Evaluation of The Synopsis With Milgrom Questions

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Jay Davies Evaluation of the Synopsis with Milgrom Questions

World It is set in a working class area on a road of rented maisonettes. Present decade Struggled family who have difficulties paying rent, in a falling apart maisonette Social realism/drama

Character haracter !"

#ame$ %illy &ershel 'ge$ "( )ender$ Male 'ppearance$ %rown hair, *rown eyes, skinny and tall. %io$ +ery ,uiet *oy *ut push his *uttons he is a nasty piece of work. Struggled with anger pro*lems early in his life may *e caused *y the place he grew up and the pu*lic school with a *ad reputation giving him *ad ha*its- and friends. %illy recently lives with his .ad, /ichard and his younger *rother .illon, due to the passing of his mother who was terminally ill in hospital. %illy smokes, influenced *y his dad, regularly going for a secret fag when he can. 0sually hides in his *edroom away from his .ad, listening to music and sleeps. Since his mother passed he has *een looking after his younger *rother *ecause his .ad neglects them. ostume$ )rey 1ogging *ottom, plain 2stained3 white tee, odd socks 2wholes at the toes3 4ater on$ winter 1acket, *lack shoes 2unpolished, muddy3

haracter !5

#ame$ .illon &ershel 'ge$ ( )ender$ Male 'ppearance$ %lond hair, *lue eyes, glasses. %io$ &appy kid, who is always laughing, rarely upset only if he hurts himself even that doesn6t last long. &e is not very aware of what going on *ecause of his age. .illon started not going to school as often *ecause his

Jay Davies father doesn6t take him. &e can *e shy at times confronted with new task or people like any ordinary ( year old. ostume$ 7rendy t shirt, slim 1eans, white socks. 4ater on$ 7rendy winter 1acket, winter *eanie. haracter !8

#ame$ /ichard &ershel 'ge$ 9: 'ppearance$ Silver/grey hair, scruffy stu**le, *rown eyes, chu**y, medium si;ed %io$ /ichard was an easy going guy- he used spoil his kids rotten with all the latest kid cra;es out, even though his 1o* weren6t the *est paid out there. &e reached rock *ottom when a few years *ack he had to drop out of work and look after his *oys *ecause his mother was unwell and had travelled *ack and forwards, in and out of hospital. #ear around when his wife passed he started drinking to comfort his pro*lems, which were worsening. &e started *ecoming la;y and started to neglect his sons. &is *oys don6t know that their mother has died *ecause he is too scared and distraught to tell them. ostume$ %aggy t shirt, faded 1eans, grey socks, tattered slippers

Problem Billys dad has ordered him to tell the news of his mum, who has died, to his younger brother because he is unable to do it himself. 7he motivation is to *e a piece with the news and not have it weighted on his shoulders. 7he stakes are highIf he tells him the news, he younger *rother will *e heart *roken, unimagina*le emotion If he lies the weight of guilt and regret will *e piled up on him .illon6s innocence Whos POV is the story told from? Is this clear? How? It is shot in %illy6s point of view- I think this is the clearest view to really gain the most out of the short. It is also clear in the synopsis who is the protagonist *y the way I introduce him firstly and refer *ack to him to give him importance. I have made sure he is involved throughout also *y putting the pro*lem on him it gives him the control of the outcome which makes it clear he is the protagonist. Is the main problem the heart of the film? I think when the pro*lem is introduced it haunts the scenes throughout no matter how off su*1ect it is, it6s that 1ourney %illy has with his *rother, who doesn6t know the tragic news and the thought of how %illy is going to tell him, when he is going to tell him, is he going to tell him and how will .illon react. <nowing that .illon is so young we take into account his innocence as well as his happy personality which makes the audience emotionally attached creating a sympathy for him as well as %illy who has to tell him. %oth characters age really make the pro*lem e=pand from *oth there ine=perience with the situation.

Jay Davies

Explain what motivates yo r prota!onist? %illy is driven to tell his *rother, to not leave him in the unknown a*out someone so important in his life is a horri*le choice so telling him will clear worst of it. Since %illy6s mother passed, he has *een given forced independence *ecause of his father neglecting him and his *rother. 7his means that he has to take full responsi*ility of his *rothers6 actions, *y caring for him. 7his makes the pro*lem of the film much harder for %illy to overcome and do. 7he family is *eing seen to have new ritual started on the week their mother/wife passed, completely ruining the foundation, creating lots of issues of alcoholism and neglect in the family destroying it ever so slowly. "oes the story encompass a sin!le moment#event? It is set over the day the news of their mother has died and prolonged to the time %illy tells his *rother the news. In the period of one day. $re the sta%es hi!h eno !h? >or me I think the stakes are very high, it6s nothing dramatic in which someone will die or get kidnapped, it6s more sensitive in the fact that if he hides this news from his *rother with the chance to tell him, he may lose his strong relationship with him. 'nother reason is that this may *e one of the reasons his .ad is a state and can6t overcome telling his younger son the news, so if he doesn6t tell him his .ad will not try to get *etter. 7he protagonist has a lot of pressure on his shoulders and has to make the right, *ut more sensi*le choice which will give a positive outcome for now and the future, which is a lot to ask.

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