AV IM WI 001 Environmental Risk

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Department: Quality Assurance Issue Date: 01.03.06 Su !


DOC. No. : AV/IM/WI/001 Page No. : Page 1 of 2 Revision No. & Date : (00)-01.03.06

"nvironmental Ris# REVISIONS Revision Description Original Issue

Revisi Revis on No. ed Pages 00 0

Date of Revision 01.03.06

Prepare$ %y Document Chemist

Approve$ %y Management e!"esentati#e

&C'A((I$I)D* Inte"na+ ,se -n+% &

Aut&ori'e$ y $acto"% Manage"

Department: Quality Assurance Issue Date: 01.03.06 Su !ect

DOC. No. : AV/IM/WI/001 Page No. : Page 2 of 2 Revision No. & Date : (00)-01.03.06

"nvironmental Ris#

Work Instructions
Any incident that has an environ enta! risk needs to confor to the fo!!o"ing procedures 1. Call IMT members meeting 2. Gather the information and review the situation 3. ssess the severit! of the in"ident #. Inform $ire"tor %&ead Offi"e'( e)ternal ffairs and the right lo"al authorit! % *oli"e( +ire brigade( medi"al uthorit!' ,. Inform all em-lo!ees re.uired information 6. Ma/e arrangement to arrest the environment ris/ on a -riorit! basis 0. 1e"ord details of event "auses of

Prepare$ %y Document Chemist

Approve$ %y Management e!"esentati#e

&C'A((I$I)D* Inte"na+ ,se -n+% &

Aut&ori'e$ y $acto"% Manage"

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