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A standard sized maisonette an early fall morning.

A boy sunk into his mattress looking through the small slits of ice cold metal blinds, layering the outside light on his face. His room hit by a bombshell exploding into a mess of scraps of screwed up paper, past week food, wrappers and mountain of clothes, as its debris. The boy pulls the blinds up to expose the blurred clouded view out the window with a light condensation skin which he begins to wipe it off in a geometric flow finally swiping the whole art off with his palm. He gazes over to the alarm clock which shun 1 .!", he sighs, collapses back down into his body filled gap showing wear of constant use, but arose from his comfort without hesitation as his interest is triggered by the sound of a sharp clinking of two glass ob#ects creating impact on one another. The boys instant change in expression to a screwed up frown, eyes cornered following the direction of the almost cringing noise. He stealthily tip toes to the door and gently opens without noise to peak out further explore the noise. $n sight there stood a middle aged man, scruffy hair, overgrown beard, stained t shirt and boxers grasping a bottle of cheap whisky paired with a whisky styled glass in either hand. %upported by the busy kitchen counter, the man swaying in every direction observing the outside motion, filling himself up now and then for another hit finishing off with a gasp from the potent li&uid. The fog like visibility from recent cigarette settles in the room he stands. A small boy arrives in view running around amongst giggling with his arms out like and aeroplane. 'oss of concentration, he stumbles, creating a creak from the door. Automatically taking action, his dad pears over and takes sight of what(s happening, the boy erupts by slinging the door back and falling back onto it. %huffling with a few loud bangs growing in volume hits its max threshold then significally drops to dead silence for a short pause, till a uncontrolled nocking pattern breaks through the mute atmosphere. The boy takes a deep breath and flushes it out, gaining courage to open the door, waiting on the other side of the badly battered door from past incidents, was the man who was at the time leaning on the door when opened forcing himself to bail and steady himself before he fell through. An awkward silence clouded the bedroom whilst his dad scrambled to the brothers bed resting his newly born lamb legs. They settle a distance away on either bed, the stench of stale cigarettes soaked in vibrant whisky scent, killing off any clean air what was left. The boy unsettles himself perched on the wall twiddling his thumbs like they were at war in anticipation, looking down into his lap. %everal unhealthy coughs to break the silence then a clearing of the throat from the man as he begins, the conversation is unstructured, very mumbled with a forced attempt to say. Throughout the boy sinking in everything, whether or not the man(s condition weren(t a sober state for the importance of the conversation. The boy didn(t blink and #ust stared through him, then drifted off to the window looking up into the

sky finishing his #ourney to a picture on the window pane of a women lying on a sun bed smiling. )licked out of his trance by the dirty fingered man, morphing his hand to shape the boys shoulder giving a little shake with a smile to lighten the mood lastly using his shoulder as a way to get up with a final pat he stumbles out leaning on the wall for support of his state. The boy pillows his face in his hands with a big wipe vanishing any tears $n sight. He springs from the bed and follows his dad(s movements but passing him where he(s knelt over the toilet, to unhook his #acket grabbing his brother arm in process as he sped towards him still mimicking a plane, bringing him to a halt, passing him his petite #acket. After he fusses about putting on his #acket the boy grabs the little boys hand leading him towards the door. The natural lights hits them coating the inside of their house with brightness creating shadowy figures from the amount of #unk scattered in the house. They both leave with the little boy following his steps whilst the boy is all packed into his #acket barely showing any skin watching his feet move him along, oblivious to any potential hazards. A neighbour in their drive, yanking out roots of decaying weeds notices the giggles raising her head with an oversized smile exposing her defined wrinkles that branch out amongst her face. The boy passes without a look #olting his head away slightly, the women face drops with a confused expression but then reforms her smile as the little boy runs past waving his arms uncontrollably at her, zooming past stumbling a little from the loose surface. The two boys continue down the road till they reach a metal bench that views a lake inhabited by varies of ducks. The boy slumps down on the edge of the bench. *arading around near the pond, the little boy realises the boy slumped there watching him and decides to sit next to him, but keeps his distance from him in a symmetry of position. The little boy starts to ask &uestions, the boy answers them bluntly to the point, until the little boy asks a specific &uestion where a pause of thought startles the boys reply. His head tilts down not giving eye contact when he replies moving closer to the little boy grasping him in his reach, a huge echoes of giggles strike the daunted atmosphere as he escapes the boys clasp and runs off as an aeroplane. The boy remains seated covering his face shaking it slightly, carelessly banging the bench and knee before following, changing his distraught face to a waxed grin leaving the pond.

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