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Interjection Exercise 1. An interjection is ___. a. an exclamation which shows thoughts or feelings b. a meaningless string of sounds c.

the same as an adjective d. a tool to join two sentences.

2. Which of the following interjections is NOT an expression of surprise or wonder? a. Gee! b. Gosh! c. Boo! d. Wow!

3. Somebody has just stepped on your toe. Which interjection would best fit the situation? a. Yoo-hoo! b. Ouch! c. Eh! d. Yipee!

4. You are most likely to hear or use the interjection alas ___. a. at a theatrical performance b. while listening to a political speech c. on both of the above mentioned occasions d. to express grief or pity

5. ___, John! Come here! I want to talk to you. a. Oops b. Mmm c. Hey d. Brrr

6. Which of the following interjections is NOT used when cheering for a team? a. Hurrah! b. Yay! c. Ouch! d. Yippee! 7. Which is the odd man out? (Which word fits in a different group?) a. hey b. yoo-hoo c. oops

8. Which sentence contains an interjection that expresses joy? a. Shh! You are too noisy. b. Uh-oh! Look out for that tree. c. Wow! I cant believe you did that d. Great! We cant wait to see you. exercises high level&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CC8QFjAB&url= 2cA&bvm=bv.48705608,d.bmk

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