as what can I do next to extend their learning.

Through my experience and observation, I learned that as a teacher we should be aware and sensitive to the needs, interest and ability of the children when planning activities for them. The activities planned should be developmentally appropriate and based on their interest which can extend their learning in different domains or areas. In addition, I have learned to be more observant in planning and observing the needs and interests of the children. For instance, after conducting the comb painting activity, some of the children brought up the discussion about colour mixing and they showed interested in mixing the colours. According to this, I will try to planned more activities to further their learning.

Learning for children:

Children learn at different rates, in different ways and their development is not always easy and straightforward. Therefore, different kinds of engagement and support will be required. It is really important for the educator to use the Practice Principle for Learning and Development to provide the support necessary for every child to learn and develop (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD], 2009). Childrens Learning from the activity: Extend their interest by providing new activities of painting for the children to explore on the easel. Explore different patterns and colours. Develop their imagination and creativity skills.

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