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Lesson Title: Genuine Geometry Grade Level: 2nd Grade Assessment: Teacher will collect students Shape Venn

Diagrams. Teacher will use these as well as observations made throughout the rest of the lesson to assess whether students need more time working on two dimensional shapes and their attributes or if the class can move onto three dimensional shapes. Alignment: Standards/Eligible Content Common Core: CC.2.3.2.A.1 Analyze and draw two- and three-dimensional shapes having specified attributes. PDE Standards: 2.9.2.A: Name, describe and draw/build 2- and 3-dimensional shapes Vocabulary: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, trapezoid, rhombus Objectives: - Students will compare and contrast a group of two-dimensional shapes. - Students will state one attribute for each of the following shapes: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, rhombus, and trapezoid. Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, rhombus, and trapezoid? Duration: 30-35 minutes Materials: - Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban - Students can get this book at - Pencils - Brown paper bags - Plastic two dimensional shapes - Sleep masks (for students if you dont trust they will keep their eyes closed) - Foam two dimensional shapes - Venn Diagram worksheets Suggested Instructional Strategies: - Kinesthetic/Tactile: The students will be using their fine motor skills during the Guess What I Am? activity to reach in the bag, pull out one shape, and feel the shape s attributes. - Modeling: The teacher is modeling the Guess What I Am? Activity before the students start it. - Active Engagement: During the Guess What I Am? Activity students are actively listening to the teacher as he/she models it. Students are also actively interacting with others once they are in their partners starting the activity. - Strategic Thinking: In the Shape Venn Diagram wrap up students use reasoning to develop a plan or way of separating the shapes into two categories. Students must then write out their justification of why they chose to separate the shapes that way on the lines below the Venn Diagram.

Instructional Procedure(s): Before: 1. To start off this lesson the teacher will ask the students, Who can tell me what a shape is? 2. After students respond to that prompt the teacher will ask students, What are some shapes you know of? Students can respond with words or by coming to the board and drawing one. 3. Teacher will then read the students the book Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban. During: 4. The teacher will introduce and go over some of the definitions of shapes from our list for the next two weeks in math. For this activity he/she will review over: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, rhombus, and trapezoid. 5. The teacher will now model the Guess What I Am? Activity. After modeling he/she will split the students into pairs. 6. Each pair of students will retrieve a Guess What I Am? Brown paper bag. In each of these bags is a broad range of two dimensional shapes (different numbers of each shape, different sizes of each shape, etc.). 7. Students will determine a student A and a student B for each pair. First student A will be the guesser. Student B will hold the bag. 8. Student A will reach his/her hand into their bag and pull out one shape with their eye closed the whole time. 9. Student A must then guess the shape by feeling it and matching that to a shapes attributes all while still having their eyes closed. 10. Once the Student A guesses they can open their eyes to see if they were right. 11. Student A will continue to guess until they have pulled out all of the bags contents. 12. Now pairs of students will switch their Guess What I Am? Bags with another pair. They will also now switch roles. Student B is not the guesser and Student A will now hold the bag. 13. Student B will close their eyes and repeat steps 7 through 10. 14. Once all students have completed this activity they will clean up their desks and return their Guess What I Am? bags to the counter. The teacher will ask for any questions before moving on. After: 15. The teacher will pass out the Venn Diagram worksheets and read over the directions with the students. 16. Students are then expected to complete the worksheet alone and then turn it in on the teachers desk in the completed work bin when they are done.

Name: ______________________________________

Directions: Empty out your baggy, so that all 12 shapes lay on your desk in front of you. Now separate all of the shapes into two different categories. You may not separate them based on color. Once you have determined a location for each shape, draw them in your Venn Diagram below. Create a label for both sides of your Venn Diagram. The middle section is for any shapes that fit in both categories.



Once you have all of your shapes drawn in your Venn Diagram, write at least three sentences telling me how you decided to separate your categories.
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