SampleResume AccountingManager

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Full name Date of birth Nationality Marital status Health Interest #ontact address %ele&hone Email 0ddress : : : : : : : : :

Vietnamese Married Excellent Reading, ogging, tra!eling" Hai $a %rung , Ha Noi '()*+,-./ "1yahoo"com

Career Objectives %o gain a broad base of 2no3ledge in finance, accounting 4 auditing" Qualifications, Experiences and Accomplishments 5!er / years of ex&erience 3or2ing in foreign, oint !enture and state6o3ned com&anies in !arious 2inds of business and more than + years in management le!el ex&erience" 7rofessional and strong bac2ground in accounting, auditing 4 financial management " 8ood 2no3ledge of 7#s soft3are such as Microsoft 9ord, 7" 7oint, Excel, 5utloo2, :otus and accounting soft3are , ex" ;<N system, ;07 system, = ;&ea2 and 3rite English fluently" Honesty and 3illingness to 3or2 hard, to learn more and ma2e a &ositi!e contribution" Education $"0", '//., Economics <ni!ersity, H#M #ity" Ma or : 0ccounting 4 0uditing #ertificated as #hief of 0ccountant by Economics <ni!ersity" 5ffice Informatics : 9in3ord, 9indo3s, 7"7oint, = ;hort course of %ax > #onducted by ?7M8@ Ex&ertise in accounting, financial analysis bac2ground" 0##0 on &rogress" or! "istor# AAA $ietnam % &roup member of A'C, one of the (orld leaders in special foundation technolo)# (ith its head*uarters in US +,-- emplo#ees . /expats 0123--/+4resent5 Finance 4 0ccounting Manager 6 Re&ort to : #F5 6 %he main duty: %o be in charge of financial 4 accounting function of the com&any including: "

$eing res&onsible for Financial statement re&orts in monthly, Auarterly 4 yearly basic" Ma2ing the consolidated re&orts for the 8rou& based on standards of <; 8007, IFR;, ? 8007 and V0;" $eing res&onsible for %ax re&orts 4 dealing directly 3ith %ax officers for related issues" Dealing 4 3or2ing 3ith internal 4 external auditors for the audit &eriod yearly" Maintaining 4 de!elo&ing the accounting &rocedures, ma2ing sure that the com&anyBs &rocedures are consistent 3ith 8rou&Bs current &olicies" Follo3ing u& 4 ad usting the accounting soft3are >;07 system@ based on the com&anyBs reAuirements" 7re&aring budget re&orts, &re&aring analysis re&orts to hel& $5D in ma2ing management decisions" Regularly u&dating tax regulation, circulars, = relating to the com&anyBs field" Res&onsible for the effecti!e 4 efficient deli!ery of accounting ser!ices to * business units of the 8rou&" Managing , accountants, res&onsible for their learning 4 de!elo&ment" ''' Compan# % 1--6 789 U: Speciali;in) in electric components % 1--emplo#ees 01123--<+1323--,5 Finance 0ccounting 6 0ssistant Manager 6 Re&ort to : #0C#F5 6 %he main duty : Managing 8eneral 0ccounting section to be res&onsible for belo3 3or2s: %rial $alance" Ensure the 2ey business data is &rocessed on a com&lete, accurate, cost effecti!e and timely basis" 7re&are monthly Financial Re&orts6including income statement, balance sheets, cash6flo3, tax returns and re&orts for go!ernment regulatory agencies" 7re&are management accounting re&ort as reAuired from #F5, $5D to ha!e management decisions" #ontrol $alance sheet accounts" #ontrol all ournals boo2ing in the system by 8: section" 7lanning 4 controlling budget" 7re&are 4 re!ie3 RE7 office re&orts to the mother com&any o!ersea" 7re&are 4 re!ie3 all monthly financial re&orts for com&any Fund Management #om&any" 5rganiDe, coach, challenge and de!elo& 80 sectionBs staffs 3ith 'E members"

%he a3ards : Excellent member considered by $5D 4 staffs during (EE*,(EE+ 4 (EE, "

CCC Compan# %One of the (orld=s lar)est compan# in 7MC& (ith its head*uarters in U: + >?- emplo#ees 0123--3+1-23--<5 Financial ;enior 0ccountant F Financial statements re&orting 7re&are #onsolidated 74:, $C; and #CF re&orts" Re&orted to : Financial 0ccounting Manager, F4# Manager and Managing Director" 7re&are and executi!e com&any 0nnual 5&eration 7lan, &eriodic budget ,forecast and financial &ro ects" 7roduction fixed mar2eting ex&ense accrual, Electronic cashboo2 and ban2boo2 reconciliation &ro ects leader" #ontribute to the year6end external audit and tax finaliDations &rocess in accordance 3ith local legal reAuirements to ensure V0; and tax com&liance" 888 @A$ACompan# 5 Btd + A*uatic veterinar# medicine manufacturin) + :orea, ?-- emplo#ees 0121CC/+1323--15 8eneral 0ccountant Res&onsibility for Financial ;tatements and Management re&orts" Re&orted to : #hief accountant, $oard of Directors" Res&onsibility for all tax re&orts, dealing 3ith tax authorities for any related matters" 0ll analysis re&orts 3hen being reAuested by the $oard of Directors" 7re&are Recei!able re&orts and 7ayable re&orts" Re&orted to : #hief accountant and 8eneral Director" Dealing 3ith inside 4 outside &artners relating to abo!e res&onsibility"

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