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Blair, Emily, Jessi Noisy Story

Cat-meow Mouse-squeak Clock-tik tok Hand-clap

One day, the cat was chasing the mouse and they ran into a clock. The cat stopped because the clock said 6 and that meant it was time for dinner. The mouse asked how he knew and the cat said, The big hand of the clock chases the little hand like I chase you. The big hand of the clock is fast like me and the little hand is slow like you. Theres sixty minutes in an hour and the big hand tells the minute of that hour. The mouse asked the cat, What does the little hand on the clock do? The cat replied, The little hand tells you what hour it is. We number the hours one through twelve. I know it is six oclock because the little hand of the clock is pointing to the six and the big hand of the clock is pointing to the twelve, said the cat to the mouse. When the big hand is pointing to the twelve, we start counting the minutes of that hour from zero, said the cat. Then the mouse said to the cat, I get it now! Im so glad I had a cat like you to explain how to read the clock to a mouse like me.

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