Is David Mainse An Unethical Scoundrel Like Benny Hinn?

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Is David Mainse An Unethical Scoundrel

Like Benny Hinn?



SEE David Mainse [9 September 2012] Catch The Fire Toronto
Family Meeting

Crossroads Television System (CTS) re-branding

Posted on August 10, 2014 by Bene Diction

It appears that Crossroads Television System (CTS) is re-branding itself, CTS will
become YES TV this fall. was registered by Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. out of Burlington
in 1998, and was updated last month according to WHOIS.
While still categorized as a religious broadcaster, Crossroads continues to branch out in
its programing according to its sales blurb at Marketing Magazine. Clicking on the CTS
saleskit link takes you to a Yes TV page. (thanks to Channel Canada forums).

Whats in a name? Dont know, given this has been registered since /98. It is interesting
that Bruce Mann, a former Crossroads employee (1986-2011) started a church in 1997
in his hometown of Brampton called Yes Church, an independent affiliated with Open
Bible Faith Fellowship. (OBFF).
The current leader of Yes Church (Mann left the church leadership in 2011 after
Crossroads Circle Square Ranches were transferred over to Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship) is Larry Harrington, who is ordained by OBFF.

OBFF is the group which re-ordained Reynold Mainse (son of

Crossroads founder David Mainse) recently, even though according to
the Ontario Securities Commission, Reynold Mainse hasnt paid back a
penny of the $247,719.50 owing for his involvement in the Axcess
scam. In Canada, you can be ordained, be the director of a charity and
be fully delinquent in money owing to the OSC. You can have your
dad publicly brag about your charity directorship and ordination while
omitting the fact money is owed.
OBFF is known as the group which kicked out televangelist Peter
Youngren for divorcing and re-marrying, but a small matter of being a
finder in a ponzi scheme plan is merely a godly man caught in the
middle of a very unfortunately set of circumstances. Quite the long
term payment plan Mainse has.
Mainse cousin David Rutledge, a former Crossroads employee who was
also implicated in the Axcess Automation/Axcess Funds ponzi
scheme, preaches regularly at Yes Church.
What does that rabbit trail above have to do with CTS re-branding itself as Yes TV?
Nothing, its just a reminder to myself about how small the Crossroads family really
is. I find the yes brandings interesting.

Julian says:

February 23, 2014 at 6:05 pm

As a former Crossroads employee I know I can comment on Crossroads issues
regarding its leadership problems and corrupt business practices. I have contributed
comments on several threads in the last few years here on bendictionblog in regards

to the very underhanded and corrupt practices of certain higher level managers at
Crossroads along with major negligence and evasion of taking responsibility by David
Mainse as well.
Putting aside the ponzi scam with the Mainse sons and Gordon Driver there is more
than enough inner corruption at Crossroads that I and other former and current
employees were witness to.
Extreme nepotism was utilized in years past and family members that were employed
were definitely NOT qualified to be in the broadcasting business. As an additional slap
in the face these non qualified or poorly credentialed hired people would get paid
more than qualified broadcasting professionals who were hired when CTS TV went to
air in 1998, well this smelled of direct corrupt business practices. This is just not
mishandling of business as some softies would describe it but it is and was an outright
breach of Crossroads written policy. Crossroads written policies were purely and are
just window dressing to say the least.
There were direct threats from those in authority to try to shut up and silence
employees that identified behind closed doors abuses against employees. When I was
still with Crossroads I even received a written memo to keep my mouth shut up about
significant injustices and outright corruption that was occurring in several departments
within the Crossroads organization.
I know of one former Crossroads employee/contractor that was nearly killed and
suffered significant major trauma to his body and the long story in a short format is
that he and his family ensued the matter with lawyers since Crossroads refused to
rectify it in a proper manner. Eventually there was a major out of court settlement
where as to avoid public scrutiny. The former employee along with his family were
treated like dirt by the Crossroads organization during the whole process. To this day
this former employee/contractor will never physically be the same again and is
emotionally scarred along with his parents that use to work and or volunteer for
Crossroads. This is just one true story along with others that are too numerous to
Actual events of significant financial mismanagement of ministry resources which was
and is ultimately public money is another matter too!
In my personal experience when I worked for Crossroads, the very first week after I
started working for Crossroads, conditions to my employment were seriously breached
by Crossroads management. After moving a considerable distance from western
Canada to settle for a position and conditions set to that employment that were not
fully honored threw me into a high level of mistrust of the organization. Matters were
eventually escalating as other employees were being lied to and mistreated month by

month, year by year. A situation occurred where I was involved in a tragic event that
literally threatened my personal safety, health and well being that consequently lead to
my physician giving me a stern directive to get out of Crossroads employment for the
sake of my personal safety and well being. A person that worked at Crossroads by the
name of Andy R. was eventually fired over this event but then surprisingly brought
back to do contract work was appalling to say the least. This man should of never
been hired by Crossroads in the first place, since he was not qualified to do the job
that he was initially hired to do and the only reason that he was hired was through
severe nepotism factors, he has a wife that has worked for Crossroads for many years
that is fiercely faithful to David Mainse. This Andy R. has been protected by the powers
that be at Crossroads for many years and to the best of my knowledge he still maybe
working in some form or capacity at Crossroads. He is someone that is a liability for
Crossroads and yet in Crossroads twisted logic they have protected him time and time
again. Nepotism at its worst! I started working in the broadcasting business almost 30
years ago and also worked in and with secular broadcasters and never seen anything
like it. A place like Crossroads you would think is a safe place to work but it was not as
I and others can easily testify to. Yet there are former and current employees that
have turned their heads away and deny that such abuse and breaches that occur or
have occurred throughout the years at Crossroads.
David Mainse is fully aware of many breaches and malfeasance within the Crossroads
organization throughout the years and has been directly confronted or through
correspondence asked and requested to rectify matters but he would essentially deny
and slough off or disrespectfully disregard people. David Mainse knows how past
scandals in other ministry organizations have brought the leaders and the their
organizations down to ill repute so Crossroads at all costs (example: threatening or
paying people off to keep quiet) must try to hold up a clean image that actually really
truly is so very tainted and corrupted from within.
So in closing David Mainse receiving an award from the NRB is an affront to the many
former employees and families that have been harmed in so many ways throughout
the years. Oh, and not to mention the financial donors that have contributed to the
Crossroads organization that do not get full public transparency from Crossroads and
its hierarchy. I believe David started the Crossroads ministry and organization with
good intent and integrity but as the organization grew and expanded, Crossroads lost
its integrity and David Mainse definitely developed a seared conscious as the years
transpired. NRB should rescind the offer that they awarded to David Mainse. As I have
stated before in writings and personal statements to individuals, David PLEASE come
clean and right the wrongs at Crossroads!!

Crossroads Christian Communications,

premier sponsor for US conservative
evangelical broadcasting convention
Posted on February 17, 2014 by Bene Diction

Are Canadian evangelicals paying for this?

The National Religious Broadcasters is an association of evangelical religious
broadcasters in the US, formed in 1944 to, advance biblical truth, promote media
excellence, and defend free speech. The Association started a tv network in 2005 which
reaches about 19 million homes in the United States.

Each year, the NRB trade show is held in Nashville. This year The Christian Post
(founded by David Jang) is one of the premier sponsors along with Crossroads. The ad
above is part of the NRB convention brochure.
Crossroads founder David Mainse, who was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome in
2012, is being given the NRB Individual Achievement Award. I suspect the timing of the
award was due to the gravity of his medical condition. Mainse was given about 2 years
to live, and he recently said that he believed that he is being healed, I believe the Lord
is healing me, with the co-operation of the medical profession, from MDS acute
Its time for my personal testimony of healing! Just last week the cancer specialist,
oncologist/hematologist, who had originally diagnosed my MDS acute leukemia said,
Remarkable and Jaw dropping! My latest blood tests showed unusual improvement.
One of the tests showed everything in the normal range! From what looked to me in the
mirror like a rack of bones last August, I have gained 30 pounds and even my grandsons
were impressed to feel grandpas muscle. Remarkable is the right word. Thanks
everyone for your prayers!!! Also, as Isaiah prescribed a human remedy to Hezekiahs
illness (a poultice 38:21), my Doctors (three different ones) prescribed oral
medicines, healthy foods, as well as injections, etc. etc. Im thankful for human
knowledge and skill. A bone marrow test was just done at the Juravinski Cancer Centre
in Hamilton, and I wont have the report for several days yet. I believe that I may be
like Hezekiah and have 15 more years.

Crossroads Television System (CTS), the Canadian channel of Crossroads

Christian Communications Inc., is a member of the NRB.
Crossroads, a Canadian charity, has also had USA charity status since 1978,
with the purpose, (according to its latest form 990) To propagate by all
means and avenues throughout the united states and the world the gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ and in particular through the purchase of television
time. Its difficult to ascertain Crossroads current US financial status.
I doubt being a premier sponsor of the NRB convention comes cheap. There doesnt
appear to be much movement from the distribution end with Tricord media. The
Crossroads push into the US makes for strange bedfellows.
Controversial former Kansas pastor Jerry Johnston, a host on the flagship program
100 Huntley Street and the Executive Director of Crossroads USA, openly brags about
his friendship with members of the secretive Council for National Policy. Johnston tends
to be a name-dropper, using his twitter account to post pics with all his friends; from
US CEOs to mega-church pastors and entertainers. He has a website not directly
connected to his current Canadian employer. He had posted on twitter last summer that
Crossroads would be bringing a show into a hundred US markets in the fall of 2013.

That doesnt appear to have happened. With an American host on 100

Huntley Street and the hiring of an American CEO, Crossroads is
signalling to its Canadian donors that its a mere matter of time before
the focus shifts south. Most of the guests on the downsized flagship
show, 100 Huntley Street are from the US, as is a lot of the
programming on CTS.
Crossroads hasnt been controversy free the past few years, with the finding by the
Ontario Securities commission that Ron and Reynold Mainse were finders in a multi
million dollar cross border ponzi scheme. Ron Mainse paid up and was re-instated to
Crossroads, Reynold Mainse briefly lost his ordination, and despite this report from the
OSC about being fully delinquent in paying substantial fines for his involvement with
Axcess Automation/Axcess Funds, David Mainse noted that Reynold was
again licensed as a minister in Ontario. He and the OSC have agreed on a long term
payment schedule. Given what Mainse owes, it will be very long term. After being kicked
off 100 Huntley Street, he started a photography company, and it appears he is working
for Crossroads. David Mainse: In the photo below, my son David Reynold, an ordained
Minister and our professional photographer It was an odd statement to make, given
that few Crossroads fans would care. Axcess Automation/Funds founder Gordon Driver,
a former Crossroads employer, is scheduled to go on trial in the US today. A push into
the US market could be lucrative, even though that market is saturated. The evangelical
consumer appetite in the US is more ravenous than in Canada.
Prime Minister Steven Harpers recent trip to Israel got attention when it came to light
that an unusual number of evangelicals went along for the ride. One was the chairman
of the board of Crossroads, Don Simmonds.
There is no border in broadcasting, television is a rapidly changing medium and religious
broadcasting in Canada even more so, but I wonder if aging Canadian Crossroads fans
are paying for Crossroads expansion into the US market, and given what theyve seen
going on with Crossroads the past few years, would they want to
It provokes some interesting issues / concerns about the future of these organizations.
Historically, theyve leveraged mass media, especially TV, to build audience size and
donations. What will happen to these organizations in the age of file sharing, digital
downloads and Netflix, where channels no longer exist?
The hope is that they will ultimately self-implode, but you can bet your booties that
theyre probably behind lobbying related to things like greater restrictions on Internet
use or content requirements related to regular broadcasting.
Lets think about it for a second: most broadcasters / networks typically show endless
preaching on Sundays, largely at the cost of Canadian cable subscribers without the

option of opting out of these networks.

As media evolves and slowly cuts out this kind of crap, it becomes obvious that their
days are numbered. Could the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse be coming for the primetime preachers?

David Mainse Arrogance and Irresponsibities

Many years ago, arrogant deceived PAOC Evangelist Pastor David Mainse decided to
spend $ 25 million of the dumb sheep's money for a state of the art modern new
television facilities and studios in Burlington, Ontario and moved there from 100
Huntley Street, Toronto, Ontario. Obviously Mainse didnt adhere to Gods word which
states Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves
another has fulfilled the law. And God has not blessed his venture because the
continued debt today is $ 18 million. David Mainse, who believes in and practices
nepotism like many false family ministries, siblings, and not others, have profited
greatly financially from royalties paid out to different corporations owned and run by
the Mainse clan for music played on 100 Huntley street which could have been used to
reduce the debt! But then a so called great man of God doesnt have to be responsible
for anything as he answers only to God? And we are not to touch or question Gods
anointed even though all true Christians are Gods anointed?
Crossroads has been dealing with continued debt, loss of staff, lack-luster
performance of new projects, the terminal illness of founder David Mainse, attention
around the Axcess Automation/Funds ponzi scheme that had involved Ron and
Reynold Mainse, as well as public questions around CIDA funding.

Crossroads Christian Communications top management shake up, CEO Don

Simmonds steps down
Posted on September 6, 2013 by Bene Diction

I have not had the opportunity to source this information I am in the process of doing
so, its late night in Ontario, so I dont expect any responses until tomorrow, if at all.
The standard press releases arent up as yet at Crossroads or EQUIP. (Update: Don
Simmonds has confirmed)
Don Simmonds has stepped down as CEO of Crossroads Christian Communications.

Effective Monday, American John Hull will take over as the Global CEO of the
Crossroads group, and specifically the CEO of Crossroads Canada, Crossroads USA and
as the General Manager of CTS. Dr. Hull is known to a few Canadians as a former
senior transition minister at Toronto Peoples Church in the 1990s. After Peoples Church,
Hull returned to the US where he headed up a leadership ministry called EQUIP.
Simmonds was appointed CEO of Crossroads in October 2009. I never did understand
why his appointment was not publicly announced for 2 months. He will remain chairman
of the boards of Crossroads Canada, Crossroads USA and CTS, but no matter, hes out,
and the new CEO will be introduced to Canadian 100 Huntley Street viewers on Tuesday.
Crossroads has been dealing with continued debt, loss of staff, lack-luster
performance of new projects, the terminal illness of founder David Mainse,
attention around the Axcess Automation/Funds ponzi scheme that had involved
Ron and Reynold Mainse, as well as public questions around CIDA funding. 100
Huntley Street just held its 2 week fundraiser to meet operating expenses.
Christian tv in Canada is not doing well, and has been limping for some time.
This shake up will be spun on 100 Huntley Street as a positive and planned
This is me musing, but with the appointment of Jerry Johnston as Executive Director of
Crossroads Christian Communications USA, and as a host of 100 Huntley Street, and Dr.
Hull taking the helm, I wonder if well see more religious right, conservative thinking
coming from the Burlington behemoth? Crossroads is going south.

Axcess Automation/Fund updates

Gordon Driver arrested, Reynold
Mainse facing OSC ruling in November.
Acted contrary to the public interest
Posted on October 27, 2012 by Bene Diction
Ive fallen behind a bit in updating the Axcess Automation/Funds saga. A lot has
happened lately, with a couple of the key players in the ponzi scheme which saw
investors lose millions.
The Ontario Securities Commission has put up Reasons and Decisions, the findings of a
hearing held in April 2011 involving Reynold Mainse, Steven Taylor and Gordon Driver.

Former 100 Huntley Street host Reynold Mainse has acknowledged

violating sections of The Ontario Securities Act (OSA) and being a point man in the
Axcess scheme. Mainse and his now defunct company World Class Communications Inc.
were found to have traded securities without a licence. The OSC determined (as they
had with his brother Ron Mainse and cousin David Rutledge) that he was not party to
the fraud.
The Hamilton Spectator:
The OSC ruled that he had improperly traded securities without being registered, by
recruiting more than a dozen family and friends to participate in Drivers scheme.
Ron Mainse, Reynolds brother, and their cousin, David Rutledge, were ordered to pay a
combined total of nearly $450,000 in restitution and penalties to the OSC in August
2010 for similar roles as recruiters.
The OSC has described Reynold Mainse, Ron Mainse and Rutledge as unwitting dupes
who didnt perpetrate any fraud themselves.
Driver had been a longtime family friend.
I feel absolutely sick about it, said Reynold Mainse. Its just a huge, unfortunate
situation for me and my family.
Mainse said he attracted five family members and 10 friends to invest in what he
thought was a great opportunity, which obviously wasnt, he said.
Ive apologized to them, Mainse said. Theyre still my family, theyre still my friends.

Reynold Mainse will be back before the OSC November 7th. He now runs a photography
business out of the Hamilton area.
Pertinent paragraphs in the OSC decision regarding Reynold Mainse.
[11] Reynold and WCC, who were represented by counsel, admitted all of the allegations
relevant to them. As Reynold admitted the allegations against him in this matter and
was not contesting the evidence presented by Staff, he and his counsel only attended
certain portions of the hearing. Reynold appeared on April 11, 15, 19 and 20, 2011, and
his counsel appeared on April 11, 13, 15, 19 and 20, 2011.
[23] WCC was incorporated in Ontario in September 1998. According to Reynold,
he stopped doing business through WCC in 2000 or 2001, but later re-activated WCC
which contracted with a Christian non-profit charitable organization to lead and
promote international humanitarian aid missions. In December 2008, WCCs registration
was cancelled for failure to comply with the Corporations Tax Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.40,
as amended.
The OSC states that Reynold Mainse was the sole director of World Class
Communications Inc. Pages 14 to 17 outline the allegations Mainse admitted to.
[83] Reynold, who was interviewed voluntarily by Staff and voluntarily provided Staff
with documents relating to the Axcess Investments, made admissions on the first day of
the hearing on the merits. His counsel explained that, but for Reynolds personal
financial situation, he would have settled with the Commission. His counsel further
explained that Reynold does not have the means to disgorge to the Commission the
funds he received through his and WCCs involvement in the Axcess Investments given
the nature of his career and the dedication of his time and resources, including the
money that he received from Driver, to Christian not-for-profit charitable organizations.
As a result, he elected to participate in the the hearing on the merits and testified to
provide a full factual record to the Commission.
[127] From July 2007 to the end of 2008, Reynold acted as a point person between
Driver and investors who were identified by Reynold at the hearing as being his family
and friends. The Reynold Group, comprised of 23 people, invested a total of
US$4,131,400.96 and subsequently received payments from Driver totaling
[158] The evidence shows that Driver had occasionally met or directly communicated
with investors about the Axcess Investments. Ronald and Rutledge gave consistent and
credible testimony that they facilitated meetings between small groups of investors and
Driver. According to Ronald, two such meetings took place in Burlington, the first in
early to mid-July 2007 and, the second, at Ronalds home in late July 2007. Rutledge
testified that he arranged for investors to meet Driver at Ronalds house in July 2007
and in Las Vegas in February 2009 and personally attended these meetings. Reynold
also testified that he arranged meetings between Driver and investors and that he
attended some of these meetings.

