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APPENDIX: Survey Questions Please fill out the below survey in the context of your experience with cell

and internet companies. 1. What province do you live in?

2. Please rank your overall satisfaction and experience with cell and internet companies? Extremely dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Extremely satisfied

3. When you signed your cell/internet contract did you read the entire contract? Yes No

4. When you signed your cell/internet contract, please select the sentence that best describes your understanding of the details. I understood all the details I understood most of the details I understood some of the details I understood very few details

5. How would you describe your contract? Extremely clear Somewhat clear

Somewhat complicated Extremely complicated

6. Have you experienced any of the following? (Check all that apply) Yes No Not Sure

Mistakes on your bill resulting in extra charges? The amount of your monthly bill being at least $100 more than you expected? Difficulties changing your contract? Your service being disconnected for non-payment of a bill? Hardship(s) due to service disconnection? Other (please specify)

7. How often is your bill amount over the contract amount? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

8. Do you have anything you want to tell us about your experiences with your cell phone or internet provider?

9. Please rank the effectiveness with which your cell/internet company resolved problems Extremely dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied

Somewhat satisfied Extremely satisfied

10. Please rank the following companies: Extremely dissatisfied satisfied Don't know Bell Eastlink Fido Koodo Mobilicity MTS Public Rogers Sasktel Shaw TekSavvy Telus Videotron Virgin Wind Other (please specify) Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Extremely

11. Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to tell us:

12. Are you interested in receiving updates about ACORN Canada's campaign to bring affordable high-speed internet to low-income people? Yes No

13. Please enter your contact information: Name: Postal Code: Email: Phone: Address: City/Town: Thank You!

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