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PRIESTS / SACERDOTES Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Paradayil, SDB ext. 14 Parochial Vicar & Coordinator of Youth Ministry Fr.

Luis Alfredo Oyarzo, SDB 831-707-4458 Parochial Vicar Father David Purdy, SDB ext. 21 Salesian Community Director Father Marc Rougeau, SDB ext. 20 Camp St. Francis Camp Administrator Brother Michael Herbers, SDB 831-684-1439 STAFF / PERSONAL Parish Secretaries Isabel Abundis, Maria Linan Beverly Pini, Martha Tapia St. Francis High School Mr. Patrick Lee, President, Principal 831-724-5933 MINISTRY COORDINATORS Sister Silvia Castillo, FMA Director of Religious Education C.C.D. (831) 722-2392 RCIA William Liptak, English Enrique Ramirez, Spanish Clases Pre-Baptismales Francisco Vasquez Altar Society Mildred McCabe & Grp. Legion of Mary Marion Madrid ADMA Youth Group Isabel & Antonio Langarica Music Ministry Tacho Limones & Grp. Saulo Tirado & Grp. Laura Vega & Grp. Antonio Langarica & Grp. Thony Cunha & Grp. Pamela & Jennifer Knights of Columbus Ron Eichhorn Food Distribution - Despensa Sr. Silvia Castillo, FMA Rosary Makers Irene Rodriguez Wednesday Rosary Group Jeanne Ewers Finance Council Janice Schaffer Pastoral Council

Parroquia Maria Auxiliadora

2401 East Lake Avenue Watsonville, CA 95076 E-Mail: Website: Telephone: 831-722-2665 Fax: 831-722-8305
OFFICE HOURS - RECTORY Monday Friday 9:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 - 4:00 pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Liturgy / LITURGIA Sunday Masses / Misa Dominical 8:00 am & 11:00 am - English 9:45 am - Portuguese 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm - Spanish Saturday Vigil / Vigilia 4:15 pm - English 7:00 pm - Spanish Saturday Morning Mass 8:00 am - English Monday - Friday Mass 7:00 am & 9:00 am - English First Friday Mass / Primer Viernes 7:00 pm - Hora Santa y Misa 24th of Each Month 7:00 pm - Rosario y Misa Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 to 11:00 am Monday-Friday Confession / Reconciliacin Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm, English Sbados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm, Espaol RELIGIOUS EDUCATION C.C.D. (English) Grade 2-8 Monday, 4:00 to 5:30 pm C.C.D. (Spanish) Saturday, 9:30 - 11:00 am Confirmation (English & Spanish) Sunday, 9:30 to 11:00 am RCIA - English Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Library RCIA - Spanish Monday, 6:30 pm, Library

Arrangements to be made a least one month in advance. Please come to the office for further information. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin QUINCEAERAS Please come to the office for further information. The 15ra has to be Parishioner of our church. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin. La 15ra tiene que ser feligrs de nuestra parroquia.

WEDDING / MATRIMONIO Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Please come to the office for further information. Se requiere por lo menos seis meses para la preparacin. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para mas informacin.
FUNERAL / FUNERALES Should be arranged by the family with the mortuary and the Parish office. Debe ser coordinado por la familia con la funeraria y la oficina parroquial. ANOINTING OF THE SICK / UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call to the office for home or hospital visit. Por favor, hablar a la oficina para una visita al hospital o la casa.

Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. If you would like to register, or you need to update your information, please send us an email at

Dear Parishioners The Gospel of this Sunday gives us the story of Zacchaeus the chief tax collector. Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus.he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus (Lk 19: 3-4). Zacchaeus sought Jesus, but from a distance, as it were, without any personal involvement. Eventually, he discovers that the Lord is far more eager to establish a bond of intimacy with him, to enter his home and stay with him. Jesus said to him: Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today (Lk 19: 5). As he comes face to face with Jesus, Zacchaeus sees the truth about himself and makes a decision that changes the direction of his life. Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over. (Lk 19:8) Are we eager to see Jesus as Zacchaeus was? Do we really want to see Jesus or perhaps do we want to avoid an encounter with him? Do we prefer not to see him, and/or, do we prefer not to be seen by him? If we already see him some way, then do we prefer to see him from afar, not drawing near, not venturing before his eyes, so as not to have to accept the whole truth that is in us? Every meeting with Christ must be a moment of decision, a moment of truth. Christ entering our hearts and home can bring us peace and healing. But we must desire to receive Jesus. He will come only as an answer to our longings.

Queridos feligreses, El Evangelio de este domingo nos presenta la historia de Zaqueo, el jefe de los recaudadores de impuestos. "Zaqueo estaba tratando de ver a Jess .... Y corriendo delante, subi a un rbol para ver a Jess" (Lucas 19: 34). Zaqueo busc a Jess, pero a partir de una distancia, por as decirlo, sin ninguna implicacin personal. Con el tiempo, descubre que el Seor esta dispuesto a establecer una vnculo de Amistad con l, para entrar a su casa y quedarse con l. Jess le dijo: "Zaqueo, date prisa, porque hoy voy a alojarme en tu casa" (Lc 19:5). Como l se encuentra cara a cara con Jess, Zaqueo ve la verdad acerca de s mismo y toma una decisin que cambia la direccin de su vida. "He aqu, la mitad de mis bienes, Seor, voy a darsela a los pobres, y si he obtenido mas de alguien le devolvere cuatro veces." (Lc 19:8) Estamos ansiosos por ver a Jess al igual que Zaqueo? Realmente queremos ver a Jess o quizs queremos evitar un encuentro con l? Preferimos no verlo o preferimos no ser visto por l? Si ya lo hemos visto de alguna manera, entonces preferimos verlo desde lejos, de cerca ni en pintura, no aventurarse ante sus ojos, para no tener que aceptar la verdad que est en nosotros? Cada encuentro con Cristo debe ser un momento de decisin, un momento de verdad. Al entrar Cristo en nuestros corazones y hogar nos puede traer paz y sanacin. Pero nosotros debemos desear recibir a Jess. l vendr slo como una respuesta a