[162] For example, Rutledge and Ronald understood that they would receive 5% of
[Drivers] companys growth as commissions which were to be shared between them
(Hearing Transcript dated April 15, 2011 at p. 44). Reynold also understood that he
would be paid five percent of the money that [he brought] to [Driver] (Hearing
Transcript dated April 19, 2011 at p. 125). More specifically, Reynold explained that the
commissions would be 5% of the trading profits that Driver retained, or 3.75% of the
total profits generated by Drivers trading activities.
[163] We accept Staffs flow of funds analysis which shows that both Taylor and Reynold
received funds from Driver. Driver transferred US$1,430,216 to Taylor and the Taylor
Companies, and $210,219.50 to Reynold and WCC. Although Reynold testified that there
was no clear distinction as to whether the funds he received were a return on his
investment or commissions, we find that Taylor and Reynold received payments as a
result of acting as point persons for Driver.
Page 40, 41 and 42 [200-212] lay out the details of Reynold Mainse activity and
[211] Staffs flow of funds analysis shows that Reynold received a total of
$210,219.50 from Driver, of which $9,987 was received by Reynold personally and
$200,232.50 was received through an account in the name of WCC.
[212] Based on Reynolds admissions and evidence described above, we find
that Reynold and WCC engaged in trades and acts in furtherance of trades within the
of the OSA in relation to both the Axcess Automation Investment and the Axcess
Fund Investment.
While Ronald and Reynold Mainse made it publicly clear they were victims of this
scam, as point people were also victimizers. Neither brother is facing, or will face
criminal charges. They remained ordained ministers in Ontario through out this
investigation, despite the fact it was then alleged they violated an Act of the Ontario
Legislature (OSA),and a federal Act (CFA). I posted about Reynold Mainse ministerial
credentials previously, which he holds because of the good graces and trust of the
Ontario government.
How much did this OSC investigation cost taxpayers? Why do Christians not hold their
own accountable for acting contrary to the public interest? Who is Reynold Mainse
accountable to as an ordained minister if not taxpayers and the body authorized to
ordain him? How is breaking regulatory law different than breaking criminal law, and
why does his leadership turn a blind eye?
I understand that paying restitution is a hardship a consequence of roping family and
friends into a scam. I understand both brothers suffered public shame being yanked off
100 Huntley Street for a few months. Ron was allowed back on-air, appointed Spiritual
Director of the Crossroads Family of Ministries and Executive Director of 100 Huntley
Street. Reynold Mainse started his own company. Unlike his two defendants before the
OSC, Reynold Mainse had competent legal representation. The point is, the 252

investors who have never spoken publicly, wsome of who placed their trust in the
Mainse brothers face considerable hardship also.
I have no idea if Reynold Mainse does contract work for the charity his dad founded. I
remain troubled that neither brother faced suspension of their ordination during the OSC
investigation. Is breaching a provincial Act no big deal to Christian leaders?
[301] We also find that Reynold authorized, permitted or acquiesced in
WCCs contraventions of subsections 25(1)(a) and 53(1) of the OSA and is,
therefore, responsible for such contraventions pursuant to section 129.2 of the OSA.
[308] The conduct of the Respondents undermined the integrity of and confidence in the
capital markets, which we find to be contrary to the public interest.
Section V of the document lays out how the scam unfolded and how the point people
and their investors got sucked in. My grandmother used to say, if it sounds to good to
be true, it probably is. The returns on investments promised (and in some cases
received) makes shows the read in hindsight, the blinding effect of greed.
Both brothers wanted some of the money they made to go to ministries. In the OSC
document it was suggested that Axcess investors donate their returns to ministries of
In July of 2009, the board of Crossroads Christian Communications made it clear that a
forensic audit had determined no donor funds had gone into the Axcess scam. Back in
that 2009 post I wondered which ministries were recipients of the monies the brothers
and cousin made. Did Crossroads receive donations from the brothers ill-gotten gains?
Reynold Mainse remains on the board of Heavens Rehearsal, a registered charity
described as a missionary organization, evangelism, which produced
an extravagant concert at the Rogers Centre in 2007, with grand plans to hold a similar
show in the future in Africa. He took over Heavens Rehearsal from Norm MacLaren, a
former 100 Huntley Street host. According to the 2011 T3010, Heavens Rehearsal is
making a bit of money from product sales and donations, and is in a deficit position.
Id hardly call a concert a Christian non-profit charitable organization to lead and
promote international humanitarian aid missions [23], which is why I wonder if the
brothers donated money to ministries and if they did, where it went.
Reynold Mainse and his cousin David Rutledge are pleading financial hardship in regards
to restitution and penalties required by the OSC. November 7th, Reynold Mainse will
find out how much more financial hardship hell face.
Gordon Driver, already looking at a 41 million dollar civil judgement in the US, was
arrested in Las Vegas October 9th. He made bond and was ordered to appear for
arraignment in a Los Angeles court this past Wednesday. Ponzitracker:
Gordon Driver, 54, was arrested October 9th and charged with two counts of mail fraud,
nine counts of wire fraud, two counts of commodity pool operator fraud, and three

counts of making false statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission. If

convicted of all charges, he faces up to 275 years in federal prison.
Despite being successfully prosecuted by civil regulatory authorities for masterminding
a massive Ponzi scheme, any intervention by criminal authorities remained
conspicuously absent. In a Forbes article I authored earlier this summer pondering this
same question, I noted that while the CFTC outlined allegations in its complaint that
could form the basis of mail and/or wire fraud, the five-year statute of limitations
continues to tick. Among the criminal charges Driver now faces are two counts of wire
fraud and nine counts of mail fraud.
Also noteworthy is the decision to charge Driver with three counts of making false
statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Authorities rarely bring this
charge against those accused of Ponzi schemes, with the only known exception to be
Laura Pendergast-Holt, the former chief investment officer under Allen Stanfords
massive $7 billion Ponzi scheme who received a three-year prison sentence after
pleading guilty to obstructing an SEC investigation. Driver was presumably charged
under 18 U.S.C. 1001, which forbids making any false or fraudulent statement in any
matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the U.S.
government. Each charge carries a maximum sentence of up to five years in federal
United States Attorneys Office Central District of California

$450,000 settlement
Men to repay funds over roles in alleged Ponzi scheme
By Steve Buist
TORONTO (Aug 14, 2010)
The son of 100 Huntley Street founder David Mainse and his cousin have been ordered
to pay nearly $450,000 in restitution and penalties to the Ontario Securities Commission
for their roles in an alleged Ponzi scheme created by a Freelton man.
Ron Mainse, an ordained minister and a leader of Burlington's Crossroads Christian
Communications, was ordered to repay about $138,000 in commissions he received
from Gordon Driver, who is alleged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to
be the mastermind of a $14-million US Ponzi scheme involving nearly 200 North
American investors.
Mainse was also ordered to pay a $10,000 penalty and refrain from trading securities or
becoming a director or officer of a company that reports to the OSC for eight years.
Mainse's lawyer, Jay Naster, turned over cheques for the entire amounts to the OSC at
yesterday's hearing.
David Rutledge of Ancaster, Mainse's cousin and also an ordained minister, was ordered
to pay back nearly $263,000 in commissions he received from Driver, pay a $35,000
penalty, and refrain from trading securities or becoming a director or officer of a
reporting company for a period of 15 years.

Rutledge turned over a cheque for $90,000, has agreed to sell his Ancaster home to
finance another $120,000 in restitution and will sign an undertaking with the OSC to
repay the remaining $88,000.
The OSC's lawyer pointed out there was no evidence that Mainse or Rutledge
perpetrated any fraud themselves or were even aware that a fraud was being carried
The OSC also noted Mainse and Rutledge co-operated fully, voluntarily agreed to be
interviewed and provided all documents requested. They will also appear as witnesses in
the OSC's ongoing case against Driver, an associate of his and several of their
Mainse's lawyer told the OSC yesterday his client accepts responsibility and is
remorseful for what happened. He also described Mainse as an unsophisticated investor
who was duped by Driver, a man he once considered a friend.
"If ever there was a wolf in sheep's clothing, his name would be Gordon Driver," Naster
told the OSC, calling Driver "cunning" and "deceitful."
"He successfully carried out his scheme under the guise of kindness and goodwill,"
Naster added.
Rutledge, who was self-represented, expressed his remorse and regret to the OSC.
"I just want to confirm that lessons have been learned," he said. "Today, justice is being
"I'll move forward from this day wiser."
Yesterday, the OSC also extended cease trade orders against Driver and his companies
that have been in place since April 2009. The OSC's lawyer indicated that the
investigation into Driver, his associate and several of their companies is essentially
Neither Driver nor his lawyer made an appearance at the hearing.
The next scheduled appearance date is Oct. 25.
The OSC alleges that Driver and his companies engaged in a number of breaches of the
Securities Act, including perpetrating a fraud on investors over a period of three years.
The OSC claims that Driver produced false client statements to mislead investors about
the status of their investments and that he misappropriated about $1.1 million US of
investors' money for his own use.
A settlement has not yet been reached with Reynold Mainse, another son of David
Mainse, who is also part of the OSC's investigation into Driver's investment scheme.
The OSC has indicated that Reynold Mainse, like his brother and Rutledge, is not
considered a party to the alleged fraud.

Reynold Mainse, the OSC and Open

Bible Faith Fellowship
Posted on August 11, 2012 by Bene Diction
Should someone have the rights and privileges of ministerial (ordination) credentials
given by a branch of the Ontario government when that person is under investigation by
another arm of the provincial government?
Reynold Mainse, son of David Mainse, founder of Crossroads
Christian Communications Inc. is listed as an ordained minister by the Ontario Attorney
General. He is licenced to perform marriages (Marriage Act 1990) and under Revenue
Canada tax law, can claim a Clergy residence tax deduction.
As Ive checked the ongoing investigation of Axcess Automation/Gordon
Driver/Crossroads/100 Huntley Street online occasionally, I decided to look at the
Ontario AGs list in July and mentioned at the end of an update post that Reynold
Mainse was listed as an ordained minister in good standing with the Province of Ontario.
The information has been eating at me, and I contacted the agency who extended the
right and privilege of ordination to him.
Mainse is ordained by Open Bible Faith Fellowship. First, a bit of background.
Reynold Mainse, Axcess Automation/Funds and the Ontario Securities Exchange
In April 2009, it came to public attention that the Ontario Securities Commission, the
US Securities Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
were investigating an alleged 14 million dollar ponzi scheme run by Canadian Gordon
Driver. Over 100 investors in Canada and the US were targeted by his Axcess
Automation/Axcess Funds.
A timeline of the investigation, and documents is here. Gordon Driver had worked for
Crossroads, as had David Rutledge, a cousin of Reynold Mainse who was also named in
the early documents.
Mid-May 2009, Ron and Reynold Mainse disappeared as hosts of 100 Huntley Street, the
flagship program of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. In June Crossroads
broadcast a brief statement. The on-air removal of founder David Mainse sons was
covered by various media outlets, and Crossroads ordered a forensic audit to ensure
that no viewer donations had been invested in the scam. Crossroads board declared in
July 2009 that the organization was clean. Meantime it came to light brothers Ron and
Reynold Mainse were being investigated as finders for the ponzi scheme.
In August 2009, Reynold Mainse made a statement, shortly after the Crossroads board
released this statement, and in October 2009, Ron Mainse was re-instated as a 100
Huntley Street host and Spiritual Director. Reynold Mainse made a brief 100 Huntley
Street appearance around the Haiti earthquake and disappeared from public view again.
In August 2010, Ron and his cousin David faced the OSC regulatory music.

The son of 100 Huntley Street founder David Mainse and his cousin have been ordered
to pay nearly $450,000 in restitution and penalties to the Ontario Securities Commission
for their roles in an alleged Ponzi scheme created by a Freelton man.
Ron Mainse, an ordained minister and a leader of Burlingtons Crossroads Christian
Communications, was ordered to repay about $138,000 in commissions he received
from Gordon Driver, who is alleged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to
be the mastermind of a $14-million US Ponzi scheme involving nearly 200 North
American investors.
Mainse was also ordered to pay a $10,000 penalty and refrain from trading securities or
becoming a director or officer of a company that reports to the OSC for eight years.
Mainses lawyer, Jay Naster, turned over cheques for the entire amounts to the OSC at
yesterdays hearing.
David Rutledge of Ancaster, Mainses cousin and also an ordained minister, was ordered
to pay back nearly $263,000 in commissions he received from Driver, pay a $35,000
penalty, and refrain from trading securities or becoming a director or officer of a
reporting company for a period of 15 years.
Rutledge turned over a cheque for $90,000, has agreed to sell his Ancaster home to
finance another $120,000 in restitution and will sign an undertaking with the OSC to
repay the remaining $88,000.
What about (Rev.)Reynold Mainse? His initial hearing with the OSC was scheduled for
April 2011, along with Steven Taylor, a childhood friend of Gordon Driver. A decision
about Mainse being an alleged Axcess Fund finder are not resolved. He is alleged to have
brought in 22 investors to the tune of 4.1 million. He is alleged to have received a
finders fee of over 210 thousand dollars.

The OSC investigation is far from over for Reynold Mainse. So why is he currently an
ordained minister through the OBFF?
I asked, and the OBFF got back to me promptly.
Reynold Mainse and the OBFF
I do not believe the OBFF (which handles about 500 ministers) was up to speed about
Mainse and the OSC.
OBFF is now. That having been said, the OBFF answered that since the board of
Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. put Reynold in good standing, that is enough
of an endorsement for continued ordination.

Did the Crossroads board endorse Reynold Mainse as being free and clear ethically and
morally for ordination and employment?
We are pleased that Ron Mainse and Reynold Mainse have taken the time away from
Crossroads to process the issues around the current circumstances and are actively
engaged in their own personal and spiritual journeys, before renewing their public
ministries. They have the prayers, love, and full support of the Board of Directors. We
would like to assure our partners that while this matter has taken some time to process,
the process of the Board of Directors is, and will continue to be, preserving the integrity
of 100 Huntley Street.
This statement is about the legacy of Crossroads a forensic audit indicating that no
Crossroad donor money was used to invest in the ponzi scheme. That employees, family
and others around Crossroads who invested were broken, their finances drained and
relationships shattered by the actions of the finders. The use of the charities money is
the focus of this Crossroad board statement, not the Mainse brothers personal
investments or roles as finders.
The OBFF has to have a relationship of trust with churches and organizations which
endorse people for ordination. The OBFF doesnt have a researcher to check transcripts,
employment and character of its applicants. While everything Ive posted is public
knowledge, it took some digging. I dont believe the OBFF moved past its trust of others
to do their own digging in this case.
The OBFF also stated their need to respect the leadership of 100 Huntley who endorses
him. (Reynold Mainse)
Look at this statement carefully from the 2009 board:
We are pleased that Ron Mainse and Reynold Mainse have taken the time away from
Crossroads to process the issues around the current circumstances and are actively
engaged in their own personal and spiritual journeys, before renewing their public
ministries. They have the prayers, love, and full support of the Board of Directors.
Reynold Mainse has not finished processing the issues the Crossroads board was
aware in 2009 that the OSC is far from finished with him. Ive prayed for Reynold Mainse
to, but I wouldnt endorse him for ministry while he is facing the OSC.
Another term for in good standing is covering. I dont see how Reynold Mainse has
the endorsement of the Crossroads board regarding the resolution of his personal
issues and it wouldnt matter if he did.
Is employment cause for in good standing?
Reynold Mainse is not employed by Crossroads.

Im hard pressed to understand how he is under Crossroads covering. Even if he was

employed at Crossroads, TV is a business if Crossroads needed an engineer with
specific skills it wouldnt matter if he was an atheist or a zoroasterian, if a Christian isnt
available, they hire who they need. If employment does put someone in good
standing, this doesnt apply for Reynold Mainse, by Crossroads own admission, he
doesnt work for them.
An endorsement by a father is not an endorsement by a board. David Mainse anger and
hurt at media and blogs for covering his sons involvement in the ponzi scheme is a
matter of public record. Reynold is his son, and the heart and hurt of a father is not an
indicator of good standing with a charity board.
Reynold popped up on tv again May 29, 2012, during 100 Huntley Streets Founders
Week. Starts at 5:02 and ends 6:27. Both Reynold and his father are careful to say he
took pictures for his dad for a month, not that he has been working for 100 Huntley
Street, CTS or with other Crossroads projects. If David Mainse paid his son Reynold for
photos out of Crossroads money, does the Crossroads board know? Would that payment
be considered ethical by donors?
Reynold Mainse has a photography business, called Mainse Media Group, which,
ironically is endorsed by George Woodward, the Secretary Treasurer of OBFF.

At what point does OBFF become an enabling party to an unresolved investigation?

I dont believe Reynold Mainse was not warned about his involvement with Axcess
Funds. The OSC acknowledges in the settlement with Ron Mainse that Ron Mainse had
misgivings. I find it difficult to believe the brothers didnt talk about concerns. And while
Crossroads operates in its own bubble, I find it difficult to believe people knowledgeable
about investing didnt sound a warning to Reynold. Would ordination be forthcoming if
Reynold had been warned?
The OBFF believes Reynold Mainse lost his home as a result of his involvement with
Axcess Automation/Funds and the OSC investigation.
This belief is concerning for a couple of reasons.
Yes, Reynold Mainse moved recently. However if he lost his home there are a couple of
possible scenarios:

a) he may have made restitution with one or more investors from the proceeds of his
house sale, but if he did he would be compromising his defense. What about the losses
of other investors he allegedly found, and restitution with them? The OSC is
investigating, no lawyer would advise his client to do pay back some people he allegedly
brought into the ponzi scheme and not all.
b) perhaps Mainse has handed the OSC funds (restitution/fines) as a goodwill gesture.
Hence the house move. That is a possibility if there was been an admission of guilt that
has not yet been made public. If there has been an admission of guilt, why is there an
ongoing investigation?
c) selling a home could be done to protect assets as a preventative measure against
OSC findings down the road. If the new home is purchased, it could be in his wifes
name. The new home could be a rental, assets could be under a trustee. Divestment
can also count against someone under investigation.
To believe Reynold Mainse lost his home, opens up a can of worms for the OBFF.
Being an ordained minister is a privilege, and a calling, not a right. Would a mainline
denomination ordain a man or woman who is under investigation? If they did and
became aware of an ongoing investigation, would that denomination suspend the
ministers licence until matters were resolved? The denomination could ill afford not to.
Accountability to the body matters, clear and public demonstrations of consequences
speak loudly. If allowances are made, a door opens to all kinds of abuses. Followers of
Christ and the public deserve better.
Reynold Mainse is innocent until found guilty or cleared, but until then, why isnt his
licence under suspension?
The OBFF management and board have an opportunity to re-evaluate their
ordination/licensing decision and do their own investigation. Boards are tasked with
diligence, to avoid all appearance of evil. When a secular agency like the OSC buckles
down and does its job for investors and society, and followers of Christ lag far behind
practising accountability, we are all the poorer.



Dominion Theology
Heaven Can't Wait

Gordon Driver, Axcess

Automation/Funds ordered to pay 41.4
million by California judge
Posted on July 19, 2012 by Bene Diction
This week, a federal judge in Southern California sided with the United States Futures
Trading Commission and handed Driver a whopping bill for his shenanigans: $41.4
U.S. District Court Judge Otis D. Wright, II ordered Driverwho used a majority of the
money he stole for a lavish lifestyle that included Las Vegas casino gambling missionsto
pay $9.6 million in restitution plus a $31.8 million civil penalty.
Wright isnt messing around. He expects all of the money to be paid by July 22. Im
guessing the judge is unhappy that Driver continues to show no remorse.
Orange County Weekly

Driver has a home in Freelton Ontario, along with a residence in the Las Vegas
area. Many Axcess investors from Canada were drawn into the ponzi scheme by 100
Huntley Street host Ronald Mainse, his brother Reynold and cousin David Rutledge.
Ronald Mainse and David Rutledge settled with the Ontario Securities Commission in
2010, after being named as finders for Axcess Automation/Axcess Funds, and were
ordered to pay 400 thousand dollars in restitution.
Gordon A. Driver was employed at Crossroads Christian Communications years
ago. About 1/3 of investors were drawn into the scheme through Crossroads
More at Forbes and Hedgeweek
To Axcess Automation/Fund Investors: This summary judgement is not criminal. It will
take one of the hundred or so who invested with Axcess Automation/Funds to make a
call to a US District Attorney and ask for a criminal trial. One of you. Its been a couple
of years, and for many of you Ive no doubt its been a struggle. Gordon Driver can (and

according to the CFTC) will probably keep doing what he did. If you want to insure that
no one else is harmed, make that call.
US and Canadian regulatory bodies (SEC, CFTC and OSC) dont pursue criminal action.
The groundwork has been laid, now it is up to an investor or investors to take a step
toward justice.
The process is simple. If you are a US investor download and print a copy of the
California court judgement, proof you were an investor, head over to the nearest police
department and ask for a courtesy report. The police will forward what youve given
them to the Nevada DA. A US citizen doesnt need a lawyer.
Does anyone know what a Canadian citizen can do, other than crossing the border and
completing the same procedure as a US citizen does?

David Mainse of Crossroads slams blogs

the blogs are always lies

In a New Years clip touching base with the founder of Crossroads Christian
Communications Inc., 100 Huntley Street host Jim Cantelon interviews David Mainse
about the changes taking place at one of Canadas religious networks.
Its a rambling interview, and about 10 minutes in Cantelon asks Mainse about what
people who support the ministry are asking Mainse as he tours the country meeting with
legacy donors.
Mainse starts off about a reporter at The Hamilton Spectator who he doesnt name. He
decides they did their job, and launches into a criticism of social media specifically
JC: Is there a question that occurs more often than any other, kind of a common
DM: Yes there is, the people all want to know whats going on at the ministry. They only
hear one side of the story, may I say that the reporter at The Hamilton Spectator who
broke this story about this man who did not show up for a court hearing in Toronto by
the way and who had taken advantage of uh, of uh Ronald and Reynold, uh, Reynold has
not been an employee for some time, and he basically earns his living as a professional
photographer, and has for quite some time. But uh, you only get one side of the story.
Now the reporter, to his credit, the Hamilton Spectator has given uh, I think very fair

And David Mainse lets viewers know what he thinks about blogs as he continues to
answer the question about the questions he gets on his Thank you Canada fundraiser
10:40 into interview. Transcripting mistakes are mine alone.
However, you get on the blogs and the blogs are always lies. Now, half truths are
lies. One of the reasons that gossip, backbiting, is in the same list in the scripture as
murder and and adultery of evils that have attached themselves to the human race,
because if you dont have all the facts, this is why you have editorial control. This is
why, for Jim, uh, why, you know, our new leadership has asked you to take on executive
producers role for all the opinion we do on talk shows here. Let me just say I remember
back, maybe about 1990, I said to Jim one time, I remember the spot in the hall at the
old 100 Huntley building downtown Toronto, I said, Jim is there anything at all you
havent made up your mind about? Do you remember me saying that? Because, very
strong opinions, but, there are checks and balances, thats what an editorial board is,
and a newspaper. Checks and balances, but on the blogs; I treat a blog just like I treat
the uh, the rags that are at the check out counter at the grocery store. I dont read
them. I refuse to read them, because they are half-truths, theyve not been well
researched, they are, they have no editorial control, there is no checks or balances on
these, and so they are not reliable.

David Mainse is typical of many deceived Preachers He is right and

others are wrong. He has all the answers and the others are going

August 13, 2010, 6:09 am

Authorities Say Ponzi Had Ties to Christian Chat Show
The Ontario Securities Commission has named two sons of David Mainse, the founder
of the Canadian Christian talk show, 100 Huntley Street, in a case involving a $15
million Ponzi scheme, The Globe and Mail reported.
The Mainse brothers, Reynold and Ronald, were not party to the fraud, the Canadian
authority said, but they allegedly breached securities rules because their actions
constituted trading in securities for which they were not registered in Ontario.
The brothers are alleged to have promoted two investment schemes and were jointly
paid a total of 248,000 Canadian dollars in commissions for their referrals.
On Thursday, the Canadian authority said the investments were a Ponzi scheme
operated by Gordon Driver, who briefly worked at the television show.

The statement of allegations also named David Rutledge, an ordained minister who
was previously employed by the charitable organization that operates 100 Huntley
Street. He is accused of trading in securities without registration, but is not accused
of participating in the fraud, the newspaper said.

