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Joy Tan Socio-gram Worksheet 1. Which subgroups have the most impact on the atmosphere of the floor?

Is it positive or negative? 2. What is your role in relating to all the different subgroups of the floor 3. Which subgroups represent the most diversity in people and behaviors? 4. Which students do you have the most difficulty interacting with? Why? 5. Which students are you most concerned about? 6. Which students do you need to have conversations with? To keep an eye on? 7. How well does you floor reflect the kind of community you have hoped for? 8. What does the socio-gram show you are the problem or barriers toward developing your floor community? 9. What are some goals or specific plans you have for your community for the entire semester? Action Plan Based on your review of the floor, what are the top three topics/issues with which your community struggles? Are these topics of a personal, community, or societal nature? What/how do your residents think, feel or behave on these topics? How do you plan to address these issues? List three goals you have for your Action Plan. How will you know if these goals have been achieved?

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