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Techniques in improving your skills

Effective Verbal Communication

Be direct
Be clear and concise Be aware of non-verbal cues

Be attentive
Communicate bit by bit Use various communication techniques

Listen with understanding

Build in feedback Be assertive Be supportive Show empathy

Non-verbal communication
Eye contact
Gestures Appropriate facial expressions Posture

Physical position

Active listening techniques

Avoid distractions Use direct eye contact

Do not interrupt
Read both verbal and non-verbal messages Be empathetic

Paraphrase to correct misinterpretations, reflect the literal message and improve retention
Evaluate the message after hearing all the facts Concentrate on the message as well as the messenger Give feedback to check accuracy, express your perspective, and broaden the interaction Listen with your entire body

Dont talk so much!!!

Judgement and decision-making

Steps in decision-making
Identify the core issues Determine a decision-making approach Generate options Research options Evaluate options Reach a decision Implement and monitor the decision

Problem-solving techniques

Problem solving techniques

Brainstorming Synthesize ideas Get consensus Encourage creativity

Time management techniques

effective planning deciding on the most effective way of identifying tasks that need priority attention avoidance of distractions delegating tasks to others.

Persuasiveness techniques
Understand others motivation and needs Establish rapport and credibility Find common ground Engage in joint brainstorming and problem solving activities

Support preferred outcome with logic and reasoning


Effective negotiation techniques

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepare and plan Establish ground rules Clarifying issue Bargain and problem solving Closure and implementation

Important tips for negotiating

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Determine the importance of the outcome for you Look forward Separate people from problems Adopt a win-win attitude Be clear about your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) 6. Enter negotiation with an objective criteria and mindset 7. Respond dont react 8. Use a third party if all else fails

Diversity awareness techniques

Awareness of and reducing prejudices and use of stereotypes

Recognise and admit your own biases and prejudices and commit to reducing them
Examine the stereotypes and analyse your feelings based on these Dispel myths about diverse others Minimize miscommunication with diverse others Educate yourself about differences by reading , listening and conversing with others Practice effective communication skills Use words that are inclusive

Be aware of connotations to words

Avoid forming an opinion based on dress, mannerisms, accept or eye contact

Increasing diversity awareness

Form and build positive relationships with diverse others. Seek opportunities to interact with a wide variety of people. Seek feedback from diverse others. Show interest and share information about yourself to invite them to reciprocate. Encourage open discussions on personal opinions, feelings and reactions.

Build trust by being open and transparent.

Work with diverse others to achieve mutual goals.

Coaching and counselling

Coaching involves providing: Guidance Insight Encourage and influence trust Feedback Frequent interaction Shared goal of improving work performance

Counselling addresses personal and attitudinal issues and includes listening skills, providing feedback and trustworthiness.

Effective coaching behaviours

Face-to-face discussions Modeling of quality behaviour Display supportive behaviour Use of micro-skills

Characteristics of effective feedback

Non-personal Work-related Documentable Non-descriptive Timely

Purposeful Constructive and balanced

Appropriate setting

Interpersonal skills are crucial when interacting with people and for effectively implementing the performance management policy so that organisational objectives are met.

De Janasz, S., Dowd, K.O., & Schneider, B.Z. (2009). Interpersonal skills in organisations (3rd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill Companies

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