Mainse and 100 Huntley St. supports fellow PAOC Pastor Bill Brankard who is
Third Wave and friends of Patricia King and John Arnott who believe in suing
and taking Christians to court! See The $50 MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT TORONTO
See also the Criminal/Perjurer who tweets Speaking

@ctftoronto leaders school. The loving father, the importance of forgiveness & Carol is
doing the topic bitter root judgments Posted on August 24, 2010 by johnarnott and
Hello Hawaii. Posted on August 29, 2010 by johnarnott

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Third Wave Dangerous, Deceptive And Demonic
False Holy Spirit Conference

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Gordon Williams <>

Date: Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Canadian religious broadcaster David Mainse has now endorsed
the "holy laughter revival" on his television program, "100 Huntley Street."
Hi Walter: I was talking with David Mainse today and asked him if he was endorsing
the Toronto Airport so-called ministry and he told me that he was not. The last time
that he had anything to do with them was 10 years ago when he preached for them
but hasn't had anything to do with them since. So, wherever this information is
coming from certainly is not from him. Yours in Jesus Christ, Gordon


Driver, who named Ron and Reynold Mainse of Crossroads Christian Communications

Inc. in US court documents as finders in the 14 million dollar ponzi scheme was
assigned a public defender last year. He was a former employee of Crossroads. The
Mainse brothers were removed from the TV show 100 Huntley Street in June 2009
after the Ontario Securities Commission ordered Axcess Automation/Funds to cease
all activity in April 2009, and the CFTC civil case was launched in the US in May. Ron
Mainse was removed as President of Crossroads Christian Communications and was
demoted to spiritual director. He went back to the show last last year saying he had
set up a restitution fund for his victims.
Ron: There were probably 40 to 50 who invested, mostly family and friends, we
never put out anything to staff, it was mostly word of mouth, there were some staff
but we were not actively soliciting.
Jim: They all crashed with you?
R: I cant tell you how deeply grieved I am, some losing significant amounts of
savings. By Gods grace Ill be forgiven.
During the 100 Huntley Street comeback interview Mainse said his brother Reynold
and wife Kathy had left Crossroads about a year and a half earlier to pursue other
interests. (Heavens Gate) Cousin Glen Rutledge who had been Crossroads former
director of ministry relations had also left Crossroads to work for Axcess Funds. He
was named in the April OSC cease and desist. Driver and his friends were not
registered to trade securities in Canada or the US.
Most of the 100+ investors were Canadians centred around Crossroads. Reynold
Mainse gave no indication he had left the religious broadcasting company his father
David founded when he did an interview with ChristianWeek in August 2009.
He stated in an email early August that as well as investing, he drew 15 people into
the Axcess ponzi scheme.
All references to the forensic audit and board decisions around Driver and Axcess have
been removed from the corporate page of Crossroads Christian
Communications. Crossroads said no ministry funds were invested. In December the
charity announced a new CEO had been on the job since October 2009.
Gordon Driver lives in Nevada.

Freelton man must turn over 'Ponzi'

gains - Local - Freelton man must turn over 'Ponzi' gains

Steve Buist
The Hamilton Spectator
(Dec 14, 2009)
A Freelton man accused of running a $14-million Ponzi scheme has agreed to turn over
his "ill-gotten gains" and pay a penalty following a settlement reached with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Gordon Driver and his company, Axcess Automation, reached the agreement just days
after the SEC had gone to a California court seeking a contempt order against Driver
for not complying with previous court-ordered requirements.
The SEC was also asking the judge to consider jail time as a possible sanction against
Driver if he was found guilty of contempt.
Driver and his company are alleged to have defrauded more than 100 Canadian and
American investors since 2006 by promising them weekly returns on their investment
as high as 5 per cent, based on special software he says he developed to trade futures.
Among those who invested in the alleged Ponzi scheme, court documents say, are two
sons of David Mainse, founder of Burlington's Crossroads Television and 100 Huntley
A court hearing will be held to determine the amount of money that Driver must turn
over and the size of the penalty he faces.
Contacted by e-mail Saturday, Driver declined to answer questions about the
"I don't think you know how to be fair and balanced," Driver responded.
"You have missed the opportunity to find the real story."
As part of the agreement with the SEC, Driver will be prevented "from arguing that he
did not violate the federal securities laws as alleged," and can't challenge the validity
of the agreement in court.
The agreement also requires Driver to acknowledge that the deal with the SEC does
not provide him with any immunity from possible criminal charges.
In August, Driver acknowledged in a court motion that he is now the subject of a
criminal investigation and that he had been provided with a public defender to protect
his rights in that case.
Driver and his company are not registered to sell and trade securities in either Ontario
or the U.S.
The Ontario Securities Commission has already ordered Driver and Axcess Automation
to cease all trading.

Driver's addresses are listed as a large home located in Wildan Estates, just south of
Freelton, and an address in Las Vegas.
In July, a spokesperson for Crossroads said that the Mainse brothers' personal funds
had been invested with Driver.
They said no money from the Christian ministry had been misappropriated.

Case Status Report: Gordon Driver & Axcess

The CFTC filed a Federal injunctive complaint against Gordon A. Driver, Axcess
Automation LLC and Axcess Fund Management LLC on May 14, 2009 in the Central
District of California (Case No. 09-CV-0578 ODW (RZx)). The US Securities & Exchange
Commission (SEC) filed a related action on the same day (Case No. 09-CV-3410 ODW
(RZx)). The CFTCs complaint charges that Defendants engaged in a fraudulent
commodity pool Ponzi scheme that defrauded over 100 investors in the U.S. and Canada
of at least $13.5 million and that they misappropriated investor funds. The complaint
also charges that Defendants Driver and Axcess Automation commingled pool funds and
failed to register as a Commodity Pool Operator, and that Axcess Fund Management
failed to produce documents requested by the CFTC during its investigation.
February 2, 2010:
Court orders continuance of February 5, 2010 Order to Show Cause Hearing to March 5,
2010 at 3:00 pm in the courtroom of the Hon. Otis D. Wright II, US District Court,
Central District of California.
January 11, 2010
At the 1:30pm Hearing in US District, Central District of California (Western Division
Los Angeles) before Judge Otis D. Wright II on Plaintiffs Motion for Issuance of Order to
Show Cause Why Defendants Should Not Be Held in Contempt.
August 26, 2009
California Federal Court Order Continues Asset Freeze against Las Vegas
Resident Gordon A. Driver, Axcess Automation LLC and Axcess
FundManagement LLC
CFTC charged defendants in May with operating a $13.5 million Ponzi scheme that
defrauded more than 100 participants in the United States and Canada
Washington, DC -The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today
announced that a Federal court judge in Los Angeles continued an asset freeze against
Gordon A. Driver of Las Vegas, Nev. and his companies, Axcess Automation LLC and
Axcess Fund Management LLC, all charged in a CFTC anti-fraud action with operating a

$13.5 million Ponzi scheme. The scheme allegedly defrauded more than 100 participants
in the United States and Canada, with many participants residing in Los Angeles County
and in Ontario Province.
The preliminary injunction order, entered on August 17, 2009, by Judge Otis D. Wright
II of the U.S. District Court, Central District of California, continues the courts asset
freeze against the defendants entered on May 14, 2009, when the CFTC charged them
with defrauding commodity pool participants. The court order requires defendants to
provide to the CFTC an accounting of their assets and prohibits them from engaging in
any commodity-related trading, among other relief.
The order arises from a CFTC complaint that charges defendants with operating two
commodity pools as a Ponzi scheme, misappropriating pool participant funds and issuing
false statements to participants. Defendants allegedly accepted more than $13.5 million
from participants and traded only about $3.7 million of this amount, losing
approximately $3.5 million. Gordon Driver allegedly misappropriated pool funds for his
personal expenses, including cash withdrawals at Las Vegas casinos (See CFTC Press
Release 5656-09, May 15, 2009).
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a related civil action against
Driver and Axcess Automation LLC on May 14, 2009 (SEC v. Driver, et al., case no.
09cv3410 ODW (RZx)). On April 15, 2009, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
filed a cease trading order against Driver, temporarily prohibiting him from trading any
securities within Ontario Province. The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the SEC and
the OSC in this litigation.
In the continuing litigation, the CFTC seeks a permanent injunction order, civil monetary
penalties and other equitable relief against the defendants.
August 17, 2009
Hearing in Central District of California (Western Division) before Judge Wright. Court
denies Drivers motion to modify asset freeze to pay for an attorney. Court issues a
preliminary injunction against further violations, temporarily bans Defendants from
trading commodity futures and options, and continues asset freeze. Court also orders
Defendants to answer the complaint within 45 days. See CFTC press release here:
June 4, 2009
Hearing in Central District of California (Western Division) on Order to Show Cause why
preliminary injunction should be issued against Defendants. Court allows Defendants 60
days to obtain an attorney.
May 14, 2009
CFTC files complaint charging Gordon Driver, Axcess Automation LLC, and Axcess Fund
Management LLC with engaging in a fraudulent Ponzi scheme in connection with two

commodity pools operated by Defendants. See CFTCs press release here:


Julian Mysko on Dec 20th, 2009 at 3:14 pm

A new CEO, how interesting. As you stated Bene I figure the new boss would have to do
some employee housekeeping and there will be unhappy campers; but wow, if CTS and
Crossroads dont get basic public communication functioning soon, their consumers will
be long gone.
Yes Bene, I do see the need for a major housekeeping particularly those that were hired
through means of nepotism and that applies not only to the ministry division but the
CTS-TV division as well. Even before this public Ponzi scheme came to light in the public
I was already privy to the nature of Crossroads tainted and unethical corporate culture.
As a former employee at Crossroads in the CTS-TV division I witnessed the
extreme nepotism factor when it comes to Crossroads hiring practices, some
people that were or are recipients of nepotism that were hired in years past
were not truly qualified to do the specific functions that they were hired for.
This nepotism practice is one of the many causes of Crossroads problems.
And outside of the nepotism factor if anyone that really needs to be terminated it would
be the person who was the former senior personnel member in Crossroads. H. R.
department. Ideally he should be terminated without any form of severance or pay-out
in any way or form and his business conduct investigated. This man from what I
understand is now in a senior management position in the Crossroads CTS-TV division.
During and after my years at Crossroads CTS-TV many employees had and probably still
do have a profound number of complaints that were legitimate regarding this mans
business ethics and his personal attacks on those who question his credibility and abuse
of power. The way this man dealt with me and my immediate family and other
employees as well made us more aware of Crossroads internal severely tainted structure
and partially the contributing reasons for the evasiveness towards the public.
My recommendation to Don Simmonds, start from the top of the corporate base to do
the housekeeping or purging if Crossroads wants to rebuild some credibility and
sustainability. I also accentuate in the interest for Crossroads as a whole that he, Mr.
Simmonds should not have David Mainse or any of Davids family members meddle in
any way or form in the process of the housekeeping or purge.
Responses to Crossroads Christian Communications has new CEO and chairman of the
board Don Simmonds

Centre Of An Alleged Ponzi Scheme

Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., which found itself in the centre of an alleged
ponzi scheme this summer involving a former employee/Mainse cousin, Ron and Ann
Mainse and Reynold and Kathy Mainse has removed statements made by Crossroads
CEO Doug McKenzie, Ron Mainse, the Crossroads board of directors and the Canadian
Council of Christian Charities.

Freelton man must turn over 'Ponzi'

Steve Buist
The Hamilton Spectator
(Dec 14, 2009)

A Freelton man accused of running a $14-million Ponzi scheme has agreed to turn over
his "ill-gotten gains" and pay a penalty following a settlement reached with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Gordon Driver and his company, Axcess Automation, reached the agreement just days
after the SEC had gone to a California court seeking a contempt order against Driver for
not complying with previous court-ordered requirements.
The SEC was also asking the judge to consider jail time as a possible sanction against
Driver if he was found guilty of contempt.
Driver and his company are alleged to have defrauded more than 100 Canadian and
American investors since 2006 by promising them weekly returns on their investment as
high as 5 per cent, based on special software he says he developed to trade futures.
Among those who invested in the alleged Ponzi scheme, court documents say, are two
sons of David Mainse, founder of Burlington's Crossroads Television and 100 Huntley
A court hearing will be held to determine the amount of money that Driver must turn
over and the size of the penalty he faces.
Contacted by e-mail Saturday, Driver declined to answer questions about the
"I don't think you know how to be fair and balanced," Driver responded.
"You have missed the opportunity to find the real story."

As part of the agreement with the SEC, Driver will be prevented "from arguing that he
did not violate the federal securities laws as alleged," and can't challenge the validity of
the agreement in court.
The agreement also requires Driver to acknowledge that the deal with the SEC does not
provide him with any immunity from possible criminal charges.
In August, Driver acknowledged in a court motion that he is now the subject of a
criminal investigation and that he had been provided with a public defender to protect
his rights in that case.
Driver and his company are not registered to sell and trade securities in either Ontario
or the U.S.
The Ontario Securities Commission has already ordered Driver and Axcess Automation to
cease all trading.
Driver's addresses are listed as a large home located in Wildan Estates, just south of
Freelton, and an address in Las Vegas.
In July, a spokesperson for Crossroads said that the Mainse brothers' personal
funds had been invested with Driver.
They said no money from the Christian ministry had been misappropriated.

CTS charity CITS Media Resources Organization

Readers of BDBO rock! (Just wanted you to know that)
Am I any closer to understanding how CTS can claim CITS Media Resources Organization
is a charity able to issue tax receipts? Not exactly. Closer, but not fully understanding
this charity legally yet.
In the meantime I said Id post a history of CTS (Crossroads Television System).
Rather than re-invent the wheel may I point you to an excellent historical summary of
CTS from the Canadian Television Foundation. The article is in plain English and gives a
succinct overview.

Television system is a unique Canadian term which refers to TV stations which share
common ownership, brand and programming.
CTS is a privately owned non-profit with shareholders who expect a reasonable return
on their investment. CTS hasnt said that to me personally, Im drawing that conclusion
based on an email from a former employee and this comment at ChristianWeek. If Im
wrong, by all means pipe up.
CTS is regulated by Industry Canada and the Canadian Radio-Television &
Telecommunications Commission. It is carried to consumers by Bell and Shaw
(StarChoice) by satellite, and is also on cable in most provinces and territories in
Canada. According to the CRTC religious broadcasting policy:
Accordingly, the Commission considers that any religious organization or foundation
using the Canadian broadcasting system to solicit funds should be a charity, and should
be registered as such with Revenue Canada in accordance with the Income Tax Act.
Registered charitable organizations or foundations must, among other requirements,
make available an annual public information return describing the charitys purpose and
activities and setting out financial details regarding receipts and disbursements.
Yesterday I asked how a non-profit media company could call an appendage of the
company a charity.
The appendage is called CITS Media Resources Organization, marketed under Our Cause
at the CTS website and website called Hope for TV.
There are days I realize how much I dont know. This has been one of them. Any
corporation or company can decide at any stage in its life to file a letters patent, thats
not at all unusual.
CTS made its application in 2008.
Yep, CITS Media Resources Organization has been on Corporation Canadas website
since October 2008.
October 2, 2008 to be precise this application was filed in the municipality of Burlington.
CITS is licenced to broadcast by Hamilton with repeaters in London and Ottawa. In 2008
CTS got a licence to broadcast out of Edmonton and Calgary.
On October 27, 2008 a copy of a letter from a representative of the Industry Minister
was attached to file # 449772-4.

The first three directors were Richard Grey, former President of CTS, Janine Maxwell,
a businesswoman from the USA, and Rev. Keith Parks of Bethel Pentecostal Assembly in
BC. Does anyone know who the directors are now?
I scoured Alberta and Ontario Gazettes yesterday, and it finally twigged to try Canada
Gazette. A reader thought to look also and sent the link.
That answers my question. Sort of. By what authority does CITS Media Resources
Organization have the right to call itself a charity? If I am reading correctly - by the
authority of former Industry Minister Jim Prentice.

(Update: Sarcasm aside, Industry Canada cannot grant charitable status. The remaining
question is this: has this corporation registered as a for profit or a not for profit? Its
been Gazetted, the next step would be application to Revenue Canada Charities)
A letter of patent is the public granting of a right, in this case a request by CTS (a media

organization) to have its own charity. Canada Gazette is the official newspaper or
publication of government, a public announcement of record.
Im not a lawyer and I dont play one online, Im not a politician or a business owner.
Im just trying to figure out why a religious broadcaster applied for a charity
appendage in 2008 and unveils it now; knowing that for all intensive purposes CTS is
robbing its home donor base.
Im trying to figure out where the tax receipts will come from because there is no listing
for CITS Media Resources Organization federally- and located where Im used to finding
charities listed - Revenue Canada Charities.
Is this an opps? Was this marketed before Rev Can Charities approval?
Ms. Maxwell, one of the original applicants may be a Canadian citizen, a dual citizen or a
US citizen.
I dont know. Perhaps citizens of other countries are permitted to set up or help set
up Canadian charities.
Dick Gray was president of CTS and owner of Dick Gray Broadcasting Consulting. We
dont know if the original applicants are current charity directors.
According to the letters patent, this CTS charity is permitted to operate in Canada and
elsewhere. Elsewhere?
Who oversees this CITS Media Resources Organization?
Given what happened with the alleged ponzi scheme with Crossroads Christian
Communications Inc. this summer, is this CTS charity something donors can put trust
My brain is about the consistency of poutine as I write this. Two days of scouring
gazettes, newsletters, and regulations to find out where this charity sprang from is
tiring. And depressing.
Shining through all the legalize is a great deal of ambition.
Religious programming in Canada is not very transparent.
Canadians dont pay much attention. We are stuck with channels like CTS, and like any
speciality channel we arent interested in, we dont tune in.
If you are interested in the goals of CITS Media Resources Organization (which go
beyond the ads and glossy brochure in the letters patent) let me know and Ill lay them
out in a post. I think CTS has some talented broadcasters, who believe with all their
hearts they are working for God. They work hard, do they have any input or awareness?
As a Christian who worked in liberal/secular media, and a bit in religious media, I dont
like the approach the marketing has taken.
Its fear based, shallow, and targeting vulnerable people. Parents in Canada have vchips in their TVs. They are capable of monitoring their kids viewing, and making
decisions without a religious broadcaster telling them their new charity appendage can

do it for them. Other vulnerable groups may sincerely believe they are giving to God in
giving to The Cause, when giving may be effective closer to home.
The CRTC licence granted to CTS Alberta weighed out the conflict Canadian Christians
are expressing. Some feel Canada needs more religious programming, some dont.
Some object to balanced programming.
In a 2004 article in Mediacaster Magazine, called Channelling Faith, the author looks at
religious broadcasting in Canada.
However, the model of religious broadcasting which CSNY sang about, is strictly
American evangelicals. Their congregations number over 10,000 and the level of
bombast, dire predictions, and product pitches (they sell a lot of books and VHS tapes)
is not reflected in the Canadian faith programming, however these preachers do buy
time on the Canadian channels. And, proving that forgiveness is still a hallmark of the
Christian faith, Bakker is back on the air (and can be found on Miracle Channel) and
Swaggart and Falwell of course, still have their shows, but not on Canadian television.
Can you picture 100 Huntley Streets David Mainse, now retired, who had been on
Canadian television for over 40 years, dancing, or waving his arms around predicting
where the hellfire will strike, or hollering at viewers, or dissolving into raging tears?
Thought so. This is not the model of faith broadcasting in Canada.
Thats reflective of the viewers, says Miracle Channels vice-president, broadcasting Gord
Klassen. There is a totally different dynamic of viewers in Canada than in the States,
he says. Some of the things that have gone on with some of the religious broadcasters
in the States, that would just not be tolerated up here its less glitz and flash.
Indeed, a look at the Canadian programming on our faith channels shows no wild
Canadian preachers and a lot of sober, thought-provoking discussion where the
underlying message is largely Christian. While U.S. evangelicals are likely to use a Bibleverse-fuelled verbal jackhammer, sometimes complete with a similar decibel level, to
make viewers into believers and donors, the Canadian way is more along the lines of,
we have a message that we want to talk about, but do it in a way that you would do it
if you were talking to people over a table at Tim Hortons, explains Klassen. Its a lot
more laid back, and real. I think thats the way Id put it.
Were not going to beat people over the head until they convert, adds NowTVs Jeff
Thiessen. The pink hair doesnt fly with us. NowTV is a Vancouver-based Christian
broadcaster which also holds a license for Winnipeg, which it plans to put to use this fall.
That was 2004, I think the conclusions are less true. Think of Canadian religious
broadcasters as the branches of a tree, not the trunk. There are offshoot companies
from these broadcasters. Peter Youngren has started GraceTV and is comfortable
modelling US televangelists.
CTS runs retro shows from the US as well as originals, balanced and ministry according
to their CRTC mandate.
How many of CTS ministry shows below (click on the ministry link above) do you see as
originating in the US?
How many originate from the US on other religious broadcasting channels

in Canada? The duplication of programming on religious channels is not going to be

solved by a CTS charity for new programming (among other goals).
Media is a business, airtime is bought. Advertising is bought.
I hope potential donors go into this with their eyes wide open.

CTS Facebook
CTS Twitter
CITS wiki
Published 1 day, 10 hours ago 2 comments

Crossroads Television System starts charity religious TV trying to

stay afloat in Canada?
This is interesting, CITS has produced four slick ads. They are similar to the parental
control ads produced in the US bemoaning TV content.
That isnt the most interesting part by far. Not even close.
CITS has had an interesting history which Ill get to, but lets follow this marketing.
What is interesting is the new charity called CITS Media Resources Organization as we
click through. Im using the word charity in quotes because I called Revenue Canada.
Ill get to that below, I also called the CRTC.

Lets follow the offered links and see what is going on.

After watching the ads at Hope for TV (Whois registered September 17, 2009
to Crossroads Christian Television) we land with a click on the Hope for TV FAQ page
above. The page discusses parental fears, media addiction, dearth of choices and what
parents and churches can do to have HOPE. The Hope for TV solicitation campaign is
using 1995 data from The Canadian Heritage Department.
CTS hired a new PR firm this summer. Group of Seven Media started working with
Crossroads Christian Television September 1, 2009. Clicking through

Weve clicked to the heart of Hope for TV, the parent company CTS (Crossroads
Television System) and a plea for partners. You. Me. CTS is asking viewers to donate. Is
this business permitted to ask for money? Well get to that.

