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Andrea Molina & Mary Balla 540-906 Robbins Methods Acting Assignment ctober !

" #00$ Total Physical Response (TPR)


%istorical &er&ie'( )*R 'as de&elo+ed by Dr, -ames Asher, .hile the conce+t o/ associating lang0age 'ith motor acti&ity 'as not ne'" Asher /ormali1ed )*R as a method in !9$$" a/ter o&er a decade o/ st0dy, 2t is based 0+on +rinci+les o/ child lang0age ac30isition" in 'hich the child gi&es +hysical res+onses 'hen listening to lang0age, )*R4s 0ltimate instr0ctional goal is to teach oral +ro/iciency and con&ersational /l0ency, )he em+hasis is not on te5t or other media" b0t initially on &oice" action and gest0res, Instruction is given in target language only. )heory( B0ilding /rom the ideas o/ &ario0s other theories" s0ch as trace theory" )*R recogni1es the &al0e o/ lang0age being associated 'ith +hysical res+onses, 6ollo's a grammar-based &ie' o/ lang0age that /oc0ses on meaning" not /orm, Based 0+on +rinci+les o/ child lang0age ac30isition" 'hich +ro+oses that the h0man brain has a set +attern /or learning lang0age, 6o0nder7*ro+onents( De&elo+ed by Dr, -ames Asher in !9$$" a/ter e5+erimenting 'ith the method in the !9604s, 2nstr0ctional 8oal( )o +rod0ce con&ersationally /l0ent learners" 'ith /oc0s on meaning" not /orm, Uni30e *oints( Red0ces an5iety o/ lang0age +rod0ction in the learner B0ilds con/idence by instant s0ccess in 0nderstanding target lang0age Uses lang0age7body con&ersation at beginning stages CONCLUSION 9trengths o/ Method( Allo's st0dents to get 0+ and mo&e 'hile learning and enco0rages a more rela5ed learning en&ironment that can easily incor+orate h0mor %el+s retention by associating mo&ement 'ith 'ords .ea:nesses o/ Method(

Andrea Molina & Mary Balla 540-906 Robbins Methods Acting Assignment ctober !" #00$


;ot as e//ecti&e in higher le&els o/ lang0age learning Does not +romote inde+endent lang0age 0se o0tside o/ oral 'or: modeled by teacher in classroom <earner needs /or 0nrehearsed lang0age not al'ays met

E&al0ation( Assessment ty+es com+atible 'ith the method incl0de e&al0ation o/ st0dent actions and gest0res 'hen gi&en non-'ritten +rom+t" e&ent0ally mo&ing to'ards st0dent com+osition, LESSON INRO UCTION )o+ic( ;0mbers b=ecti&es( 9.BA) co0nt to ten in target lang0age and identi/y n0mbers one thro0gh ten o0t o/ order, <ang0age <e&el( !st year 9+anish
SOURCES! Bro'n" %,D, >#00$?, )eaching By *rinci+les( An 2nteracti&e A++roach to <ang0age *edagogy, @rd Ed, Engle'ood Ali//s" ;-( *rentice %all Regents,

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