Experiment 9 Short

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman ( Kampar Campus )

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biotechnology

Year 1 Semester 1

Group 1

Laboratory 1A (UESB 1112 )

(II) Atomic Structures and Periodicity

Lecturer: Ms. Chong Foon Yee

Group Member:

1) Ang Pei Wen ( 08AEB02216 )

2) Chan Pei Sin ( 08AEB03544 )

3) Cheah Hong Leong ( 08AEB03788 )

Experiment No. 9

Title: Solution – Construction of Solubility Curve for Potassium


Date: 30 July 2008

Title: Solution – Construction of Solubility Curve for Potassium Chlorate (KClO3)

- To construct the solubility curve for potassium chlorate
- To determine the solubility of potassium chlorate at different temperature


Volume of water (ml) Temperature (oC) Gram of KClO3 per 100g H2O
10 66 30.70
15 53 20.47
20 45 15.35
25 38 12.28
30 32 10.23
35 28 8.77
40 20 7.68

Analysis and Calculation:

When determining the solution of a substance, we must know the heat of solution
( Hsoln ), lattice energy and the heat of hydration ( Hhydr ).
Heat of solution is the total enthalpy change that occurs when a solution forms from
solute and solvent. Negative value of heat of solution means that the process is exothermic
(releases heat) while positive value of heat of solution shows that the process of dissolving of
a substance is endothermic (absorbs heat). Heat of solution is one of the two factors that
determine the solubility of a solute.
Heat of hydration is the enthalpy change for the hydration of one mole of separated
(gaseous) ions and lattice energy is the enthalpy change that occurs when one mole of ionic
solid separates into gaseous ions which indicates the strength of ionic interaction in the solid.
Most ionic solids have positive heat of solution because their lattice energy is greater
than heats of hydration. Thus, heat is absorbed to form a solution. This indicates that solids
are more soluble at higher temperature. Rise in temperature causes the increase of solubility.
In this experiment, the graph of the relation between solubility and temperature of
KClO3 shows solubility increases when temperature rises. Our prediction is that the solubility
will continue to increase if the temperature continues to rise.
An important precaution must be taken in this experiment, which is the reading of
temperature must be taken as soon as the salt crystals start to form. The crystallization of salt
must be observed carefully.

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