From 4 ads about TV and video violence, to CTS, to a brochure, an email donation
address and a CTS donation form page. Lets click.

Okay. Now, about that call to Revenue Canada Charities. I made two calls. The first was
to ask about CITS Media Research Organization, since I cant find them listed in the
Charities directorate online. The help desk at Rev Can couldnt find CITS Media Research
Organization either. I asked how long it takes to register a charity. I was told want to be
charities are informed it takes about 6 months after receipt of a completed form for
official status.
Since CITS Media Research Organization wasnt found in the main data base I asked if
applying groups are permitted to advertise as a charity.
Doesnt matter what a group expects to happen, if they do not have approval from Rev
Can and their registration BN number they are not permitted to advertise or soliciate.
Makes sense to me.
Whats going on?

I called Rev Can Charities back and asked if Hope for TV was registered as a charity,
thinking there might be a sub-name or company for CITS Media Research Organizations
or CTS Im not cluing into.
I also asked Rev Can Charities if they could tell me who the board of directors for CITS
Media Research Organization is.
Not until a tax return is filed. No tax return can be filed until there is a charity to file it.
See the conundrum?
Heres where BDBO readers can help.
I think CTS has every right to respond to this apparent confusion.
I also think television viewers in Canada who receive CTS on cable and satellite have a
right to know why the company is soliciting viewers for money and why the claimed
charity isnt showing up on regulatory radar. Share your information in the comments
1) Ive written CITS Media Research Organization. I do not have a long distance package
on my phone and my mic on my computer is busted so Skype isnt working. Its time for
readers in the 905 area code to go from clicking to dialing if youd care to help out.
If you are in Edmonton CKES or Calgary CKCS, ring up the affiliates. If you are
directed to Burlington CTS head office, by all means pop into the comments and let us
2) Would readers in the GTA Hamilton/Burlington 905 area be willing to call CTS and
ask what you think needs to be asked?
3) Once we here at BDBO receive the information from CTS you gathered about (CITS
Media Research Organization is a charity ) and your information youve gathered is in
the comments section, the next steps will be clearer.
Will complaints need to be filed with Rev Can Charities?
While readers get to work, Ill dig through CTS/CRTC information and post background
on Crossroads Christian Television. Since we all pay to receive CTS on our satellite and
cable packages, this is our concern.
What is going on here?
Update: The two men listed as heading this charity are Jack Hawkins and Iner Smith.
Hawkins contact phone # is in the 905 area and Smiths # is the 519 area. See the
comments below, thanks everyone; if CTS or the affiliates are listed as a business in
Alberta and Ontario, CTS can ask for donations and the CRA is not relevant. Since the
brochure says tax receipts will be issued end of year, this charity has to be registered

somewhere. It would be helpful if CTS was forthcoming and responded. If you have
ideas or information, please share it.
Published 3 days, 22 hours ago 18 comments


It is very unlikely they were naive but the truth will come out
28 walter safety on Oct 31st, 2009 at 7:23 pm
Garnet; I am a financial guy and I have seen this many times before. There are around 100
such investigations occurring now. It is very unlikely they were naive but the truth will come out.
The judges have heard it all before and seldom miss the mark on these cases. My guess is
Driver will testify that it was discussed and specific things were done to avoid having to comply
with those pesky rules. Who will be more believable? Its anybodys guess but there is not much
wiggle room in court. The charges will likely be selling securities without a prospectus and selling
without a license, and some non disclosure which are Provincial offences . Driver may face the
more serious criminal charge of fraud and since its a cross border matter he may get USA
But it is a case where mercy may be extended .Based on what I have read and the Mainse
interview and their willingness to admit guilt on some level they may get mercy.
So there is a lot we dont know and based on the info thats known there is not much
beyond the losses that people are dealing with .If this becomes a greater betrayal as more info
comes out any sympathy will quickly evaporate. We dont have any info on the money trail for
This isnt nearly over and will be devastating to 100 Huntley.
100 Huntley Street host Go ahead and cast stones


1. Bullroar

Oct 17th, 2009 at 5:33 pm

I watched with guarded interest as Ron, and then Ann Mainse where interview by
Jim Cantalon and Moria Brown respectively on 100 Huntley Street, and then
watched again to make sure I was hearing correctlyto be honest Im still
To be fair, I have not commented one way or another on the subject of the
Crossroads Board of Directors decision to have Ron step down as president of

Crossroads over the ponzi scam fiasco preferring of course to get the goods from
the horses mouth. At the outset David Mainse (former president and father of
Ron) comforted the masses and basically whitewashed the event by stating that
there was no need for concern and all would be revealed in due time. Personally, I
feel the silence (over four months) has done more harm than good.
Crossroads call the people who support the ministry partners, but they seem to
have drawn a line as to what can be shared and what cannot. If they were truly
concerned about the partners would it not have been better to come clean right at
the beginning than to leave in the dark the people who have supported them
through the years? What was offered by Ron and Ann was little more than what
we already knew except to say they lost a bit of sleep over the incident, and would
make full restitution to the 40 or 50 people who were scammed with themoh,
and they were both nave.
Now I have some questions that will most likely go unanswered in light of the
statement Jim Cantalon made after Rons interviewsimply stated that because he
did not use a script or have any predetermined questions that this would somehow
put to rest any furthers questions that people may have. Although I have a lot of
respect for Jim I hope he is not naive enough to believe that this is over by any
means. We dont need to know where the toilet paper goes when we flush it down
the toilet, until the toilet starts to back upthen we better find out where the
problem is and fix it. What little has come to light, or perhaps what hasnt, is
exactly what will continue to fuel the fire that this long silence has brought about.
I dont think privacy is an issue here, nor do I think that asking questions is like
throwing stones as some have suggested. To whom much is given, much is
required, and because those who are in the public eye have chosen to be there (no
one forced them) they have forfeited the right to privacy especially when the very
ministry they are involved in is supported by the public.
At the end of Jims interview with Ron, the marlette at the bottom of the screen
blatantly declared Rons title as president of Crossroads Christian Communications.
It begs the question why the board would reinstall Ron as president when in his
carefully crafted speech he declared himself a novice when it comes to anything
financial. Not that he needs to be a financial expert, but the fact remains that he
failed to consult anyone with experience that may have given him some much
needed advice before making a critical decision. Although I like Ron as a person he
doesnt exactly exude with confidencewhich is ok, but not necessarily the image
of someone who would be the president of a large ministry and making
assessments that would involve the hard earned cash of their supporters.
Personally, I would think twice before investing in a business where the leader
keeps things under the table or doesnt see the need to seek advice about things
that seem too good to be true. In my opinion Jim is more astute and would be
viewed as a more competent president, and Ron would be more suited as a host.
I also wonder why Ann was allowed to stay on as host of the couch potatoes when
she was equally involved in the same scam that dethroned her husband Ron, and
also removed Reynold and Kathy from their perspective positions.

Of course part of the problem was the interview itself. How could anyone expect
an impartial interview when the host(s) is (are) employed by the people being
interviewed. An outsider (perhaps Michael Coren) would have pressed for answers
to the tough questions instead of leading everyone along the garden path to a
happy ending. And speaking of endings, I was very dismayed after Rons interview
when he announced that the following week would be yet another two week
membership drive and fund raiserwith a huge smile on his face.
Business as usualindeed!
The Mainse pretend they are innocent and not guilty of anything which is a lie from the pits of
hell! The following comments says it all:
15 CA on Sep 14th, 2009 at 5:41 pm
Why dont the Finders come clean and admit that they immorally and illegally
solicited people who trusted them, I repeat, who trusted them (with a hidden
commission for every new customer) into a 1-5 % weekly ponzi profit scheme.
Instead they issue bogus statements, claiming they were victimized. What a joke!
They were OK with getting a hidden commission though. Did they tell their victims
they were getting a kickback ? I was approached once with an offer to get into a
similar scheme. I knew exactly what it was from the getgo and I said NO, let alone
becoming part of the scheme and getting other people in. Thats the real deal here.
Had they only invested in this scheme is one thing, but actually getting others to
invest with a hiiden commission (knowing they are well respected religious TV
personalities) is when it becomes immoral, unethical and illegal. What if this was
still going on, would they get out of the scheme and contact the authorities ? Why
dont they spare us all the religious overtones in their well scripted
explanations and come clean. I believe in God too, but I still have to
answer to the Canadian justice system for illegal activity and any
subsequent punishment. I believe the maximum for Affinity fraud (ponzi
scheme)is 2 years in prison.

1. 15 Matt on Sep 19th, 2009 at 8:34 am

The question is if the Mainse Ponzi brothers are not being honest and open with this
situation with the general public then why would the general public be open and generous
to trust Crossroads anymore?
Ron and Reynold are paid great salaries and benefits by Crossroads. why do they believe
they need to chase more money to help Gods kingdom? and they convince others to do
the same. honestly Gods kingdom is about poor and humble.
If you have ever given money or are giving money to Crossroads.. YOU really
need to think.. are they the people that need it?
Find the poor among you. find people who need it.. not a multi-million dollar
family run business that uses Gods name.

Go back to the bible and re-examine .. the life of Jesus comes face to face against their
type of philosophy.
Be smart!

Here are some serious questions for Jim Cantelon to ask Ron Mainse of
Crosssroads Communications and not just whitewash the alleged ponzi fraud
crime by so called Christians!
1. 59 Tim on Oct 5th, 2009 at 6:14 pm

Jim Cantelon is a talented intellectual heavyweight who appears to have been

handed something of a poison chalice in terms of interviewing Ron on live tv. It is
a stretch to think that the interview will be characterized by objectivity,
impartiality and spontaneity. One hopes there will be no whitewash and that the
whole thing is not choreographed as to insult the intelligence of the viewers in
some measure and consequently lead to the diminution of Cantelon. He (Cantelon)
deserves better.
It would seem to me that an impartial interviewer would be better positioned to
ask the tough questions.
2. 60 Bene D on Oct 5th, 2009 at 9:31 pm

Here are the questions posed in this comment thread.

1) What do the Mainse clan or their prominent religious friend care about victims?
2) How does Ron Mainse plan to make restitution?
3) Has communication with donors, employees and the public been transparent
and ethical?
4) How much does the founder of the ministry make including total compensation
and how much do members of his family make from the ministry?
5) Has there been clarity in respect of whether or not the investors knew that
those who recruited them were being paid finders fees for their efforts?
6) Why arent investors speaking up?
7) Are the Mainse family rich? (StatsCan median)
8 What perks do the inner Crossroads circle receive?
9) Who is the close friend who introduced Ron Mainse to an investment
10) What are the Mainse brothers doing in practical ways to help and recompense
their victims for their losses, sorrow and pain?
11) How many people did Ron Mainse draw in to this investment?
12) What is the total compensation package for the Mainse family?
13) Were the Mainse brothers being paid by Crossroads while off air?
14) Where any Axcess transactions completed in Canada?
15) How much of the 13.5 million did Crossroads employees bring in?

16) What (is) the age and earning of the average supporter of 100 Huntley Street
who is not aware that Ron and Ann are earning $ 270,000 per year and had no
saying in the hiring of a husband and wife team?
17) What do any of you know about the world of Music Royalties? (executive perks
and undisclosed income)
18) Did David Rutledge work his Crossroad contacts for Axcess Funds?
19) How many actual full time employess were there at that time (last tax filing)
and how many now?
(economic realities and stewardship)
20) What training has Ron had for his job? (ethical stewardship)
21) What is Rons total compensation package? (goes to the alleged ponzi scheme
and the desire to make more)
22) Being an agent for a ponzi scheme and not telling your suckered clients is
more than just a mistake and lack of integrity its a criminal act! Are these the
kind of big mistakes you (we) have made? (behavior, consequences, intent)
23) (What if) heads of Christian nonprofit churches and corporation would issue to
the public their income tax and their spouse and prove that they are not in the
ministry for the money?
24) What is the OSC decision regarding Rons involvement?

Ron Mainse returning to 100 Huntley Street, business as usual

Earlier this year after The Hamilton Spectator made the public aware Crossroads
Christian Communications executives Ron and Reynold Mainse had allegedly invested in
an ponzi scheme, the founders sons and their wives were yanked as hosts of the
flagship show.
We want to inform you that Ron and Reynold Mainse will not be appearing on any
Crossroads programming or otherwise represent Crossroads while they focus their
energies on certain matters in their personal lives. They have stepped down from their
duties until such time as the Board of Directors has a complete understanding of all of
the issues related to a financial investment matter that they were involved in outside of
their ministry at Crossroads.
In July Crossroads board announced the organization had been cleared in a forensic
audit; personal statements were released from both Ron and Reynold acknowledged
they had been finders for Axcess Automation/Funds. It is not publicly known how much
money the hosts lost, or who they drew into investing during their involvement with
Gordon Driver/Axcess. It is not known if the hosts remained on the payroll during the
internal investigation. It is not known if investors drawn in by Ron and Reynold were told
what the brothers finder fee was. It is not known how much the brothers made in finders

It appears (and this is vague to me) that retired founder David Mainse who hosted the
summer fundraiser will be hosting 100 Huntley Street once a week. Im open to
correction on my understanding.
Rons father David Mainse has announced Ron Mainse, President of Communication for
Crossroads is returning to the show with his wife Ann the Tuesday after
Thanksgiving. (October 13th?) with a half hour interview with Crossroads Christian
Communications US President Jim Cantelon.
In July the charity received an all-clear from the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.
CCCC is satisfied that the board has fulfilled its responsibility to act in a prudent,
proactive and thorough manner to address this issue and safeguard the ministry. They
took the matter very seriously when they became aware of it, and have sought and
acted upon several different types of professional advice. As it should, the board has
exercised independence from management. It has acted in what it believes are the best
interests of the ministry, as is their duty. Beyond these general comments, CCCC will
not report what the board has done because it is the responsibility of the Crossroads
board and management to determine how much of this information to make public.
After the 1/2 interview Ron and Ann Mainse will return to hosting 100 Huntley Street by
promoting a book associated with an independent film in the US.
The 2008 film Fireproof has been packaged with a book The Love Dare which was part of
the story line in the film. It sold 2 1/2 million copies in the US. The screenwriters will be
releasing a follow up book this month.
Ron Mainse will return to the show with a half hour interview with Jim
Cantelon, President of Crossroads Christian Communications USA.
No word on Reynold and wife Kathy Mainse return to air.
It is not known if Reynold Mainse has resumed his position as VP of Missions.
Mainse relative David Rutledge was ordered by the OSC in May to cease all activity with
Axcess Automation/Funds. Rutledge was the former director of ministries at Crossroads
prior to moving to Axcess Funds.
There is a civil suit ongoing in the US between Gordon Driver/Axcess Automation/Funds
and the SEC/CFTC. As well there is an on-going criminal investigation in the US.
The Commodities Future Trading Commission court documents state the 13.5 million
ponzi scheme targeted 100+ investors from Canada and the US. Investors who were
introduced to Axcess Automation/Funds through connections with Crossroads Christian
Communications and who lost a great deal have remained publicly quiet.
Regulatory timeline
Media timeline
Status report of CFTC civil suit
ChristianWeek reported in August Ron and Reynold Mainse were not facing charges.
Canadian Christianity reported neither brother had taken investment training as was

believed when the story became public in Canada.

Did the board do the right thing when it removed the Mainse brothers from their
positions at Crossroads? Why did they wait until the Hamilton Spectator story appeared
before they took public action? Is there more housecleaning yet to come? How will
donations be affected? What other changes are likely?
Media coverage has been odd, a few Canadian media outlets picked up the story but
didnt correct an error calling Crossroads a church. It is not. It is a charity with an offshoot non-profit cable network, CTS.
A commenter made a reasonable point this summer.
What questions would you ask?
Published 1 day, 16 hours ago

Responses to Ron Mainse returning to 100 Huntley Street, business as usual

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1. 1 walter kambulow on Oct 1st, 2009 at 12:29 pm

I was thinking today about accountability of Christian ministries including the

David Mainse clan and how they choose to be accountable to people of their own
choosing even though their tax exemption and money comes from the public and
not God!
As a matter of fact God has nothing to do with their ministry or accountability for
just like King Saul in 1 Samuel 15 chose to do what he wanted to do and ignore
what he didnt like even if it was God who told him to do it, they do the same!
And just like over evangelical hireling and thieves including Benny Hinn, Richard
Roberts, Todd Bentley and Rick Joyner, no one with any brains expected the
Mainse brothers to repent of anything except for the fact that they were exposed
pursuing the god of mammon and created victims who also lost money in the
And what do the Mainse clan or their prominent religious friend care about
victims? Nothing!
And in spite of their hypocritical show of love, caring, compassion and empty
words they have done and will do nothing for the victims they helped created just
like Richard Roberts and friends rushed to support Dan and Karl Strader in their
Ponzi crimes but refused to give any monetary support for the victims of the
Straders clan!
But all has not been in vain! Its obvious now to many readers of and others not only that the Mainse clan are scoundrels

and they through their control of Crossroads Communications and through

different family owned corporations have made lots of money for themselves as a
I have been told by a person who was good friends with Elaine Stacey and Kathy
Mainse they are all about money! And they could not accept any criticism and
accused their critics of being jealous of the family (money and their big happy
Demonizing critics is a standard approach by prominent Evangelical Pentecostal
hirelings who dont want to be accountable to anybody including Richard Roberts
who stated that the Holy Spirit told them that Walter Kambulow was very
promiscuous and had many issues (children) outside of marriage! Which was
nothing but hogwash and a lie from the pits of hell just like Pastor Steve Long of
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship who wrote all kinds of lies about Walter
Kambulow, whom he never met, to a total stranger including that Walter publicly
slanders his wife and he would have disciplined him if he had the chance!
Who in the world gave Pastor Steve Long the right to be my boss or think that he
can rule over me? No one! These arrogant and proud evangelical pastors are
Pastors John Arnott and Steve Long also stated in their $ 50 million extortion
lawsuit that Walter Kambulow had destroyed their church, their ability to be
pastors and carry out their functions, was divorced and was a member of their
church. All things that are not only lies but perjury because they were presented
under oath to the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario as the truth!
But what do you want from Pastors John Arnott and Steve Long who supported
and mentored Todd Bentley? Nothing of any value!
It seems that Bruce Stacy has done well financially as he is good at using his
Crossroad connections . So I have asked for the benefit of the trusting public for
the media to take a close look at how the Mainse Clan became rich out of their
Crossroads connections while doing nothing for the victims that the Mainse
brothers have created!
I anticipate good and great things to come out from this exposure of Wolves in
sheeps clothing!
2. 2 Bene Diction on Oct 1st, 2009 at 1:03 pm

Walter, lets not mix up all ministries into one lump.

It a surprise to no one who has read this blog that it was merely a matter of time
before Ron and Reynold would be back on-air.
That was the plan, wasnt it?

Id like to see what Jim Cantelon has to ask.

If you look at Ron Mainse statement he wants to make restitution.
Some of the questions I have about that is make restitution how?
He earns a salary from the charity, so is he going to use that to pay people back?
Is that what donors want?
If thats the plan is it biblical and ethical?
Who does he have to make restitution to?
He has not said how many people he was a finder for, how much he made as a
What do investors who were harmed by his actions want?
Being rich is not a sin, I think what you are pondering is how did the Mainse family
make their money and have they been wise with it?
I also want to know what safeguards the board has put in place so that in the
future employees dont destroy what little is left of public trust.
I also would like to know what kind of financial hit Crossroads has taken because
of this scandal.
Has communications with donors and the public been transparent and ethical?
Jim Cantelon has a stake in this 1/2 hour interview, Crossroads pays him. It would
have been nice as someone commented earlier to see someone not connected with
the charity ask the questions.
3. 3 walter on Oct 1st, 2009 at 1:55 pm

Walter, lets not mix up all ministries into one lump. Bene
1TM 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have
strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows.
I dont want to go into a long debate but I am not a novice concerning the lack of
accountability by most Evangelical ministries as demonstrated by Jim Bakker and
the PTL club, Jimmy Swaggart and his associational and even Billy Graham and his
For me money tells me why a person is in the ministry and the question I want to
know from every ministry that solicits money from the public is how much does
the founder of the ministry make including total compensation and how much do
members of his family make from the ministry?

When they hide it and will not tell me that tells me they are hirelings who dont
want people to know because they will stop giving money to them!
I wrote to many prominent Evangelical ministries in America requesting this
information and only the director of Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability
came clean and told me his salary and benefits and sent me a copy of his income
Now the President of United States is a public servant and he reveals his salary as
well as his income tax filing! So I expect the same from anybody whose income
comes from public donations!
My critics tell me that I have to reveal my salary but I am a private individual and
dont own or run a non profit corporation or church and dont have tax exemption
If any ministry wants to keep their total salaries secret let them become a private
corporation and give up their tax exemption status!
And the other issue here is that the Mainse brothers for all their talk didnt do
anything to help the victims? And actions speak louder than words!
The Mainse brothers have demonstrated todate they are not true men of God and
should not even be in Christian leadership because they are a joke!
4. 4 Bene D on Oct 1st, 2009 at 2:50 pm

I agree victims are the people who have been dumped, ignored, shoved under the
proverbial rug, have no voice. As in most alleged religious fraud the perpetrators
suck all the air out of the room.
To me it has always been about the investors who have had their trust betrayed.
The reality is the bubble the Mainse brothers lives in makes them victims to. Then
they victimized.
Its not okay, its never going to be okay.
Crossroads is an organization and it will self-protect at all costs.
I agree this goes to character, individually and collectively and Mark Petersens
point haunts me because over the months actions indicate this is not possible. I
will listen to the interview.
If anything, I am hoping for an organization which is transparent, accessible, and
though fallible, authentic. I want to hear the full story, the humbling storynot
one coated with religious mumbo-jumbo where image is more valued than
substance. Thats where this story began; it doesnt need to end there.
5. 5 walter on Oct 1st, 2009 at 4:16 pm

Bene! You are dreaming in color and in my opinion it will never happen!

