Unit 3 Lesson 1 Core Technologies Outline Part 2

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Unit 3 Lesson 1

Core Technologies
(Worksheet 2 of 2)
Last Name ____________________________ First Name __________________________________________
Date __________________ Class 1A 2A 1B 2B 3B
1. _______________________________________ is the technology of producing, storing
controlling, transmitting, and getting work from heat energy.
2. Examples of Thermal Technologies are:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
3. _______________________________________ is the technology of producing, altering,
and combining materials.
4. Examples of Material Technologies are:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
5. In the school of textile video what is the focus of the NCSU students?
6. Why does fashion design fall under materials technology?
7. _______________________________________ is the technology of Using, adapting, and
altering organisms and biological processes for a desired outcome.
8. Examples of Biotechnologies are:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
9. About 90% of which crops are genetically altered in the United States?
__________________________, ____________________________, _________________________ and
10. GMOs are plants that have been _______________________ engineered.

Unit 3 Lesson 1
Core Technologies
(Worksheet 2 of 2)
11. The GMO technology was developed because it produces a crop that is
prevents _____________________ and tolerates ___________________ killing herbicides.
12. What are some negative concerns about GMO foods?

13. After watching the video clip of the movie Multiplicity what do you think
one of the problems of cloning people could be?
14. _______________________________________ is the technology of Using, fluid, either gas
(pneumatics) or liquid (hydraulic) to apply force or to transport.
15. Examples of fluid technologies are:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
16. In the video the piston is moved using ____________________ air.
17. Why is compressed air used in the textile and food industry?
18. Compressed air can be _______________________________.
19. What is the big idea from this lesson?
20. In the human machine video, what type of core technology is the parachute?
21. The bowling ball activates the airbag; the air bag is considered what type of
core technology? _________________________________

Unit 3 Lesson 1
Core Technologies
(Worksheet 2 of 2)
22. Danny Macaskill is riding a bike in the video; this is what type of core
technology? _________________________________
23. When Danny Macaskills bike ride ends he activates a tank of blue water,
what core technology is demonstrated here? _______________________________.
24. What are some of the other nine core technologies represented in this video?
(List at least 3, and give examples where they were in the video and what
they did)
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
25. Now that we know that core technologies are small parts that make a large
system, what was the purpose of the system in the human machine video?

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