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Biography ( Dreamer )

Finding joy in serving the needy. Their faces light up the moment Geetashree Oraon walks into the classroom. For the students of Gyandeep Vidyalaya Oraons affectionate nature brightens up their lives and makes them feel at home. But few are aware of the different roles she plays to balance her family, students and social commitments. She may be the wife of superintendent of police, Arun Kumar Oraon, but Gee tashree has an identity of her own. My career as a teacher started unexpectedly. Though I regard teachers very highly and consider it the most noble professions of all, never in my wildest dreams did I think of taking up teaching seriously. Of course, my work is honourary but the satisfaction that I derive from it is priceless. It all started with just five words that I asked Sister Blanche Correa, How can I help you \'. And she immediately asked me to take a few classes in the school. Thereafter, Geetashree went through a gamut of experiences from the initial jitters of classroom teaching to tasting success in moulding her students. When the offer was made I was initially hesitant. But what really helped me decide was my admiration and respect for the profession. However, to be honest such respect for teachers was seen more in our times and is sadly amiss now. But I took that as a challenge. Geetashree took it upon herself to give back to society what she got with her privileged upbringing. And when it comes to social work or as she puts it devoting time, energy and resources for people in need, Geetashree has always been a spendthrift. Be it her college days in Delhi or while she was in Punjab, along with her husband, Geetashree has always tried to bail out those in trouble. When my husband was posted in Punjab for about nine months I was working with the womens wing of Red Cross Society as its vice-president. We used to visit the hospitals regularly. On two days of the week we went on extensive rounds of the different wards. We had then taken up the cause of

Biography ( About Family )

* Husband:Arun Kumar Oraon, Children: Priyamvada and Pratyush.

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