I have never seen a wolf in sheeps clothing repent or come clean and that is why
I laugh at Todd Bentley and all his foolish statements that have no basis in truth!
6. 6 Tim on Oct 1st, 2009 at 4:55 pm

I may have missed something has there been clarity in respect of whether or not
the investors knew that those who recruited them were being paid finders fees for
their efforts? Perhaps Jim Cantelon can bring clarity by asking this question on air.
Why arent investors speaking up?

Check out Ron Mainse of 100 Huntley Street makes statement on

alleged ponzi scheme
For several weeks, Ron Mainse, president of Crossroads Christian Communications, Inc., and his
brother Reynold Mainse, director of missions for Crossroads, have been absent from their daily,
flagship program, 100 Huntley Street. The opening credits of the program have been re-edited
and longtime on-air staff member Moira Brown and Canadian radio/television broadcaster and
author Jim Cantelon have been fronting the daily telecast.
The best explanation seems to be found in this lone media report, which appeared May 21st in
the Hamilton Spectator. (Although The Spectator is owned by The Toronto Star, it appears the
story was considered too local to Hamilton to be picked up by the larger daily.)
The story identifies the Mainse brothers, sons of Crossroads founder David Mainse, as investing
in a project sold by Axcess Automation which the story identifies as a Ponzi scheme, illegal both
in Canada and the U.S.
The seller is identified as Gordon Driver. Gord, as he was known when he lived in Southern
Ontario, was the founder of Sounds of Triumph, a non-profit organization that produced
Christian concerts and radio programs, one of which was produced for Toronto Teen
Challenge. Offices and studios were located in the now demolished Evangelistic Centre at
Yonge and York Mills in Toronto; the same Pentecostal Holiness Church which for several years
rented space on Monday nights to a young evangelist named Benny Hinn.
Most of the Canadian investors come from former Canadian Pentecostal royalty, Mainse,
Rutledge, Stacey, the Crossroads family of media companies.
On November 6, 2007, United States senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa announced an
investigation of Hinn's ministry by the United States Senate Committee on Finance. Grassley
asked for the ministry to divulge financial information to the committee to determine if Hinn
made any personal profit from financial donations, and requested that Hinn's ministry make the
information available by December 6, 2007. The investigation also scrutinized five other
televangelists: Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, Eddie Long, Joyce Meyer, and Creflo Dollar.[17]
In March 2005, Ministry Watch, an independent evangelical organization which reviews Christian
ministries for financial transparency and efficiency and advises potential donors accordingly,
issued a Donor Alert stating that "the reported exorbitant spending of the Hinn family reveals
that BHM has far more money than it needs to carry out its ministry" and advising Christians to
"prayerfully consider withholding contributions to Benny Hinn" while praying for his restoration
and repentance.[6] Benny Hinn Ministries is not a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial

Hinn lives in an ocean-front mansion valued at an estimated $8.5 million in an exclusive gated
community in Dana Point, California, travels by private aircraft, and stays in hotel rooms costing
upwards of $3,000 per night.[8] In December 2006, he sent out a mailing asking for donations
towards a new Gulfstream G4SP jet valued at an estimated $36 million.[9]
According to an article in, television evangelist Benny Hinn recently charged
some of the worlds poorest and most destitute people admission to his religious services. Hinn
reportedly encountered a loss of some $2 million (about 4.4 billion Ugandan shillings) on his
recent visit to Uganda and two other African countries. Speaking on Light House Television, Hinn
said: Most people are poor in Africa and it affected the recent crusades.,,2-7-1442_2360893,00.html
Watch the entire CBC documentary online DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? (runs appox 41:30)
CBC's The Fifth Estate recently challenged his claims of miracle cures and described a lavish
lifestyle of fancy cars, a 7,000-square-foot ocean-side mansion and luxury travel to five-star
hotels on a private jet. In the show, reporter Bob McKeown estimates Benny Hinn Ministries
takes in as much as $250 million a year in donations and proceeds from sales of such items as
autographed bibles. Hinn has also criticized the CBC for using hidden cameras and old footage
he says depicts his wife just before she had a nervous breakdown.
Benny Hinn insists that every penny is spent on God's work. But the fifth estate obtained
confidential financial records from inside the Hinn ministry. These documents were provided by
individuals who say they want the public to know how Benny Hinn spends the money entrusted
to him.
Jesus had a money box which he used for the poor. Todays prosperity preachers, such as Benny
Hinn, do nothing for any of their people who helped them but ask for more money and when the
people give all they could they ask for even more and make the people feel guilty for not giving
enough. It seems that Prosperity Theology works for one person and one person only to make
the pastors rich. We need to clean up these pastors and churches that prey on its parishioners,
its abhorrent!
On the surface David Mainse a Pentecostal Pastor with his indirectly family owned and run
ministry and Nicolatian mentality appears to be a man of integrity while family members
through nepotism profit greatly from Crossroads Christian Communications. An insider who had
worked at Crossroads Christian Communications writes:
The sinister issues that have unfolded at the Miracle Channel are appalling but not a surprise to
me. The considerable financial and spiritual damage inflicted on those that subscribe and
financially contribute to many these electronic preachers abounds significantly especially
throughout North America.
I am a former insider that once was employed at Canada's most well known televangelist
organization based in Toronto, more specifically in Burlington, Ontario. The organization is
known for its program of 100 Huntley Street. The organization known as Crossroads Christian
Communications secured a 24 hour commercial broadcast license that ultimately premiered in
1998. I was employed at Crossroads in the heartbeat of its technical commercial operations for
4 years and I witnessed first-hand the lurid and very unethical methods committed by some of
Crossroads' senior administration. If the public had full or partial knowledge of these unethical
and lurid deeds at the Crossroads organization, Crossroads would significantly diminish or total
dissolution of the organization could occur.
Rev. David Mainse has claimed that Crossroads is a totally transparent organization however this
is quite untrue.

I have worked for secular broadcasters here in Canada that are of greater and much more
ethical and integrity standards than the Crossroads organization. Many of these electronic
preachers especially those in television format are under intense pressures to raise money to the
point where they will utilize a myriad of deceptive methodologies to attain these funds and in the
process dupe many of those that financially contribute. I emphasize to those that read this
commentary or citizens of Canada or the USA, it is advisable for people not to financially
contribute to television ministries such as the Miracle Cannel in Lethbridge, Alberta and the
Crossroads Television organization. Also those that advertise their products on these two
ministry organizations I just specified should also refrain from buying commercial airtime from
CJIL in Lethbridge and CTS- Crossroads in Burlington, Ontario.

Canadian Televangelist Were Alleged Finders In

An Alleged 14 Million Dollar Ponzi Scheme
Gordon Driver/Axcess Automation/Funds back in court this week

Back when I first noticed that the SEC and CFTC had said Canadian televangelist were
alleged finders in an alleged 14 million dollar ponzi scheme, I was confused about a May 22nd
court date in California for Gordon Driver. That date seemed to come and go without notice.
I remain appalled that 100+ people in religious communities can be so harmed, and
we carelessly pretend its business as usual. Religious affinity fraud is common and on the rise,
I wonder if we become desensitized to those who have lost. Refusing to listen, understand and
inform is not acceptable.
Gordon Driver had been ordered by Judge Wright of the California Central Federal District Court
to show up May 22nd.
He didnt. Thanks to readers I know that now. While my contacts in the US are not able to use
the California Court site; thanks to investors, we know the Mr. Driver is due back before Judge
Wright August 4th, 3 pm.
This is where things get interesting again.
Mr. Driver didnt show up to court in May, however he did show up before Judge Wright June 5,
For the 100+ investors interested in this alleged ponzi scheme civil case, and with gratitude to
investors who attended; here is a summary of what happened in court June 5th. Any mistakes
are mine.
The SEC had two lawyers present. The CFTC had a lawyer. The FBI attended. Mr. Driver showed
up without representation.
Judge Wright asked him why he didnt show up to court in May.
Driver told the judge he had paid a lot of money to a lawyer, who was refusing to represent him
because he couldnt pay. He told the judge he was in a 30 day extension granted by the SEC for
him to get a lawyer and he had just reached an agreement with the regulators.
He had asked for 5 thousand dollars to be released from one of his bank accounts so he could
pay for a lawyer, but also that he was waiting to see if he could get a public defender.
He didnt understand the legal terms so he didnt want to answer questions.
Judge Wright suggested a 10 day extension for Gordon Driver to get a lawyer and said it was
reasonable to release funds so Mr. Driver could get a lawyer. Okay.

Running theme here, isnt there? This surfaced in April. Solidified in May. It is now a June
event were observing. No lawyer. After the defendant and judge had their say, it was the
lawyers turn. Needless to say the SEC and CFTC lawyers were not keen on the unfreezing funds
The SEC lawyer wanted Mr. Driver to show he couldnt get a lawyer. If he could prove he was
unable to get a lawyer, then a release of funds was acceptable. However the SEC legal counsel
requested immediate notification of someone on retainer, and requested information on where
Mr. Driver would be so disclosure could begin. The CFTC lawyer was also opposed to Mr. Driver
dipping into any bank account or assets, given that they believed that the money they had
ordered frozen was from investors. Why should investors money be used for defense?
Mr. Driver got to respond. While I dont doubt he has read the charges against him, I have
become convinced this is how a pathological gambler rationalizes events.
He said he had shown proof to the regulators that he had a trading account and he had made
money in 2 weeks of trading. Okay.
I was not present, I am assuming he isnt deliberately hanging himself here, that this supposed
trading account which supposedly made money was active prior to the OSC cease order in April
and the charges being laid by the SEC and CFTC in May.
He also said he was a professional blackjack player, hed been in Las Vegas, won in
blackjack and had about 37 thousand in said account. Okay.
The person taking notes wasnt clear on the exact amount, and no time frame was
given. Attorneys turn.
The CFTC lawyer reiterated any money in accounts was investors money. He didnt believe some
of Drivers money was frozen because bank accounts had been dumped into with Canadian and
US investors funds. The CFTC lawyer wanted Drivers future lawyer to provide receipts.
The plaintiffs (SEC & CFTC) needed time to research further assets and hidden money. A
proposal had been sent to Mr. Driver by the CFTC, but it was not discussed in the June hearing.
Gordon Driver said he needed an attorney to explain it to him. It was the judges turn.
Judge Wright ordered a 60 day extension with conditions.
The SEC and CFTC were to be notified as soon as Mr. Driver got a lawyer, and discovery was to
get underway.
The investor taking notes used the term immediately a few times in this exchange.
This is where I personally think from reading the notes there appears to be a moment of
terrible clarity for the defendant. Just a quick break, a blink in the mental, emotional and
spiritual clouds until familiar patterns kicked back in.
Gordon Driver told the judge he was concerned because he had previously been told discovery
could lead to criminal charges and he wanted to know what his rights were. Okay. It was the
SEC attorneys turn.
The hearing was for the injunction of Driver and Axcess, the lawyer acknowledged it was not
uncommon for criminal charges to come about as investors sought restitution. Okay.
I believe a couple of investors have spoken to authorities because they said they were going to.
I do not know who they are, or whether they have spoken to US or Canadian investigators.
Given Crossroads CEO Doug McKenzies June interview with Marantha News and the Crossroads
Board of Directors statement in June, Im assuming both investors are talking on both sides of
the border.
I do not know how many investors were watching this hearing, the note taker noted a
gentleman named Steven Rutledge introduced himself to some investors. Steven Rutledge is
David Rutledges brother and a cousin of Ron and Reynold Mainse.
Back to the June hearing, it was Gordon Drivers turn.
He asked Judge Wright to unfreeze a personal bank account since he had a wife, five kids and
needs. He told the court he wasnt hiding anything, he had no off-shore accounts hidden
from the CTFC. His Canadian account had 1 thousand dollars. Okay. The judge wrapped it up.
You and Berny.You will have to play more black jack and make some money.

Canadians watched Earl Jones, a Montreal man accused of a 50 million dollar ponzi scheme do
his perp walk outside a Montreal courtroom last week. Some of the tension and the steam in a
case involving fraud gets let off outside a courtroom. Montreal police could have ushered Mr.
Jones out the back door, but the emotional catharsis for investors reacting to a police wedge and
perp walk can be a release valve for a community.
When Gordon Driver left the California courtroom June 5th, some investors ran after him. As the
witness says, it was as if they hadnt been in the courtroom, he said that if they werent here,
theyd all be in Hawaii by now and he said he loved them.
What has happened since?
The day before this hearing, Jim Cantelon, dressed in black, with a black backdrop made his
announcement on 100 Huntley Street that Ron and Reynold Mainse will not be appearing on
any Crossroads programming or otherwise represent Crossroads for the time being as they focus
their energies on certain matters in their personal lives. Gordon Driver responded to someone
he knew years ago from Crossroads Christian Communications here at BDBO. Investors have
emailed, former employees have emailed.
I have no idea if Mr. Driver has complied with the court requests, if anyone does know, they
havent spoken publicly since June 5th.
The CEO of Crossroads Christian Communications released a statement and gave a brief
interview to Marantha News. The Board of Directors of Crossroads Christian Communications
released the information an audit of the organization had been completed. Ron and Reynold
Mainse are not back on-air at 100 Huntley Street. Their father publicly implied media was
gossiping. A few media outlets picked up wire copy implying Crossroads Christian
Communications was a church. No one corrected the error.
I want to thank the investor who is taking notes, to bear witness is a responsibility and a
gift, and I respectfully ask investors giving and receiving information from California to
please stay in touch.
Reporters are tripping over themselves to cover Earl Jones, a Montreal man currently charged
with four counts of fraud and believed to have scammed investors out of 50 million dollars.
Like the two men named by the OSC in Axcess Automation/Funds, Earl Jones didnt have a
licence to handle other peoples money either.
There is no media covering of what is happening in California. Axcess investors are on their
own, this will probably be a long legal process, and the reality is that media may never pay
attention. Regardless, I believe Christians have a responsibility to learn, speak and help others.
I dont think lack of coverage is a measure of importance for those of us who need to learn.
I think it is critical every single person who has been involved with Mr. Driver have the
opportunity to know what is unfolding. I have no reason to believe everyone who cares about
what is occurring in California Central District Court between Gordon Driver and the
CFTC/SEC are informed.
There has been enough loss, especially the loss of trust, community and transparency.
Its a long weekend, the weather is good, if your comment doesnt appear, not to worry.
Ill get to it, sunshine calls.
Published 1 day, 1 hour ago

4 Responses to Gordon Driver/Axcess Automation/Funds back in court this week

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1 MenchMayer on Aug 1st, 2009 at 6:23 am
Bene, excellent work!
What I have notice with the Jones investors (not so with the Driver investors) they are
organized. They immediately set up a website that had an email address and set up a meeting
for all investors. On the news last week, I saw them picketing. At least one group is out there
telling the Canadian Government they are not happy. What about the Driver investors??? What
are you doing? This is not okay, you have rights too. Tell the truth, tell your story, just do it!

Now another ponzi scheme appeared in Montreal. What is going on in Canada??????????? The
Government needs to get busy!!!!!!!
2 WALTER on Aug 1st, 2009 at 6:39 am
As my book Not Innocent by Walter Kambulow details the use of Ponzi Schemes by Christians in
their get rich schemes has been around for many years but not the restitution for the victims!
Demonized Rodney Howard Browne with his Kundalini demon when I was at one of his
convention taught that Sheep Needed to be Fleeced or they Would have too Much Hair and
Could not see Where they are going and it was the PASTORS DUTY TO FLEECE THE SHEEP
You should check out The Baptist Foundation of Arizona, a subsidiary of the Southern Baptist
Convention which used Southern Baptist pastors and former pastors as sales representatives to
rob 13,000 mostly elderly Christians by promising high returns, the security of church backing,
and the chance to help Baptist charities. It was nothing but a fraud and a big Ponzi Scheme.
The foundation, created in 1948 as a nonprofit religious entity to raise money for Southern
Baptist causes, collapsed in 1999 in what was then the largest nonprofit bankruptcy filing in U.S.
history. About 11,000 mostly elderly investors lost almost $600 million as a result.
Until the late 1980s, the BFA had been managing church building funds and retirement funds for
a few thousand Baptist layman. Profits came from land investments in the red-hot Arizona
market. But when property values tanked, the BFA investments did, too.
Instead of admitting losses and writing down loans, BFA officials in several cases allegedly
cooked up transactions between BFA and shell companies that made it look as if the BFA was
still profitable. It was a big paper charade, charged Assistant State Attorney General Robert
Zumoff, reported the Phoenix New Times
The Baptist Foundation of Arizona took in a total of $590 million, using a maze of shell
corporations in a Ponzi scheme, before it was shut down in August 1999. Ponzi schemes depend
on the solicitation of new investors to pay existing ones.
Former foundation president William Crotts, 61, was sentenced to eight years in prison and
former general counsel Thomas Grabinski, 46, was sentenced to six years in prison on fraud and
racketeering charges. Mind you Dan Strader got 45 years for his ponzi scheme conducted with
the help of his father Pastor Karl Strader!
Dr. Rodney Howard- Browne had been credited with bringing the laughter revival to America.
But from what really happened in Carpenters Home Church in 1993 and 1994 and its
devastating effect on the community including the robbing, raping and [...] of the sheep, was
not much of a revival.
The leadership of the Assembly of God denomination both in Lakeland and Missouri also would
not accept the testimony of one of its members Roy Aldrich that he was robbed and raped by
money changers and wolves in sheeps clothing in Carpenters Home Church during the so called
revival. But the State of Florida who cared about justice, righteousness and truth accepted the
words and testimony of Roy Aldrich about the Straders.
The Florida State prosecutors proved their case and convinced the jurors that Dan Strader, the
son of the senior pastor Karl Strader, devised an elaborate scheme to attract cash in the realestate and mortgage investments. He was selling the securities without a license and that the
securities were unregistered. This was done in an organized method amounting to RacketeerInfluence and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO Act.
Dr Rodney Howard Browne used his influence and powers to raise money at Carpenters Home
Church to buy the senior pastor Karl Strader his much needed second Lincoln Town Car. But
when Rodney was requested to use his influence and power to raise money for the unfortunate
elderly victims of Dans Strader, he refused.
3 MenchMayer on Aug 1st, 2009 at 6:48 am
Walter keep on blogging I appreciate your wealth of information.
4 WALTER on Aug 1st, 2009 at 7:13 am

MenchMayer After Roy Aldrich and others were robbed by a ponzi scheme by the Straders of
Lakeland I started to do an extensive research on Prominent Evangelicals in North America
especially TV Evangelists and found out that all of them hid their salaries and their total
compensation because they had no integrity whatsoever and the latest being Todd Bentley!
Do an engine search on Liars And Perjurers in Revival
In my book Not Innocent I wrote
As a denomination, the Assembly of God has not accepted responsibility for the actions of their
prominent members in their organization. It has done nothing to bring justice and healing to the
real victims in these cases. Instead, they it has chosen to console and comfort the aggressors,
the noble ones, and the perpetrators of the crimes. The victims were mostly elderly people, who
didnt have the physical strength or financial resources to fight back and recover what they lost.
The other fact of the matter is that because of the accurate reporting of the Ledger and The
Tampa Tribune, in central Florida, in 1994-95, concerning Daniel Strader, Alice Faye Redd, the
Assembly of God ministers and pastors and what went on at Carpenters Home Church, many
people were justifiable upset with those who piously talked about God from their high places but
behind the scenes did hypocritical things. As a result, they wanted nothing to do with God or
Christians. What was not right and unfair was that such a small number of people should do so
much damage to other peoples lives and to the Kingdom of God?
The Tampa Tribune ran a typical story in June 1996, about a Pastor in Lakeland who lied on his
resume to get his pastoral job. He stated he had two degrees, which was not true. When the
pastor was exposed he didnt resign but stayed on and caused the church to split. We were to
learn the hard way about how a church split is often the result of a crooked and corrupt pastor.
This was true in Lakeland and was nothing new. It had happened long before we arrived in
In like manner, the hierarchy of a denomination can become equally corrupt and crooked.
However, when you have a church organization made up of honest and God-fearing people, full
of integrity and accountability, it doesnt matter which system predominates. When an
organization is made up of dishonest and corrupt people, it still doesnt matter which system is
in operation because it will affect everyone. The same holds true for all forms of government
both State and Federal.
We live in a day and age where many religious Christian organizations and churches been
exposed, have tumbled and fallen because of financial mismanagement and serious accusations,
that have been made by the media about some of the leaders and directors of these nonprofit
organizations and corporations. Independent ministers have become offensive to the secular
world and to some Christians, and we are sure there will be others. There have even been grand
jury investigations and indictments of people such as Jim Bakker and Dr. Henry J. Lyons - men
we would never have believed would have committed sexual and financial improprieties.
The St. Petersburg Times and the Tampa Tribune reported almost daily about Lying Lyons. The
Born Again Rev. Henry Lyons, former head of the National Baptist Convention, was sentenced
to 5 years in prison for his convictions on state charges of racketeering and grand theft.
Lyons, 57, had been one of the most influential black religious leaders in the United States,
overseeing one of the largest church organizations of African-Americans.
Lyons was convicted in February 1999 of swindling more than $4 million from companies that
wanted to market life insurance, credit cards and cemetery plots to his convention members.
Prosecutors said Lyons padded the conventions mailing list with names randomly selected from
phone books across the country. Even a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan was on the list.
Judge Schaeffer ordered Lyons to pay $2.5 million in restitution to the companies who bought
his phony mailing lists and to pay $97,000 for the cost of the state probe into his dealings.
Lyons and his alleged mistress, convention publicist Bernice Edwards, were accused of spending
much of the ill-gotten money on a lavish lifestyle, including fancy cars, jewelry and a pricey
waterfront home. Edwards was acquitted on state charges, but she pleaded guilty in federal
court to tax evasion.

