Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
Full name: Nationality: Vietnamese Place of birth: Long An / Viet Nam Gender: Phone: Male 0903.XXX.XXX Date of Birth: Marital status: Married Email:

Languages: Vietnamese (Native), English (Normal)

Ex erience !ummary
5+ years of software experience Strong experiences in VB6, VB.NE , !", #S$.NE %now&e'gea(&e of )e'ica& (*siness 'o)ain, in+oicing ,acco*nting- )anage)ent .oo' at /SS01, 2rac&e. Experience' wor3ing in # !o)pany an' Software 4e+e&op)ent !o)pany

Soft S3i&&s ea) wor3 Eng&is5: !an co))*nicate to t5e c*sto)er in pro6ect context effecti+e&y

$rogra))ing S3i&&s !7!++ VB, !", #S$.NE 8 /1, 9a+ascript, Ser+&et /S01 Ser+er :000, /S01 Ser+er :005, 2rac&e 9i, 2rac&e ;0g

Software $&atfor)s: <in'ows, 1in*x 2t5ers: Ec&ipse, Vis*a& St*'io :005, Vis*a& St*'io :00=, >ationa& >ose, >ationa& est S*ite, >ationa& est >ea& i)e.

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:00; ? :005 Econo)ic @ni+ersity, 8o !5i /in5 !ity, Vietna)

#or"ing history
;7:00A ;07:005

o'ay 0;7:00A

%om any
Software 4e+e&op)ent # !o)pany

8o !5i /in5 !ity, Viet Na) 8o !5i /in5 !ity, Viet Na)

&unior Pro'ect Manager Software Engineer

Professional Ex erience
()*++, - Present !oft.are De/elo ment 0o %hi Minh %ity1 2iet Nam

!oft.are Engineer
esting *sing >ationa& est >ea& i)e <in'ow 'e+e&op)ent wit5 VB 6.0 <in'ow 'e+e&op)ent wit5 VB.NE <in'ow 'e+e&op)ent wit5 !".NE <e( 'e+e&op)ent wit5 #S$.NE . En+iron)ent: Vis*a& St*'io :005, Vis*a& St*'io :00= 4ata(ase: S01 Ser+er :000, S01 Ser+er :005, 2rac&e ;0g

&unior Pro'ect Manager

/anaging t5e pro6ect 8ospita& Bnfor)ation Syste) ,8BS- ,t5e pro6ect for t5e 8anoi 8ospita& /anaging t5e pro6ect >etai& /anage)ent Syste) ,t5e pro6ect for t5e Cas5ion S5op /anaging tea) )e)(er. /anaging 4e+e&op)ent Sc5e'*&es. /anaging res*o*r p&an. !ontro&&ing 0*a&ity an' 4ea'&ine. <or3ing wit5 c*sto)ers an' partners. 4oc*)entation an' tranning to t5e c*sto)ers. St*'ing !!/i ,&e+e& 3-

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(+)*++3 - ()*++,

4 %om any 0o %hi Minh %ity1 2iet Nam

!oft.are Engineer <e( 'e+e&op)ent wit5 8 /1, 8 !, 9a+ascript, Ser+&et En+iron)ent7)i''&eware: Ec&ipse <in'ow 'e+e&op)ent wit5 VB6.0 4ata(ase: S01 Ser+er :000

0obbies 5 Interests
>ea'ing (oo3s. $&aying foot(a&&

Pro'ect 6eferences
From &une *++7 to Present $ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities : /aintenance BNV2B!BN. syste). #na&yDe an' i)p&e)ent t5e new feat*re for 8BS. /aintenance an' c*sto)iDe existing )o'*&e *sing VB 6.0 an' S01 Ser+er :000 !2/ progra))ing: #na&yDe c*sto)er reE*ire)ent an' 'esign, 'e+e&op app&ication. B)p&e)ent t5e too& to )igrate 'ata fro) S01 Ser+er :000 to 2rac&e ;0g *sing VB 6.0 ,2+er 500 ta(&es an' F,000,000 recor's-. >epair 'oc*)ents an' software to 'ep&oy 8BS ,8ospita& Bnfor)ation Syste)- to 8C8. <or3 wit5 a !o)pany $artner to st*'y new feat*res of t5e new software an' to i)p&e)ent t5e too&. S*pport, training, an' 'ep&oy)ent t5e new feat*res to 8C8. >ecei+e fee'(ac3 fro) t5e c*sto)er. : : <in'ows X$ : : !2/ progra))ing *sing VB 6.0, S01 Ser+er :000, 2rac&e ;0g : 8!/ !ity, Vietna) !oft.are De/elo ment %om any

: 8anoi 8ospita& : ea) 1ea'er : BNV2!BN. syste) for /e'ica& software.

8ar'ware 27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

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From February *++7 to May *++7

$ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities :

: : ea) &ea'er :

4e+e&op t5e pro6ect (ase' on 'esign 'oc*)ents of c*sto)er. <in'ow app&ication 'e+e&op)ent *sing VB.Net, Vis*a& St*'io :00=, !o)ponent 2ne, S01 Ser+er :005

8ar'ware 27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

: : <in'ow Xp : Vis*a& St*'io :00=, S01 Ser+er :005 : VB.NE : 8!/!, Vietna)

From December *++, to &anuary *++7

$ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities :

: : Software engineer :

<in'ows app&ication 'e+e&op)ent *sing !", Vis*a& St*'io :005, S01 Ser+er :005 : : <in'ow Xp : Vis*a& St*'io :005, S01 Ser+er :005 : !" : 8!/!, Vietna)

8ar'ware 27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

From !e tember *++, to No/ember *++, $ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities : 4e+e&op t5e pro6ect (ase' on 'esign 'oc*)ents of c*sto)er :
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: %6M : Software engineer : <e(site 'e+e&op)ent *sing #S$.NE , Vis*a& St*'io :005, e&eri3 !ontro&s, S01 Ser+er :005G.


27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

: <in'ow Xp : Vis*a& St*'io :005, e&eri3 !ontro&s, S01 Ser+er :005 : #S$.NE : 8!/!, Vietna)

From 4 ril *++, to 4ugust *++, $ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities : St*'y an' *se t5e : software a(o*t )e'ica&: 2/NB$>2 an' #! B$B42S. Bnterface esting St*'y )e'ica& (*siness an' test 2/NB$>2 software. Verify S01 string ,/igration fro) 2rac&e to S01 Ser+er: : <in'ow Xp : : S01 : 8!/!, Vietna) : 8anoi 8ospita& : ester H 4e+e&oper : /e'ica& software

8ar'ware 27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

From !e tember *++, to No/ember *++, $ro6ect $osition 4escription >esponsi(i&ities : @se >ationa& est >ea& i)e ,> > - too& to test !7!++ co'e @se > > to create test script ,create pt* fi&e: : <in'ow Xp :> > : : 8!/!, Vietna) : : ester :

8ar'ware 27S Specia& software 1ang*ages <or3 1ocation

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