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Kristina Teves

Height 54 Weight 118 Hair o!or "ro#n $*e o!or "ro#n -o)a! .ange +!to Phone- (925) 785-4250 $-%ai! &ristinateves'g%ai!()o% +,,ress 4915 West "!v,( /os +nge!es +0 90041
5ir! 6enni7er ha%8ers "er&e!e* .e9 6:!ia ;argaret <)h:gt <ha&es9eare 8* the <ea Ha%!et -i)tor -as=:e> ?i@on Theatre onstan)e <te9hanie o!trin<ha&es9eare 8* the <ea 3iana Patri)& -est <ha&es9eare 8* the <ea 3o)tor4He)ate4Porter <teven <a8e! The +r)h#a* Theatre /a,* ;a)8eth $, Tr:Bi!!o 3ia8!o Theatre $nse%8!e "e!!e4/a:n,ress4Can ;argaret <)h:gt Torran)e Theatre o( +%iens - F4< .osa!in, Ke!!* G ;ar& Petrie <anta !arita <ha&es C!o*,As Wi7e43an)er ;i)hae! ;i)hetti + ?oise Within $nse%8!e 6:!ia .o,rig:e>-$!!iot + ?oise Within 3o)tor4He)ate4Porter <teven <a8e! The +r)h#a* Theatre /a,* ;a)8eth $, Tr:Bi!!o 3ia8!o Theatre $nse%8!e +na8e!!a 5ot)h!ing 3o:g 3i!,ine 3ia8!o Theatre $nse%8!e $ve!*n ;:nn .a)he! .aB9:t 3:8!in Theatre o( 6a)&ie .i)& .o8inson 6r( 3:8!in Theatre o( o%9an* ;e%8er Her8ert <eg:in>a F Ervine I:int:s4 ai:s42n, 5oth Phi! Tho%9son F Ervine

125 3a*s4125 P!a*s (Wee& 11) T#o 5ent!e%en o7 -erona Ha%!et King 6ohn +!!As We!! That $n,As We!! ;a)8eth ;a)8eth hrist%as aro! +s Do: /i&e Et The 5ra9es H7 Wrath +nton* G !eo9atra ;a)8eth ;a)8eth + "right .oo% a!!e, 3a* The hi!,rens Ho:r .:na#a*s Her8ert <eg:in>a ProBe)t Tit:s +n,roni):s

a%e!ot /etAs 5et P:%9e, + 5reat 3a* /ea, /ea, <:99orting .o8oti)&a Pro,:)tions ;oore Pro,:)tions <9ear "ros( Pro,:)tions

Professional Training

Per7or%ing <ha&es9eare - 3e8orah <trang - + ?oise WEthin <9ea&ing <ha&es9eare - Hisa Ta&a&:#a - + ?oise Within +)ting in <ha&es9eare - .o8ert ohen - F Ervine Do:ng +)tors Pro7essiona! Training onservator* - -ario:s - 3:8!in Theatre o( Cit>%a:ri)e -oi)e Training -6eni)e ":t!er - F Ervine

Education / Awards
Honors in +)ting at F Ervine K + TC Erene .*an ?o%inee - /a,* ;a)8eth "(+( 3ra%a - F Ervine -<9ring 2010

Special Skills
hi!,rens Theatre Enstr:)tor0 +8!e to .ea, <heet ;:si)0 Piano <&i!!s0 "asi) +ni%a! Training

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