A few weeks after Lyons was convicted in state court, he resigned as head of the National
Baptist Convention. He pleaded guilty to federal charges of tax evasion, fraudulent activities and
lying to officials.
On his income tax, as a preacher, Lyons only declared $ 110,000 as gross and $ 20,000 as net
when $ 4.5 million went through his hands. We were to find that integrity among preachers in
America was almost nonexistent, especially when it came to money!

100 Huntley Street Mainse brothers victims of ponzi

Okay. I have to handle this one with kid gloves because I am really lousy at reporting financial
information and there are a lot of victims here.
Two are high profile in Canadian religious media circles.
Also this case is before the courts in the US.
These are charges and Gordon Driver is innocent until proven guilty.
It appears that Reynold and Ronald Mainse of 100 Huntley Street - a popular religious show in
Canada - are victims of an alleged ponzi scheme from a former employer.

The brothers are the sons of the founder of 100 Huntley, David Mainse. Ron Mainse is director of
the group of broadcast interests Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. (CTS, 100 Huntley
Street) and Reynold Mainse is Vice President of Crossroads Missions. Reynold and his wife host
the flagship show (100 Huntley Street) once a week, Ron and his wife co-host 100 Huntley.

The only Canadian news report I can find is in The Hamilton Spectator dated May 21st. Local
Man accused in 14m Ponzi scheme.
Anyone who invests can be a victim of a ponzi scheme, they happen with a dreary regularity.
Churches and ministries are not immune, they are fertile grounds for schemes and victims
because of the levels of trust faith communities have. The common name for this kind of scheme
is called affinity fraud.
It is the Ontario Security Exchange filing that got an eyebrow raised.
The company is Axcess Fund and the OSC issued its order on April 15th. Subsequent to the OSC
filing, the company was ordered to halt all activity. The Security Exchange Commission and the
Commodity Futures Exchange Commission filed suit in May. The Ontario Exchange Commission
order extends until October 15, 2009.
The financial aspect of the story is fleshed out at Stockwatch. Over 100 investors from the US
and Canada invested in Axcess which promised a weekly return to investors of 1 to 5%.
Of the $14.1-million the scheme allegedly raised, the SEC says Mr. Driver used $1.1-million for
personal expenses and $10.7-million to pay purported returns to investors in Ponzi fashion. He
only used $3.7-million to trade futures, and rather than making the substantial profits that he
represented to investors, he actually incurred $3.55-million in trading losses, the SEC alleges.
According to the complaint, Mr. Driver initially solicited friends, neighbours and business

acquaintances to invest in Axcess. The SEC alleges that his scheme flourished in mid-2007 when
he recruited leaders of an Ontario Christian television ministry where he had worked in the
1970s. Close relatives of the television ministrys founder invested in Axcess and became
finders or point persons for Axcess, the complaint states. The SEC says these finders solicited
new investors, mostly friends and family, to participate in the scheme. For their efforts, the
finders were allegedly offered a 5-per-cent commission.
Some investors in the scheme received false statements, which purported to show their account
balances and returns, the SEC claims. In late February, 2009, Mr. Driver sent 48 investors a
statement on Axcess letterhead which showed that their account balances totalled approximately
$9.6-million, according to the complaint. In fact, at the end of December, Driver only had about
$276,162 in all of his accounts: $265,388 in his bank accounts and $10,774 in one trading
account, the SEC alleges.
51 year old Gordon Driver spent a few months working for 100 Huntley Street years ago and it
appears he used his friendships to develop his scheme which he ran out of Nevada. The reason
my eyebrow raised was because the other person named on the OSC filing is David Rutledge.
It is alleged Driver started his scheme in February 2006 and early investors received a 20%
There is a software company named Axcess International which has a May 12, 2009 article on
software integration. Its in Texas and deals with RFID technology.
That article came out a few days before the SEC and the CFTC filed against Gordon Driver and
his companies. There is another story a few days earlier in MacWorld about Axcess iAccounting.
An investors watchblog picked this up up a few days later.
Here is where Im stumped.
1) How many companies are there named Axcess in the business software business?
2) Now what? Gordon Driver is facing five US federal charges, his assets are frozen. I read
there was supposed to be a May 22nd court appearance (after the temporary injunction) but
I havent found anything.
Which brings us back to Canada. There are many David Rutledges, including a race car driver
and a scientist.
Need my readers help. I dont watch 100 Huntley Street but I do know the Rutledge family
married into the Mainse family.
Who is David Rutledge? Is he a relative of Ron and Reynold Mainse?
(their moms maiden name is Rutledge)
I lose the legal trail on Gordon Driver and his Axcess companies May 15th after the complaints
are filed in the US. Can anyone familiar with investments and civil trials tell us where this goes
from here?
How much did Ron and Reynold Mainse invest and lose?
Has this been addressed on their TV shows yet?
Does it need to be?
How many Canadian investors are involved and did they all come from the 100 Huntley Street
crowd or from churches?
Why has only one Canadian newspaper picked this up?
People have been scammed. Are millions of dollars and promise of big returns that common in
churches and Canadian televangelist families this is a none story?
As of June 4th, the only thing I can find is that Ron Mainse and Reynold Mainse were no longer
associated with the show.
Which makes this March video by Ron Mainse on economic stress and giving sadly ironic.
If this is the story, a lot of people have been hurt.
There is nothing on Crossroads I can find. Yet.
The Mainse and Rutledge families will have to speak up at some stage, Ron and Reynold are
media figures. While investments with Gordon Driver may have only affected the Mainse
brothers personal finances, this goes a lot deeper than money.

We dont know how this has impacted Crossroad employees, viewers, friends and other family
Crossroads Christian Communications
Crossroads Christian Communications is a 23 million dollar business according to the 2008
Revenue Canada filings. They listed 178 employees in 2008.
I contacted CTS recently regarding a show and got a prompt, courteous and professional
Im losing my touch, Im not understanding why media and blogs havent picked up on this.
Posted the statement from 100 Huntley Streets Jim Cantelon here.
Update: David Rutledge is the cousin of Ron and Reynold Mainse and the son of Ralph Rutledge.
Thank you readers! Next question. Is this the David Rutledge you are identifying?

Ron and Reynold Mainse cleared - No 100 Huntley Street funds in alleged ponzi
July 17, 2009 The Board of Directors of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. (CCCI), is
pleased to inform all of CCCIs faithful partners and stakeholders that we have determined that
no CCCI funds whatsoever were directed to Gordon Driver or to any of his corporate entities for
any supposed investments. While the Board had no reason to believe otherwise, this fact has
now been confirmed to the Boards satisfaction, through a comprehensive internal investigation
conducted by the Board, combined with specific forensic procedures as requested by the Board
that were completed by CCCIs external public accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The
Board continues to observe and carefully monitor the ongoing investigations into the activities of
Mr. Driver by official regulatory bodies in Canada and the U.S. We are sincerely sorry about the
difficulty and serious concern that many of our partners, viewers and staff have experienced
through this challenging situation. Thank you again for your ongoing prayers and financial
support, as we press forward to fulfill our mission of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to
Canada and around the world.
Kerry Carmichael, Chair, Board of Directors
Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.
A forensic audit was a necessary step.
No word of explanation of what other steps need to be taken, or if other outside
regulatory agencies are involved or remain involved.
Most people didnt believe ministry funds were used.
There is no word if personal Mainse/Rutledge investment money went into - as opposed to out of
- the ministry, or if Ron and Reynold Mainse received a salary during their time off-air.
In the June Maranatha interview CEO Doug McKenzie indicated:
Is this a temporary step?
DM: We hope so. Mr. Drivers activities are being investigated in the U.S. and Canada. Once the
board has more information about the investigation it will be in a better position to make a fully
informed decision on next steps.

The latest board statement says: The Board continues to observe and carefully monitor the
ongoing investigations into the activities of Mr. Driver by official regulatory bodies in Canada and
the U.S. which is observatory, and detached.
Does that mean the board believes the OSC is satisfied there is a finding of no intent by point
people in Canada?
Ron and Reynold Mainse were taken off the air while they dealt with certain matters in the
personal lives. Crossroads Board statement June 4th.
They have stepped down from their duties until such time as the Board of Directors has a
complete understanding of all of the issues related to a financial investment matter that they
were involved in outside of their ministry at Crossroads.
According to Crossroads CEO Doug McKenzie in an interview mid-June, the board and
management were aware of the Driver/Acxess alleged ponzi scheme in April, when the OSC
posted its first temporary order (subsequently amended). Doug McKenzie:
We learned that there was a potential personal issue for them a few months ago. We learned in
mid-April that the OSC [Ontario Securities Commission] was looking into investments they made
with Gordon Driver. And subsequent to that we learned that a claim was entered against Mr.
Driver by the [Securities and Exchange Commission] in a U.S. court.
We know that Ron/Reynold had invested with Mr. Driver. While that investigation continues,
Crossroads board of directors feels it is best for our ministry that they step aside.
Crossroads employee and Mainse cousin David Rutledge left Crossroads sometime in 2007 to
work with Gordon Driver/Axcess. Rutledge remained on Crossroads website until June 2009.
In the first wave of investors pre-100 Huntley Street there were somewhere between 30 to 60
investors. No one who knows has confirmed that number.
US court documents indicate investigators believe there are 100+ investors, 15 from the US, the
rest from Canada.
Driver appeared in US District Court in June 5th without a lawyer. He had missed his hearing
May 22nd because he didnt have a lawyer. Driver had a few assets unfrozen during the June
hearing and was ordered to get a lawyer, get relevant documents to the CFTC lawyers and cooperate fully in discovery so a trial date can be set.
Also attending the June hearing were the FBI, investors, Steven Rutledge and the the SEC and
The next US court date for Mr. Driver is the first week of August.
Because investors have not spoken publicly, it does not mean their losses have not been
substantial. In some cases people have been wiped out.
The Crossroads board has indicated they have a completed forensic audit.
I see no acknowledgement from the board of the substantial and in some cases devastating
losses for those who directly invested with Axcess Automation/Funds because of connections and
standing within the organization.
It would be prudent for Crossroad donors and employees to remain seriously concerned until
appropriate questions to the charity have been answered.
There are many unanswered questions as there have been since the day Ron and Reynold
Mainse disappeared off 100 Huntley.
When Crossroads updated their webpages, Ron and Reynold Mainse were not removed.
They are now the face of the ministry and I think the message intent was simple; when would
the founders sons be back on-air?
Is financial information from Price Waterhouse PricewaterhouseCoopers going to by made
available to donors?
Is the OSC actively investigating the CFTC claim Ron and Reynold Mainse were point people in
alleged Axcess software investment? Christian Week:
Did the board do the right thing when it removed the Mainse brothers from their positions at
Crossroads? Why did they wait until the Hamilton Spectator story appeared before they took
public action? Is there more housecleaning yet to come? How will donations be affected? What

other changes are likely? Will the organization continue as a member in good standing with the
Canadian Council of Christian Charities?
100 Huntley Street/Crossroads, alleged ponzi scheme timeline
Once again, my sincere thanks to an alert, concerned and informed reader.
13 Matt on Jul 29th, 2009 at 9:53 am
Im sorry to see a lot of the assumptions of greed and ill-will towards the Mainse family, and
Crossroads as a ministry-based organization.
Have there been other television evangelists that have manipulated the gospel message for their
own personal gain? Yes.
Have other television evangelists been accused, and found guilty of disobeying the tax laws of
the land? Yes.
Have these guilty individuals tarnished the efforts of genuine evangelists trying to spread the
gospel through the wide-reaching medium of television broadcast? Yes.
Does this mean that Crossroads & the Mainse family are guilty of doing the same? No.
Dont lump everyone into the same category of greedy insincere television-evangelists. Its just
another form of profiling.
Allow me to present a scenario. What if one of your close friends, someone you grew up with,
someone close to your family came to you and showed you a piece of software that he had
created, that allowed him to monitor trends in the market, and was allowing him to make large
returns on it? Would you automatically assume that it was a farce, or perhaps be interested
because it was presented by someone from a position of trust?
Dont jump onto the I would never fall for that band-wagon just yet. People much more
smarter than any of us in the area of financial investments fell for the same kind of scam in the
Bernie Madoff case and now Earl Jones. Everything APPEARED to be above board, and based
on personal relationship, people invested money with these people in good faith.
Perhaps this is an inherent weakness for those that believe the message of the Gospel giving
people the benefit of the doubt, assuming the best of them, especially those close to them.
Do I think that the Mainses used ministry funds for these investments? ABSOLUTELY NOT. If
anyone knows the Mainse family at all, they know that David & Norma-Jean have gone WAY
above the expectations of a television ministry to operate above-board in ALL things. Anyone
that knows them can vouch for them in this.
Have they made all perfect decisions in the running of the ministry in the last 30 years of
broadcast? Highly unlikely. Every ministry or business is bound to make a faulty decision, no
matter if its run by a single individual or a board of individuals. Its part of the learning process.
100 Huntley St. is the longest running programme in Canada after Hockey Night In Canada.
Obviously, they learn from their mistakes, and continually make course corrections in their daily
operations. And they have done that with viewer support, not income from businesses vying for
commercial & advertising time slots. This is not the sign of a corrupt organization, or a corrupt
I would bet that the Mainses used their returns to fund other ministry endeavors, other great
causes that could benefit from additional funds. Why? Because theyre not the greedy type.
Unrealistic, naive, gullible perhaps but not greedy. Dont be so quick to jump on the
assumption of guilt for these honourable individuals. They really are great people, and anyone
that has ever had a peep into their lives would know this as fact.
Theres a reason why the larger networks have not run away with this story its because all the
evidence supports the Mainse family as being victims of this ponzi scheme, not malicious and
greedy investors.
My disappointment is with Crossroads as an organization in this situation. In the absence of
truth, people tend to fill in the blanks. some of it may be true, but more often than not, its

false. Grow a back-bone people, and support your own! Im not talking about covering over the
truth, but presenting the truth while letting people know that youre walking together with them
through this situation. Your viewers and supporters are not stupid, and notice things like the
regular hosts of the programme not being on air. Present the FULL story, and make your
findings available to the public especially to those that support your ministry. Take every
opportunity to show that youre resolute in finding out the whole truth.
And to those that continue to gripe about television ministries Let us know what you are doing
to further the Gospel, or let the fruit of your endeavours speak for themselves. And if you dont
support what Crossroads is doing, then dont watch their programme, and dont give them
But, then dont complain about the quality of TV programmes here in Canada, or the lack of
Christian programmes, or the continual whittling away at Christian programming by the CRTC, or
about how there is no Gospel message being broadcast over the airwaves.
Either way, pray for them as members of our family. Theyre people, just like you & I. Theyre
not super-human, or super-Christians. Theyre just sharing the Gospel message, how its
impacted their lives, how it has impacted the lives of their guests, and how it can impact yours,
if you allow it to.
Please dont take any offense from my comments, as theyre not meant to insult anyone. I just
wanted to offer a different perspective. These are real people, with real families, with dreams for
their own lives, with strengths and weaknesses just like anyone else. Dont assume guilt because
either you want them to be guilty, or because many in similar positions have been guilty Have
a heart, give them the benefit of their reputation, and give the legal system a chance to discover
the truth behind it all.
14 WALTER on Jul 29th, 2009 at 10:30 pm
What is the legal system going to tell us that the Mainse brothers and wives didnt earn a 5%
finders fee for using their 100 Huntley contacts and they were not greedy and stupid?
And since they were sincere and blind in this whole matter they cannot be held responsible for
anything for after all they are men and women of God who had more education than the average
So tells us what is the restitution program of the Mainses towards the real victims of this
religious affinity fraud?
We hear your words about them but we dont see any good deeds toward the victims?
And what about this nonsense that anything said about the Mainse is gossip and all gossip is a
lie which David Mainse stated on television?
Is speaking against the Mainse the same as speaking against God?
It seems that way!
EX 22:5 If a man causes a field or vineyard to be grazed, and lets loose his animal, and it feeds
in another mans field, he shall make restitution from the best of his own field and the best of his
own vineyard.
1TM 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from
the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
15 Bene Diction on Jul 30th, 2009 at 7:59 am
Matt, no offense taken.
People are looking for information and are going to have different reactions.
100 investors, we wont know until the US court case unfolds if the Mainse were finders, and
what they earned as point people.
Crossroads has chosen to slam media instead of disclosing.

There are people who know, and who also know their losses, let alone the losses of those they
brought into Axcess Automation/Funds.
The Mainse/Rutledge finder amount is likely to come up in the US court case, were not going to
hear it from Crossroads.
The CFTC investigators reasonably believe they were finders.
I think you are attempting to make the case of innocent greed, and you are correct there are all
kinds of intent involved in passing on investment tips. There is a post here at BDBO about
reasons Christians pass on investment tips and what happens to the community when a ponzi
scheme collapses.
There are a lot of reasons people dont trust televangelists.
The discussion has been had about religious affinity fraud and trust.
Transparency has been discussed, in the absence of information there is a vacuum. Donators to
the ministry have been given good information. But not by Crossroads.
The ministry says the forensic audit has been done, no ministry funds were removed. That
appears to be the only disclosure people are going to get. Id like to be wrong about that.
Crossroads has made its communication choices, regrettable, but choices none the less.
I think given the information in Canadian Christianity about Ron and Reynold having taken a
ministry leadership investment course, walking with them is going to look different to different
David Rutledge was not licenced, Id compare him to Earl Jones on that level. You can make the
comparison about trust given in Axcess/Crossroads as being similar to Jones. The upswing and
lack of justice in ponzi schemes and fraud has to be addressed on regulatory, legal and
educational levels.
I dont think the communications choice by Crossroads board and management are arrogant, I
think as the organization moved to a governence model its been dismal. I do think David Mainse
statement about media gossip was way out of line.
I also agree with you that harm has been exacerbated with lack of disclosure. I think running a
23 million dollar ministry puts a different level of accountability on decision making, whether or
not others agree with that.
Also pray for the investors without a public platform or voice.
They have been devestated, and I dont see anyone speaking up for them.
These are real people, with real families, with dreams for their own lives, with strengths and
weaknesses just like anyone else.
Yes, agreed, as are all 100 investors.
16 WALTER on Jul 30th, 2009 at 5:40 pm
Most Evangelical Preachers including Pentecostal ones such as David Mainse and family preach
on and believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the sovereignty of God and stand on verses
such as:
Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His
1 Samuel 2 2:6 The LORD kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up.
2:7 The LORD makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up.
Daniel 4:34 And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my
understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who
lives forever: For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom is from generation
to generation. 4:35 All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to
His will in the army of heaven And among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His
hand Or say to Him, What have You done?
So the question needs to be asked and answered is why did God allow the Mainse brothers along
with their wives as well as David Ruthelidge to be deceived by Gordon Driver and hurt many

people in the process when Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil and not promote
What was the real sin that opened the door to this religious affinity fraud by the Mainse besides
the blind leading the blind?
If the Mainse cannot answer nor deal with these questions then they obviously are not fit for
Christian leadership of any kind because God is not speaking to them and they are just deceived
ones deceiving others! And we have too many deceivers amongst us already including Todd
Bentley and friends!
17 Cal Bum-Bay on Jul 30th, 2009 at 8:45 pm
Thank God the brothers are free.
They did nothing wrong.
Problem is, we have blogs like this that analyze the heck out of every factand make things so
Even though they did nothing wrongit seems they did.
Cant you find something else better to do?
Like work or something!
18 Bene Diction on Jul 31st, 2009 at 5:46 pm
Cal-Bob from (Milton home Cogecocablenet)
Interesting juvenile fixation on certain body parts you got going on, do you think you could try
to participate in the coversation without contempt?
I can appreciate you want this to go away, the reality is, for 100 investors, their families and
friends, it isnt going away.
Why the disrespect to Cal Bombay?
Interesting use of the term free.
19 WALTER on Jul 31st, 2009 at 5:47 pm
They did nothing wrong.
Dear Cal Bum-Bay
Are you an idiot or something like that?
Why were the Mainse brothers and their wives removed off the air if they did nothing wrong?
Unlike others you know nothing about what is going on behind the scene in the investigation of
this affinity fraud crime and what the findings have been to date?
You dont know what is the considerations of the FBI and the RCMP in this matter?
And then you dont know what is going to be revealed in Gordon Driver trial next week?
Read my book Not Innocent Walter Kambulow and see how Dan Straders and the Straders
proclaimed their innocence and what happened at the trial and how Dan got a sentence of 45
years with 22 years before parole because he did nothing wrong!
And when it comes time for parole Dan is not going to get it because he still is proclaiming that
he is innocent!
The nightmare for the Mainse is just beginning!
Just wait and see!
20 Bene Diction on Jul 31st, 2009 at 5:55 pm
Bob-Cal doesnt have a developed cognitive process.

I think she/he is a kid needing to vent.

