3 Marks (1 Mark Per Correct Step) : Evolutionary Prototyping Steps

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3 (a)

- 3 marks (1 mark per correct step)

Evolutionary Prototyping Steps: A preliminary project plan is developed A partial high-level paper model is created The model is source for a partial requirements specification A prototype is built with basic and critical attributes The designer builds the database user interface algorithmic functions The designer demonstrates the prototype, the user evaluates for problems and suggests improvements. This loop continues until the user is satisfied

3 (a) ii - 2 marks - TWO Disadvantages of evolutionary development approach

Tendency to abandon structured program development for code-and-fix development Bad reputation for quick-and-dirty methods Overall maintainability may be overlooked The customer may want the prototype delivered. Process may continue forever (scope creep)

3 (b)

Historical Info Patient File


Course of Medication Bill 3 marks 3 process boxes 2 marks external entities 2 marks data stores 4 marks data flow ALL lines with arrow 3 marks ALL data flow labeled TOTAL : 14 marks

Diagnosis System
Doctors Diagnosis


Lists of tests & services performed

Medical knowledge

Medication System

Billing/Acct. System

Cost of visit

Prices for tests & services Accounting file

3 (c) i 4 marks (State TWO ways CASE Tool can help in Software Development) Supply basic functionality, do routine tasks automatically Be able to support editing of code in the particular programming language, supply refactoring tools (Refactoring means modifying existing source code in a structured and incremental way.) Enhance productivity Generate code pieces automatically Increase software quality

Intuitive use Integration with other tools For example, code editor works with code repository (commonly refers to a location for storage, often for safety or preservation.) 3 (c) ii 2 marks (ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage)

4. (a) i What are functional requirements? 2 marks A requirement that, when satisfied, will allow the user to perform some kind of function.

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