The Promise:

La Promesa:
Las almas del justo estn en la mano de Dios (Sabidura 3:1) Nosotros, en cambio, somos ciudadanos del cielo (Flp 3:20) Te aseguro, que hoy estars conmigo en el paraso (Lc 23:43) Seor, para los que creen en ti, la vida no termina, si no que se transforma. Yo les aseguro que si el grano de trigo cae en la tierra no muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere dar fruto abundante. (Juan 12:24) En la casa de mi Padre hay lugar para todos; Si no fuera as, ya lo habra dicho; ahora voy a Prepararles ese lugar. ( Juan 14:2)

The souls of the just are in the hand of God! (Wisdom 3-1) We have our citizenship in heaven (Phil 3:20) I assure you, this day you will be with me in paradise (Lk 23:43) Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not ended Unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies is produces much fruit (John 12:24). In my Fathers house there are many dwelling places; I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am you also may be. (John 14:2)

Let us Pray: All powerful and ever-living God, be kind and merciful to our sisters and brothers who have prayed to you in this church and left this life believing in you. May they be counted among your blessed ones forever. Amen.

Oremos: Dios todo poderoso Seor de la vida, que eres lleno de misericordia, escucha la oracin por nuestros hermanos que han sido parte de esta iglesia y han partido de esta vida creyendo en ti. Para que puedan ser contados entre los bienaventurados por siempre. Amn.

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time NOVEMBER 3RD, 2013

St. Charles Borromeo The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Standard Time - Election Day Trigsimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Carlos Borromeo * Dedicacin de la Baslica de San Juan de Letrn Retrase su reloj una hora - Dia de las Elecciones Mass Intentions: November 03, 2013
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 02nd, 2013 8:00 AM Deceased members of Laranang family (Conne) Isidra A. Espiritu (Espiritu Children) Deceased souls of Legion of Mary 9:00 AM Baptisms: Julian Aleksander Ramirez, Jayson Daniel Rodriguez 11:00 AM Quinceaera: Leslie Yepez 1:00 PM Quinceaera: Marilyn Maciel-Ramirez 4:15 PM Joe Carvalho (Family) Adriana Borges (Ermindo Neves) John & Anna Lucich (Family) 7:00 PM Antonio & Miguel Angel Zamora (Family) Javier Ortiz (Zamora Family) Maria & Cenaido Lopez (Family) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 2013 8:00 AM Anita M. Vidak (Karen & Bill Bachan) Linda Grandrup Arietta (Dan & Ann McGrath) Felipe Barranco & Delfina Lopez Portilla (Fam. Barranco) 9:45 AM Tony V. Pimentel (Mr. & Mrs. Gregori) Alfonso , Fernando & Olinda (Family) Noelia Bettencourt (Miguel Bettencourt) 11:00 AM Michael English Birthday (Isela Rincon) Maxima Vega, Birthday 12:30 PM Jos Luis Vega-Vieira (Family) Carmen Lerma (Family) Accin de gracias de la familia Garcia Linan 2:30 PM Baptism: Madison Rose Moules 7:00 PM Salvador Ortiz (Bertha Ortiz) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 2013 7:00 AM Souls in Purgatory (Ofelia Ponce) 9:00 AM Olinda Sousa (Joe & Fatima Almeida) John & Madeline Serpa (Ewers) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 2013 7:00 AM Mrs. Berta Montemayor (Salesians of Watsonville) 9:00 AM Manuel Espinola (Family) Souls In Purgatory (Evangelina Gregorio) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 2013 7:00 AM Petra Gonzalez-Carrasco (Librado) 9:00 AM Adriana Borges (Art & Marie) Joe Carvalho (Wife) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 2013 7:00 AM Anita M. Vidak (Bill & Karen Bachan) 9:00 AM Blessings for Socorro Salinas (Aurora Magaa) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 2013 7:00 AM Espiridion , Juanita & Rafaela Sanchez (Maria) For the health of Conne Perez (Family) 9:00 AM Consuelo Murillo (Maria Quintero) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 2013 8:00 AM Blessings for Evelyn Cancino on her 15th Birthday

Weekly Collection / Colecta Semanal

October 26th & 27th, 2013 Total Plate Collection Donations: $ 4,453.00 Thank you for your generosity! Muchas gracias por su generosidad!

On November 12th, 2013 at 6:30 PM

There will be a meeting of all those who wish to be and those who are already Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. Please mark your calendar.
Place: Our Lady Help of Christians Church

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Salesian Provincial of the Western Province who visits our parish for the annual provincial visitation from November 7th to 11th, 2013.

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