Be the grown-up, okay?
If this kid is a member of a Crossroads family, he/she probably few places to be angry and
probably even fewer grown-ups paying attention.
21 WALTER on Jul 31st, 2009 at 6:27 pm
How do we know its a kid?
I have seen adults do and say all kinds of things and throw a temper tantrum just like a kid!
I have seen spoiled brats cry their heart out when they didnt get their way and in the old days
we would smack them on their head and tell them to shut up!
But today being a spoiled brat is healthy and we are to leave them alone?
No wonder our society is in a mess!
22 Bene D on Jul 31st, 2009 at 8:27 pm
Good question Walter.
I dont know for sure.
This isnt the first correspondence from Bob-Cal, I sincerely do not see social, emotional,
spiritual and cognitive development past adolesence.
Therefore Bob-Cal gets the benefit of the doubt.
You know Ill enforce my site policy.
Lets assume your hypothesis is correct. Given prior correspondence, Bob-Cal is:
a) a maladapted adult with serious fear and anger issues attacking people instead of issues
b) a Crossroads troll planted to discredit this blog (stranger things have happened)
c) none of the above
Either way, you are an intelligent follower of Jesus Christ and have shown you know the higher
way. I dont think Im expecting too much from you.:^)
23 Tim on Jul 31st, 2009 at 9:56 pm
The hen can shout fowl or foul from the hen coop and thats normal fare but if the fox shouts
fowl or foul from the hen coop then the hen understandably needs to ask the hard questions
for all the right reasons. Are you a hen or are you perchance a fox?
You seek to make some good points but you seem to be counting your chickens in terms of the
outcome of this matter. The hen or the fox are innocent until proven otherwise. You would surely
want such an attitude of grace to prevail if you or one of your loved ones were subject to any
legal procedure. Why would you extend or want anything less for anyone else?
24 WALTER on Aug 1st, 2009 at 2:58 am
You would surely want such an attitude of grace to prevail if you or one of your loved ones were
subject to any legal procedure.
GAL 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also
1) Grace has nothing to do with it! When you knowingly or unknowingly go through a red light at
a busy intersection do you think about grace or consequences?
2) You have not discussed the sovereignty of God and why he has allowed the Mainse to be
deceived and exposed in this religious affinity ponzi fraud when they were so educated?

Theresa stated on this website I thank God for His sovereignty, that He is completely in control
of the situation and that He knew about all these things long before they began to happen!
Gods sovereignty didnt prevent chaos or exposure where innocent trusting people have been
hurt by the Mainse who still are not discussing restitution since they earned a 5% finders fee?
Any legal procedure doesnt change the fact that the Mainse have demonstrated to the world
they dont hear from God in this area before the invested and are not qualified to be in Christian
leadership but although they might be good for the political world!
Jim Bakker was found guilty of many crimes and was sentenced to 45 years in jail but only
served less than 5 on a technicality! He is back on television spewing nonsense based on false
assumptions and erroneous thinking. Bisexual Bakker should have served out his sentence and
never gone back to television to preach garbage to the masses!
25 Tim on Aug 1st, 2009 at 5:47 am
When you run through a stop light whether knowingly or unknowingly what happens next is in
Gods hands. Its by His Grace whether we live or die.
I encourage you to allow God to have His way through all of the matters at question. One things
for sure God will do what He wants to do with us or without us. He needs no convincing one way
or the other. Not from you, not from me or anyone else.
I appreciate your heart for God and we would doubtless agree that righteousness and justice are
cornerstones of His Kingdom.
26 WALTER on Aug 1st, 2009 at 6:12 am
JUDE 1:5 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the
people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.
Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no
longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
10:27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the
10:28 Anyone who has rejected Moses law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
10:29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has
trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was
sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
10:30 For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again,
The LORD will judge His people.
10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
You really dont want God to have His way this matter because His judgment is a terrible thing!
You want the Mainse to repent of their sins including being lustful and greedy, ignoring
restitution, justice, righteousness and truth, being a respecter of persons and showing partiality
to the mighty, and being unloving, unkind, l and unrighteous!
Circling the Wagon and ignoring Walter Kambulow by the deceived hypocritical Mainse is not
only unscriptural but very dangerous!
When you go before any judge you want him to be on your side and give you grace and mercy?
However if you say and do stupid things before him you will find yourselves in real trouble!
Well God is the judge of all the earth, (GEN 18:25 ) and He has clearly told the Mainse in
Matthew 5:21-26 about what to do when a brother has something against you?
They have received my emails on the subject and no doubt seen and read my posting and
continue to disobey the words of Jesus because of being a respecter of person and showing
partiality to those of their own choosing which is a very stupid thing to do!

They only leave themselves wide open to a great severity of judgment from a God who doesnt
lie and has warned them what disobedience to His word will result in!
Pastors Karl Strader, Ron Clark and Randy White didnt get away without serious adversaries for
ignoring the words of Walter Kambulow and neither will the Mainses!
They should read their own bible which they use to preach to others and they will find that it
James 2:1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with
James 3:1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a
stricter judgment.

Reynold Mainse of 100 Huntley Street regarding Axcess

Automation/Fund - alleged ponzi scheme
Dear Family and Friends,

If you live long enough, you know what it feels like to be lied to, cheated or taken advantage
of and in reflection or at present you know the pain and suffering that comes with that.
I want to take this opportunity to share with you, our family and friends, the great
disappointment and suffering Kathy and I, along with others, have experienced in the last
several weeks. To those of you who already are aware of the situation Kathy and I find ourselves
in, we thank you for your prayers and kind words.
Out of respect for our relationship, I dont want to be vague, and therefore, this letter is a bit
lengthy. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
On May 15, 2009, I was totally shocked to learn that we along with many others had beenhurt
by what is now alleged to be a deceitful investment scheme - a very long and elaborate con. My
mistake was in trusting someone I believed to be a friend. I believed the words of this person
that I have known for years and this apparent deception has led me down a path that has
brought pain to many, as well as my family. What appeared to be a wonderful investment
opportunity that would help my family and strengthen the Lords work is turning out to be quite
the opposite. What a shock to read my name in the SEC report and the newspapers in the same
paragraph where the word ponzi scheme is written. I suppose being somewhat high profile; the
newspaper reporter felt it necessary to name my brother and me as some of the investors and
as people that were used by this trader to introduce some people to alleged scam.

I am filled with regret and am greatly disturbed that I told some family and friends of what I
thought was a great blessing. Several of them in turn asked to meet with this person to find out
details about this opportunity, and that resulted in some of them investing and subsequently
some of them losing their investment. There were five relatives and ten Friends that I am sad to
say I first introduced into this opportunity. I should have gone to great lengths with duediligence getting the proper help to critically look into my investor friends activities and this
opportunity. Unfortunately, I cannot wind back the clock.

This investor person said he wanted to help my family as well as strengthen the ministry that
God has led Kathy and me into by giving us a percentage out of the profit that he was making
for his role as the trader. As I did not have much money to invest in the first place, I thought
this offer was a further blessing. However, I came to find out over a year later that one
apparently needs a license to get any compensation when it comes to the stock market. The
monies I did take out, I gave to charities and others in need. The primary charity I gave to was
Heavens Rehearsal where Kathy and I have been volunteering since 2005 as co-chairs. We still
drive the same two cars and live in the same house but find ourselves in the worst financial
position we have ever been in.

I have been one of the many people interviewed by the OSC (Ontario Securities Commission) as
they have been trying to gather information on this trader. I was happy to help in any way I
could. I appreciate their directive to stop abuses to the system and to protect people from being
cheated and taken advantage of. By the way, I must clear up a misconception held by some
There are NO allegations that I was involved with or had any knowledge of the wrongful conduct
of the trader. I am grateful to say that those relatives and friends that I introduced to what I
thought was a great opportunity are not holding me responsible for any losses they might have
realized. They have all been gracious and kind. In fact, I feel that our relationship will be deeper
as we together are going through something that is painful.
Please realize that the sadness in our hearts is not about our financial position, but for our
friends and family who have been hurt. As well, our concern is about our relationship with you
and others and how this might affect the ministries we have been called to serve.
Before God and you, my friends, I assure you that my motives were pure and that I had the best
intentions for everyone involved. It has always been my desire that the Kingdom of God is
strengthened and people are blessed. It appears that my name has been dragged through the
mud of someone elses making. All truth-be-known - I have not compromised my integrity and

continue to look for God to redeem this situation. What was intended for evil, I believe, God will
turn to good.
During the upcoming months of further investigation, it has been determined that it is best that
I do not host 100 Huntley Street. I am confident that God is working and leading me to a place
where I can to a greater degree express His heart of love for His people. This difficult season is
developing in me understanding and compassion for others who have suffered as a result of
deception and loss. I feel this refiners fire will accomplish all that God desires. My faith has
grown stronger during this time. I am encouraged by the biblical story of Joseph. God allowed
Joseph to go through far more difficult times than I will ever have to go through. He was
rejected and falsely accused, and yet the valley he went through led him to a place of great
blessing and Gods plans being fulfilled.
I cannot begin to tell you the degree of sorrow and remorse I feel over these circumstances. We
remain in fervent prayer day and night over this situation. I have repented before the Lord for
not discerning truth from a lie and for any negative fallout.
Please join us in prayer for the Crossroads 100 Huntley Street Board as they are doing their very
best. Also, pray for the others who have been hurt by this scheme. Let us also pray for this
investor person and for his family.
Thank you so much for the support Kathy and I feel through your love and prayers
In Gods amazing embrace of love,
Reynold Mainse

The SEC Complaint May 14, 2009 (.pdf)

The SEC News Release naming Ontario Christian Television Ministry
OSC Enforcement Order April 15/amended April 29, 2009)
The Hamilton Spectator May 21, 2009
I added the pictures in this post for clarity.
1. Reynold and Kathy Mainse Crossroads Christian Communications Hosts of 100
Huntley Street, VP of Missions
2. Gordon Driver Axcess Automation/Funds
3. David Rutledge former Director of Ministries Crossroads Christian Communications,
former employee Axcess Funds
I have been told Reynold Mainse lost 4 hundred thousand dollars; which according to the letter
above he gave to charities, people in need, and Heavens Rehearsal, a rock concert held at
the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. I do not know what Ron Mainse invested, gained or
lost. While there have been rumours their mother was among the investors I cannot
confirm that, nor can I confirm the amount Reynold lost. I trust my sources, but I think clarity
needs to come from those involved.
Reynold Mainse says he involved 5 to 10 friends and family (a few of the second wave of Axcess
Automation/Funds investors).
This is now confirmation that people who trusted 100 Huntley Street were harmed and
investments went beyond family members.
Canadian Christianity confirmed both Reynold and Ron Mainse had taken a ministry and
leadership investment stewardship course.

This letter from Reynold Mainse comes as Gordon Driver heads to a California court again this
Media, bloggers and interested parties - Grab a screen shot of this post, please. Just in case.
Again, my deepest gratitude to a BDBO reader who has conducted his life and ministry with
transparency, honesty, clarity and in the interests of those he serves.
Published 29 minutes ago 0 comments

SEC files suit against Axcess Automation

2009-05-19 14:14 ET - Street Wire
Also Street Wire (U-*SEC) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
by Mike Caswell
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has won a court order halting a Ponzi scheme
allegedly run by Hamilton, Ont., resident Gordon A. Driver. The SEC says Mr. Driver has
fraudulently raised $14.1-million and is continuing to solicit new investors. (All figures are in
U.S. dollars.) In a temporary restraining order dated May 14, 2009, Judge Otis Wright of the
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California ordered Mr. Driver to cease selling any
sort of securities. He also froze several bank accounts in the name of Mr. Driver and his
company, Axcess Automation LLC.
SEC complaint
The SEC filed a complaint against Mr. Driver and Axcess on May 14, 2009, as well as an
application for a temporary restraining order. The complaint identifies Mr. Driver, 51, as a
resident of Las Vegas, Nev., and Hamilton, Ont. The SEC says that he has raised money from
over 100 investors in the U.S. and Canada, by telling them that he has developed a proprietary
futures trading program. He allegedly offered prospective investors a weekly return of between 1
per cent and 5 per cent.
Of the $14.1-million the scheme allegedly raised, the SEC says Mr. Driver used $1.1-million for
personal expenses and $10.7-million to pay purported returns to investors in Ponzi fashion. He
only used $3.7-million to trade futures, and rather than making the substantial profits that he
represented to investors, he actually incurred $3.55-million in trading losses, the SEC alleges.
According to the complaint, Mr. Driver initially solicited friends, neighbours and business
acquaintances to invest in Axcess. The SEC alleges that his scheme flourished in mid-2007 when
he recruited leaders of an Ontario Christian television ministry where he had worked in the
1970s. "Close relatives of the television ministry's founder invested in Axcess and became
finders or 'point persons' for Axcess," the complaint states. The SEC says these finders solicited
new investors, mostly friends and family, to participate in the scheme. For their efforts, the
finders were allegedly offered a 5-per-cent commission.
Some investors in the scheme received false statements, which purported to show their account
balances and returns, the SEC claims. In late February, 2009, Mr. Driver sent 48 investors a
statement on Axcess letterhead which showed that their account balances totalled approximately
$9.6-million, according to the complaint. "In fact, at the end of December, Driver only had about
$276,162 in all of his accounts: $265,388 in his bank accounts and $10,774 in one trading
account," the SEC alleges.
The SEC also claims that Mr. Driver sent one finder a fabricated account trading statement in
October, 2008, which stated that Axcess had approximately $34.7-million, when it actually had

just $10,774. The finder continued to raise money from investors after receiving the statement,
the SEC says.
In addition to the other allegations, the SEC claims that Mr. Driver is continuing to solicit
investors. He has set up a purported hedge fund called Axcess Fund LP, and is distributing a
private placement memorandum to existing investors and new prospects. He tells investors that
he plans to operate the fund using the same proprietary software program he used in the past,
according to the complaint.
The SEC is seeking orders restraining Mr. Driver from future violations of the U.S. Securities Act.
It is also asking for an order that he disgorge any ill-gotten gains and that he pay an appropriate
civil penalty. The SEC acknowledged the assistance of the Ontario Securities Commission in filing
the case. The OSC cease traded Mr. Driver and Axcess on April 15, 2009, for unlicensed
securities trading.
Temporary restraining order
Judge Wright, in granting the SEC a temporary restraining order, said the regulator has
demonstrated a probability of success in its case. "Good cause exists to believe that defendants
will continue to engage in such violations to the immediate and irreparable loss and damage to
investors ... unless they are restrained and enjoined," his order reads. In addition to ordering
that Mr. Driver and Axcess cease to offer securities, the judge has frozen several bank and
brokerage accounts allegedly connected to the scheme. He has also ordered Mr. Driver and
Axcess to deliver a list of all assets they hold over $5,000 in value.
The temporary restraining lasts until May 26, 2009, unless extended. Judge Otis has ordered
that all parties appear before him on May 22.
Commodity Trading Futures Commission case
In addition to the SEC case, the Commodity Trading Futures Commission has filed a separate
suit against Mr. Driver and Axcess Automation. It repeats many of the same allegations as the
SEC, adding that Mr. Driver withdrew cash from the fund to spend at Las Vegas casinos. Like the
SEC, the CFTC is seeking injunctions, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains and appropriate civil


R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5 AS AMENDED
(Section 127(8))

WHEREAS on April 15, 2009, the Ontario Securities Commission (the

Commission) made an order pursuant to sections 127(1) and (5) of the Securities Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5., as amended, in respect of Axcess Automation LLC, Axcess Fund
Management, LLC, Axcess Fund, L.P., Gordon Alan Driver and David Rutledge that all
trading in securities by the Respondents cease, and that any exemptions contained in
Ontario securities law do not apply to the Respondents (the Temporary Order);
AND WHEREAS Axcess Automation LLC, Axcess Fund Management, LLC, Axcess
Fund, L.P., Gordon Alan Driver and David Rutledge consent to a continuation of the
Temporary Order until October 15, 2009;
AND WHEREAS the Commission is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to
make this order;
1. in respect of the Respondents, the Temporary Order is continued until October 15,
2009 or until further order of the Commission; and
2. this matter shall return before the Commission on October 14, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
or such other time as notified by the Secretarys Office.
DATED at Toronto this 29th day of April, 2009.
Lawrence E. Ritchie
Lawrence E. Ritchie

Local man accused in $14m Ponzi scheme

SEC files allegations in U.S. court
Steve Buist
The Hamilton Spectator
(May 21, 2009)
A Freelton man who describes himself as a software developer and aspiring screenplay
writer is accused in a California court of running a $14-million US Ponzi scheme.
Gordon Driver and his company, Axcess Automation, are alleged to have defrauded
more than 100 Canadian and American investors since 2006 by promising them weekly
returns on their investment as high as 5 per cent, based on special software he says he
developed to trade futures.

Among those who invested in the alleged Ponzi scheme, court documents say, are Ron
and Reynold Mainse, sons of David Mainse, founder of Burlington's Crossroads Television
and 100 Huntley Street.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has obtained a civil court order in
California that freezes the assets of Driver and his company, stops them from any
further trading of securities, and prevents the destruction of any documents.
The SEC will be back in a Los Angeles civil court tomorrow seeking a permanent
injunction, financial penalties and asking a judge to force Driver to turn over the money
he has obtained from investors.
The Ontario Securities Commission has also ordered Driver and Axcess Automation to
cease all trading immediately.
Driver and his company are not registered to sell and trade securities in either Ontario
or the United States.
Driver, who is 51, divides his time between a large home in Wildan Estates, just south of
Freelton, and an address in Las Vegas.
A man, who declined to identify himself working outside Driver's Freelton home
yesterday, said that Driver was away and not expected to return for some time.
Driver could also not be reached at his Las Vegas address.
According to the SEC's court filings, Driver raised more than $14.1-million US ($16
million Cdn) from about 90 Canadian investors and another 15 in the U.S., telling them
that he had developed a software program for trading futures that would generate
weekly returns of 1 to 5 per cent for the investors.
"Driver assured investors that his computer program had built-in safeguards to manage
risk, he never had a trading loss for more than a day, and he never had a weekly or
monthly trading loss," according to the SEC complaint filed in California court.
"In reality, Driver operated (his company) as a Ponzi scheme," the complaint alleges.
In sworn testimony before an SEC hearing April 23, Driver said that he can make
profitable trades seven or eight times out of 10.
"But I can certainly prove that I did better than that," Driver testified. "I do over 100 per
cent. That's better than 10 out of 10 trades."
Driver never properly explained how more than 100 per cent of his trades could be
But the SEC's court filings tell a much different story.

The SEC alleges that Driver actually used just $3.7-million US of the $14.1-million US he
raised to trade futures -- and that he lost 95 per cent of the money in the trades he did
Despite telling investors they could make up to 5 per cent profit per week, the SEC
alleges "Driver, in fact, did limited trading and in some months, conducted no trading
Last October, the SEC claims, sent a "fabricated" trading account statement to one
person who was acting as a "finder" for investors.
The fabricated statement "falsely stated that the account's ending balance was $34.7million US as of August 28, 2008," according to the SEC complaint.
In fact, the SEC claims, the account's true balance was less than $11,000 US.
The SEC also alleges that Driver misappropriated $10.7-million US to pay some
investors and used another $1.1-million US to pay personal expenses.
A document filed by an investigator for the SEC who analyzed Driver's expenses states
that since 2006, about $470,000 US was taken by Driver in cash withdrawals, $163,000
US for retail purchases at places such as Costco and Sam's Club, $72,000 US used for
travel costs, $68,000 US for auto-related expenses and nearly $60,000 US for
computers and electronics.
The SEC alleges that Driver's "scheme" flourished in mid-2007 when he made inroads
with the leaders of Burlington's Crossroads Christian Communications, where Driver
worked in the late 1970s.
In his SEC testimony, Driver said he worked for Crossroads for a short time when he
was a teenager, working with the sound equipment in new studios that had been
Driver said that Crossroads' founder David Mainse was like a father figure to him.
When Driver moved back to Ontario from California a few years ago, he discovered he
was living in the same neighbourhood as Ron Mainse, one of David's sons.
Driver also said that he worked on films in the past with Oscar-winning director Sydney
Pollack, including the 2005 film The Interpreter, starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn.
He also said that his intent when he moved back to Ontario was to write screenplays.
Driver testified that he was going to sell a computer to Reynold Mainse, Ron's brother,
when Reynold noticed some charts on the computer related to Driver's supposed trading
Reynold Mainse became interested, Driver testified, and eventually invested some
money. Ron Mainse also became an investor.

In Driver's April 23 testimony, he alleged the two Mainse brothers also acted as finders,
bringing other investors to Driver.
Ron Mainse is out of the country and could not be reached for comment.
Reynold Mainse did not respond to an interview request.

No Crossroads cash in $14.1m Ponzi scam

Huntley Street said Mainse brothers used personal money
The Hamilton Spectator

BURLINGTON -The ministry behind 100 Huntley Street says church money was not
misappropriated by two of the TV show's hosts who have been suspended over alleged
links to a $14.1-million US Ponzi scheme.
Any investments made by Ron and Reynold Mainse were "personal and private" in
nature and did not draw from the ministry's 20,000-plus pool of donors, said Doug
McKenzie, CEO of Burlington-based Crossroads Christian Communications.
No charges have been laid against either Ron or Reynold Mainse, the sons of well-known
Crossroads founder and televangelist David Mainse. The brothers did not respond to
interview requests and could not be reached for comment last night.
In May, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission obtained a court order halting the
scheme allegedly run by Gordon Driver, 51, who lives in Freelton and Las Vegas. In its
complaint, the SEC alleged Driver solicited friends, neighbours, and business
acquaintances to invest in his company, Axcess Automation and defrauded more than
100 Canadian and American investors.
The commission alleged Driver's scheme flourished in mid-2007 when he made "inroads"
with leaders of an Ontario Christian TV ministry. Close relatives of the ministry's founder
invested in Axcess and acted as "finders" for Driver, encouraging others to do the same,
the SEC said.
Driver allegedly offered to pay the finders 5-per-cent commission on his 75-per-cent
share of the profits, the SEC said.
McKenzie said the Mainse brothers have been asked to step down while Crossroads'
board of directors reviewed their business dealings with Driver. The brothers have not
been on 100 Huntley Street since May and their spots have been filled by guest hosts,
including their father, David.

McKenzie said removal of the brothers was the "best action" the North Service Road
ministry could take until more information about their alleged involvement in the Ponzi
scheme became available.
"We're deeply concerned about what is going on in this particular matter. These are
allegations that are very serious and concern us very much."
Apart from their TV jobs, Ron Mainse was director of broadcasting interests at
Crossroads and Reynold Mainse was VP of Crossroads missionary activities.
The Canadian Press with files from The Hamilton Spectator
31 Therese on Aug 5th, 2009 at 7:50 am

Anybody noticing that we are seeing an increasing affinity between protestant

evangelicals and catholicism lately? Catholics possess only the milk of the word, only
Jesus part of the covenantas does most of the evangelical church now. The church has
lost the meat of the gospel, the part where we need to sell all that we have and buy
the kingdom of heaven for ourselves, buy the extra oil (revelation of the word)
through the suffering that comes with carrying the disciples cross. The kingdom of
heaven is is not bought with money - You who have no money, come and buy.
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though
something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the
sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. 1 Peter
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has
given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for
you, who through faith are shielded by Gods power until the coming of the salvation
that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a
little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come SO
THAT YOUR FAITH - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by
fire - MAY BE PROVED GENUINE, and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus
Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:3-7
I dont trust any believer or preacher who names the name of Jesus any more unless I
see the mark of the cross in their lives - suffering.
32 Tim on Aug 5th, 2009 at 8:19 am

The passage in Matthew 7:1-3 is for us all wherever we are in our journey.
For my part it is precisely because of the suffering that I and my family have been
through that we have found love and grace for others when the storms of life gather and
shake us to our very core.
We have a choice to get better or get bitter.
I pray that I am working towards getting better.
I cannot speak for others.

An interesting thought for you arising from your quote:

I dont trust any believer or preacher who names the name of Jesus any more unless I
see the mark of the cross in their lives - suffering
Might this just mean that Ron and Reynold will go on to become amazing preachers?
34 Therese on Aug 5th, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Tim, to me the word of God is precious treasure, not something to mock and despise.
Surely you must know what Peter says about suffering for being a Christian as opposed
to suffering for doing wrong - and yet even then Gods grace is offered if repentance is
forthcoming. Of course suffering is only useful when there is repentance. I think we are
talking in two different languages - I am not even talking about legal culpability in terms
of mans laws, which Gods children are not subject to, but do voluntarily submit
ourselves to. I dont know if they broke mans laws, and if so whether deliberately or
not. For me its not the most important thing - what Ive been trying to address is the
purity of the gospel, the integrity of Gods sanctuary. Jesus was not bitter when he went
on a rampage with a whip driving out the money-changers from His Fathers house, and
I think I am being a lot more gentle than that!
As for the Mainses being more worthy preachers after all this, for sure I
believe this is the great opportunity and mercy the Lord is offering them, if only
they would agree with their Adversary on the way, before they are handed over
to the Judge, so that they are able to receive His grace and avoid His judgment.
Im sorry I cant be more hopeful - but the letter tells me that the author
doesnt know what he needs to repent of, which is not about believing his
friends lies, but more about serving mammon and believing/presenting a false
We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn.
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you
the elementary truths of Gods word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant is not acquainted with the teaching about
righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained
themselves to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us leave the elementary
teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.. Hebrews 5:11-6:1
Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be
adults. In the Law it is written, Through men of strange tongues and through the lips of
foreigners I will speak to this people, but even then they will not listen to me, says the
Lord. 1 Cor. 14:20-21

11 Jackie on Aug 8th, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Honestly, in this age of deception, I dont know why anyone would give money to this
Along with his sons, David Mainse is a professional fake. Misleading the public for years.

While this family lives in the multimillion dollars homes with money donated, people
continue to be stupid to give money.
Eventually, their scheme will break.
If the Mainse family truly followed Gods word, they would not be involved in such a
10 Therese Kimber on Jul 19th, 2009 at 4:40 am
This all makes me wonder at what point did the church in Canada (and the U.S.) become such a
slick and clever business enterprise, run by slick and clever business people in a slick and clever
business-like waywhere and why did we go off the rails? I can think of two reasons at least: 1)
laying aside the cross , whereby we must crucify our flesh nature or we are not His disciples 2)
Too much Martha and not enough Mary: Jesus said that Mary choosing to forgo fleshly activity
on His behalf, to just sit at His feet and allow herself to be transformed by Him was the ONE
THING NEEDED. Do we believe Him? Are we going to follow Jesus and become like Him, or will
we continue to follow the world and become like it?

Local Ponzi suspect wants access to cash
But US asks court to say no
Steve Buist
(Aug 17, 2009)

A Freelton man implicated in a $14-million Ponzi scheme is now the subject of a U.S.
criminal investigation by the California state attorney's office.
Gordon Driver and his company, Axcess Automation, are already facing court actions
launched by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which alleges that Driver
and his company defrauded more than 100 Canadian and U.S. investors by promising
them weekly returns on their investment as high as 5 per cent.
The SEC has obtained a court order freezing Driver's assets and is also seeking financial
penalties and an order that would force Driver to turn over any money he has obtained
from investors.
Driver will be back in a Los Angeles court today, hoping to convince a judge to release
$35,000 of the frozen funds so that Driver can hire a lawyer to defend himself in the
case against the SEC.
In his court motion, Driver acknowledges he is also now the subject of a criminal
investigation and that he has been provided with a public defender to protect his rights
in that case.
Driver declined to discuss the nature of the criminal investigation when contacted by The
Spectator. He also declined to discuss his attempt to gain access to the frozen funds.
In one court document filed with his motion, Driver indicated that both he and his wife
are not employed and that neither of them has any assets or owns any property other
than three small bank accounts that each has less than $100.
He also stated in his sworn declaration that he and his family now live in rental housing
in Las Vegas.
A land title search indicates that Driver's house in Wildan Estates, just south of Freelton,
appears to be owned by a numbered company, 555483 Ontario Limited.

Driver stated in an e-mail to The Spectator that neither he nor his wife has any
ownership position in the numbered company.
The U.S. Securities Exchange Commission is vigorously opposing Driver's application for
access to the $35,000 in frozen funds.
"Just as a bank robber cannot use the loot to wage the best defence money can buy ...
so a swindler in securities markets cannot use the victims' assets to hire counsel who
will help him retain the gleanings of crime," states an SEC response, in quoting a U.S.
court ruling in another case.
The SEC's response also points out that Driver has failed to provide any evidence of his
finances despite court orders, and that as much as $1 million remains missing, based on
an accounting investigation.
"If Driver truly has no money, how has he been living these past few months?" the SEC
asks in its response.
Driver and his company are not registered to sell and trade securities in Ontario or the
United States.
In testimony he gave to the SEC in April, Driver said he can make profitable trades
seven or eight times out of 10.
However, the SEC alleges that Driver actually used just $3.7 million US of the $14.1
million US he raised to trade futures - and that he lost 95 per cent of the money in the
trades he did make.
The SEC alleges Driver's "scheme" flourished in mid-2007 when he made inroads with
the leaders of Burlington's Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., where Driver
worked in the late 1970s.
Driver also told the SEC in April that Ron and Reynold Mainse -- sons of Crossroads
founder David Mainse -- invested money and also acted as finders, bringing other
investors to Driver.
The Mainse brothers have temporarily stepped down as hosts of Crossroads' 100 Huntley
Street broadcasts. No charges have been laid against the brothers in connection with
Driver's case.
Rev Enue on Aug 17th, 2009 at 8:54 am
The love of money is the root of all evil .
There has always charlatans in the world of religion.
These individuals always use greed as the Driving force
to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
Always cloaking their schemes in religious sounding phrases in
set the trap for the victims.
And then when they are exposed rather than repent they go about excusing themselves.
Now its a fact that in North America prominent Pentecostal Pastors and their off springs
do some very unusual criminal things (See Not
Innocent or,
CEO of ministry building $4 million lakefront home,)
And why in the world would a so called Pentecostal Christian Church, Toronto Airport
Christian Fellowship, or any church for that matter sue anybody for any money never mind for
50 millions of dollars and use in the process a very expensive Bay Street firm of Aird & Berlis
out of their 8 million annual budget to slander, defame and destroy a Christian individual, Walter
Kambulow, who does not do what they do, and in the process lie and commit perjury?
- - I am one of the people who invested with Gordon A. Driver Axcess Fund LLC beginning of
2007. I talked with him a couple times a month every month to see how things were going and
actually met him face to face twice. I was told when I invested with him that he is a good
Christian and was the salt of the earth. Turns out he is the total opposite. He stole from friends,
long term friends people that were in financial trouble and guaranteed them high returns. Now in
hind sight returns that were to good to be true. I hope he rots in jail! He has hurt so many
families that are now because of him in serious financial trouble.
Gordon A. Driver
(702) 951-9398
Posted by: Lost Shirt | July 09, 2009 at 06:37 PM

100 Huntley Street hosts still lying low

Crossroads Christian Communications cleared in Ponzi investigation
By Josiah Neufeld | Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reynold Mainse (left) and Ron Mainse (right). PHOTO: CCCI

BURLINGTON, ONFans who miss the popular co-hosts of Christian television show 100
Huntley Street shouldn't expect to see Ron and Reynold Mainse back on air this fall,
although their names have been essentially cleared of wrongdoing in an ongoing Ponzi
scheme investigation.
"I think the board is very very cautious," Reynold Mainse said when ChristianWeek
asked him if he expects to be back on the show anytime soon. "I don't know and I'm not
that anxious about it."

Crossroads Christian Communications pulled the Mainse brotherssons of founder David

Mainsefrom the show in May after the Hamilton Spectator broke the news that Gordon
Driver and his company Axcess Automation were accused in a California court of running
a $16 million dollar Ponzi scheme. Driver told the court that the Mainse brothers had
invested money with him and brought him new investors.
Driver and his company are facing a criminal investigation by California state attorney's
office and accusations of investor fraud from the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.
No charges have been laid against the Mainse brothers who say they cooperated fully
with the Ontario Securities Commission in its own investigation of Driver.
"We took someone we thought to be a friend at his word," says Reynold Mainse. "We
didn't investigate our friend, and it turned out what he was telling us was not true. It
hurt us and it hurt our families."
Mainse says Driver and his family recently moved into his brother Ron's neighbourhood.
"Their kids played together, they did a little holidaying together, they really felt they had
a strong good relationship," says Mainse.
Mainse says Driver told him investing money in his company would help strengthen
Mainse's ministry. Mainse and his wife Kathy are also volunteer co-chairs of a ministry
called Heaven's Rehearsal.
"I came to find out over a year later that one apparently needs a license to get any
compensation when it comes to the stock market," Mainse wrote in a letter he sent to
his friends and supporters on July 26.
Mainse says he pointed five relatives and 10 friends toward investment opportunities
with Driver. His friends ended up losing varying amounts of moneyMainse wouldn't say
how muchand that he personally "didn't lose very much."
"They don't hold anything against me," he says.
The SEC accuses Driver of defrauding about 90 investors in Canada and 15 in the U.S.
Driver allegedly raised $16 million dollars Canadian from investors whom he promised
returns of up to 5 per cent per week.
Mainse says his first inkling that something was awry came on May 15. He says he was
"shocked" when he read a report from the SEC and in the newspaper that Driver was
facing charges.
"Even when we met with the Ontario Securities Commission, we still believed in our
heart that somehow this is all good, that the questions will be answered, Gord will be
cleared and we can move on with something that we thought was good," says Mainse.
The Mainse brothers are not facing charges, and Crossroads says no ministry funds were
invested with Driver.

Ron Mainse says he won't comment at present, but that he's preparing to release his
own public statement.
Crossroads still cautious

In the meantime, Crossroads invited an accounting firm to make its own internal
investigation of Crossroads. The board said in a statement July 17 that it is confident "no
CCCI funds whatsoever were directed to Gordon Driver or any of his corporate entities."
"They've gone through a good process," says John Pellowe, CEO of the Canadian Council
of Christian Charities, of which Crossroads is a member. "We had full access to
everything we wanted to see. It was quite extensive. They have not acted in an arbitrary
manner, they have done their due diligence, they have looked at it very carefully, they
have consulted externally."
But Crossroads CEO Doug Mckenzie says the Mainse brothers won't be back on the show
until they've completed a "restorative" process outlined by the Crossroads board.
"Obviously we're praying about this, we're looking for restoration, we're anticipating
that," says Mckenzie. "We don't have anything else we can say about it at this time
they're working through those issues."
Though the organization's day-to-day operations are "secure" and there are "no
prospects of going under," according to Mckenzie, this issue has contributed to a
financially difficult year.
At press time Kerry Carmichael, chair of the Crossroads board, had not returned calls
requesting an interview.
Read other ChristianWeek articles on this topic here.


1. 72 Rev Enue on Aug 17th, 2009 at 8:54 am

The love of money is the root of all evil .

There has always charlatans in the world of religion.
These individuals always use greed as the Driving force
to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
Always cloaking their schemes in religious sounding phrases in
set the trap for the victims.
And then when they are exposed rather than repent they go about excusing

2. 73 E on Aug 17th, 2009 at 10:13 am

The Hamilton Spectator just ran another piece today on Driver and the Mainse
brothers: (Aug 17th)
3. 74 BD on Aug 17th, 2009 at 1:02 pm

Thanks. Got it, and its posted.
The link trackback is at the bottom of these comments.
Investors are hungry for information, if I hear from California tonight, Ill update.
4. 75 Walter Kambulow on Aug 17th, 2009 at 8:15 pm

Gordon Driver - Did you read my Ebook Not innocent?

If so why do you think that you and the Mainse brothers are different from the
Straders who also conducted a religious affinity ponzi scheme?
In other words you are innocent and committed no crimes whatsoever?
5. 76 Gordon Driver on Aug 18th, 2009 at 7:29 am

Perhaps you dont know what it is like to be judged by Christians who dont know
all the facts.
Read in the book of James again, Walter. Only God knows all the facts, it is not
your place or anyone else on this blog to judge. God has some harsh things to say
about people who do.
I dont want anyone to invite Gods wrath.
6. 77 Bene D on Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:53 am

What facts are in dispute in these posts Gordon?

Im not talking about peoples opinions, speculation, there is an absense of
information, and you can dispute what is known if you think it is incorrect.
Walter went to court when a lawsuit was brought against him by the TAFC leaders.
You may have more in common than you think, I dont believe he had a jury and
he defended himself.

100 investors are looking for facts more than for our chatter.
You had a court appearance yesterday - what was the outcome?
7. 78 Rev Enue on Aug 18th, 2009 at 11:55 am

The guy defrauds, cheats and steals and then throws out the
old do not judge smokescreen.
He should be a TV preacher
8. 79 Walter Kambulow on Aug 18th, 2009 at 12:10 pm

I dont want anyone to invite Gods wrath. G D

MK 4:22 For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything
been kept secret but that it should come to light.
JN 18:20 Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in
synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have
said nothing.
Gordon Driver
You didnt answer the simple question you are innocent and committed no crimes
whatsoever? Please yes or no!
And then you have things upside down concerning Gods wrath which is on those
Christians who sin willfully after they have received the knowledge of the truth, for
there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of
judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who
has rejected Moses law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three
witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought
worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the
covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of
grace? For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the
Lord. And again, The LORD will judge His people. It is a fearful thing to fall into
the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:26-31)
As my Ebook demonstrates concerning deceived Pentecostals Christian such as
yourself and the Mainse brothers those who conduct ponzi schemes are in deep
trouble with governing authorities:
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority
except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore
whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist
will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but
to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will
have praise from the same. For he is Gods minister to you for good. But if you do
evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is Gods minister, an
avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Romans 13:1-3

And since Jesus Christ made me a king and a priest one of the functions of any
wise king is to judge all things. The bible clearly states:
1 Corinthians 2:15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is
rightly judged by no one. 2:16 For who has known the mind of the LORD that he
may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 5:9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually
immoral people. 5:10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral
people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then
you would need to go out of the world. 5:11 But now I have written to you not to
keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or
covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner-not even to
eat with such a person. 5:12 For what have I to do with judging those also who
are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 5:13 But those who are
outside God judges. Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person.
1COR 14:29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.
So Gordon if you claim to be part of the body of Christ and a brother in the Lord
and are a liar, a thief, a scoundrel, a covetous person, etc. then its my duty to
judge you, rebuke you, and put you away from the body of Christ if you are an evil
person who refuses to repent and to expose you to the world as per the words of
LK 17:3 Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him;
and if he repents, forgive him.
Matthew 18:15 Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault
between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 18:16
But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two
or three witnesses every word may be established. 18:17 And if he refuses to
hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him
be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. 18:18 Assuredly, I say to you,
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on
earth will be loosed in heaven.
When you or anybody rob, hurts, or deceives any member of the body of Christ it
affects me because we all are our brothers keeper and Scriptures instructs us:
ROM 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
1TM 5:20 Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also
may fear.
2TM 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince,
rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

TI 1:10 For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers,
especially those of the circumcision, 1:11 whose mouths must be stopped, who
subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of
dishonest gain. 1:12 One of them, a prophet of their own, said, Cretans are
always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons. 1:13 This testimony is true. Therefore
rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith,
TI 2:15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one
despise you.
So Gordon did you deceive others and stole money for the sake of dishonest gain?
9. 80 Gordon Driver on Aug 18th, 2009 at 12:45 pm

I guess the book of James is missing from your Bible. You didnt quote from it.
James 4:11-12
11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother
and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge
the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver,[a]
who is able to save and to destroy. Who[b] are you to judge another?[c]
James 3:1
1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall
receive a stricter judgment.
10.81 Walter Kambulow on Aug 18th, 2009 at 1:47 pm

Ephesians 5:5 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous
man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 5:6
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of
God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 5:7 Therefore do not be partakers with
them. 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as
children of light 5:9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness,
and truth), 5:10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 5:11 And have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 5:12 For
it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
5:13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever
makes manifest is light.
Gordon Driver
You still didnt answer the question of you are innocent and committed no crimes
whatsoever? Please yes or no!

For the record the book of James was written to brethren and if you are a liar, a
thief and a scoundrel you are not one of the brethren nor my brother in the Lord
but a son of disobedience, a son hell upon whom comes the wrath of God
according to Apostle Paul and the Holy Spirit who inspired his words!
So quoting the word of God by Gordon is a joke because the bible tells you: 1PT
4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a
busybody in other peoples matters.
Its obvious to me and many you are a liar, a thief and a scoundrel who belong in
jail along with the Mainse brothers and that is why you refuse to answer the
simple question So Gordon did you deceive others and stole money for the sake of
dishonest gain?
11.82 Rev Enue on Aug 18th, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Why in the world would the guy incriminate himself in a public forum
such as this even if he were guilty?
12.83 Bene D on Aug 18th, 2009 at 4:36 pm

Walter, it isnt obvious to the rest of us.

Gordon Driver is in a civil case with the CFTC and SEC regarding Axcess
Automation/Axcess Funds.
He is under criminal investigation.
However, until he is has his day in court and there is a verdict, it doesnt matter
what people think.
The law is the law and he is facing it.
As am I. I cannot convict someone with words, hence the term alleged. It is up to
the court to prove or disprove the charges, not me.
James or any book of the bible isnt going to do Gordon one bit of good in front of
a judge and the defendants. Neither is blog chatter.
If he has a lawyer, that lawyer is advising him not to talk.
He has the right under law to not self-incriminate, just like you and I do.
13.84 Walter on Aug 18th, 2009 at 5:14 pm

If he has a lawyer, that lawyer is advising him not to talk.

He has the right under law to not self-incriminate, just like you and I do.
Bene D
An honest righteous man doesnt have to play games with the system and get
away on a technicality like Jim Bakker did.

Jim was judged, found guilty and sentenced to 45 years in jail, the same amount
Dan Strader was given.
But because the judge erred in making a speech about Jims religion the conviction
was overturned!
And Jim still owes the IRS about 10 million dollars when the bible says: ROM 13:8
Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has
fulfilled the law.
As far as I am concerned Jim Bakker was and still is a thief, a crook and a
deceiver! As a matter of fact if you really look into the matter Jim Bakker repented
off nothing except teaching prosperity!
I watched this parasite on TV last week and he is still off the wall! And the bible
tells us: 2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as
there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive
heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift
destruction. 2:2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the
way of truth will be blasphemed. 2:3 By covetousness they will exploit you with
deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their
destruction does not slumber.
What I am saying that because you are found guilty or not guilty by the legal
system doesnt mean that you are absolved of your crimes towards humanity.
Robbing the sheep of money by any person is wrong and especially if you dont
make restitution! As my pastor Gordon Williams has stated yesterday:
The problem with the pastors, evangelists and other so-called Christian Leaders is
that there is no real change in their lives. They are sorry mostly because they got
caught and not because they have sinned. None of them have made any effort to
pay back what they have taken under false and fraudulent premises or changed
their adulterous life style.
14.85 Gordon Driver on Aug 18th, 2009 at 5:52 pm

Walter used this verse: 1PT 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief,
an evildoer, or as a busybody in other peoples matters
busybody |bizbd|
noun ( pl. -bodies)
a meddling or prying person..
Walter, being a busybody in my matters would indicate this verse applies to you.
James 3:1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we
shall receive a stricter judgment.
15.86 Walter Kambulow on Aug 18th, 2009 at 6:00 pm

Gordon Driver

Even the devil quotes scriptures! So how come you are choosing only the verses
that you like and ignoring But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an
As Jesus told hypocrites:
MT7:1 Judge not, that you be not judged.
7:2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure
you use, it will be measured back to you.
7:3 And why do you look at the speck in your brothers eye, but do not consider
the plank in your own eye?
7:4 Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your
eye; and look, a plank is in your own eye?
7:5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see
clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye.
In other words liars and thieves cannot rebuke those who dont do what they do?
You dont see me conducting a ponzi scheme or having a nonprofit corporation
depending on the deception of sheep to finance an expensive lifestyle?
16.87 Gordon Driver on Aug 18th, 2009 at 6:12 pm

Walter, thank you for confirming my point. I have nothing more to say.
17.88 Walter Kambulow on Aug 18th, 2009 at 6:15 pm

Gordon Driver
You have nothing to say because you are a thief who is not a doer of the word!
EPH 4:28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with
his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.
Gambling or playing with the stock market is not labor, working with his hands
what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.



Wolves In Sheeps Clothing

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