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1. The application of API 510 is restricte to or!ani"ations that# a. $a%ricate or %&il press&re 'essels accor in! to AS(E B)P* Co e. %. E+plo, or ha'e access to an a&thori"e inspection a!enc,. c. (an&fact&re or inspect press&re 'essels accor in! to NBIC. . Hire or ha'e access to an &nsanctione inspection a!enc,. -. API 510 Inspection Co e is onl, applica%le to press&re 'essels &se %, the petrole&+ an che+ical process in &stries that# a. Are %ein! fa%ricate for the petrole&+.che+ical in &stries. %. Can %e fa%ricate to AS(E B)P* Co e an inspecte %, NBIC inspectors. c. Will %e place in ser'ice after fa%rication to the AS(E B)P* Co e. . Ha'e %een place in ser'ice/ inspecte an .or repaire %, an a&thori"e a!enc,. 0. Which of the follo1in! is an e2a+ples of a press&re 'essel not e2cl& e fro+ co'era!e %, API 5103 a. Press&re 'essel on an ocean !oin! ship4 operates at 100 psi! ) 10005 $. %. Press&re 'essel in an oil refiner,4 1hich operates at 5 psi! an 605 $. c. Press&re 'essel in an oil refiner,4 1hich operates at 100 psi! an -0005 $. . Press&re 'essel in an oil refiner,4 'ol. of.7 c&. ft. ) operates at 60 psi! an 6005 $. 7. If there is a conflict %et1een the AS(E Co e an API 510 for 'essels that ha'e %een place in ser'ice4 the re8&ire+ents of# a. API 510 shall ta9e prece ence o'er the AS(E Co e. %. AS(E Co e shall ta9e prece ence o'er API 510. c. NBIC shall %e &se as an ar%itration Co e. . The o1ner.&ser shall ta9e prece ence o'er %oth Co es. 5. :ne t,pe of A&thori"e Inspection A!enc, is# a. An inspection or!ani"ation that oes inspections. %. An ins&rance.inspection a!enc, 1hich oes not 1rite press&re 'essel ins&rance. c. An o1ner.&ser of press&re 'essels 1ho +aintains an inspection or!ani"ation onl, for his o1n e8&ip+ent. . An in epen ent thir part, cons&ltant. ;. The ter+ <+ini+&+ allo1a%le shell thic9ness is the thic9ness# a. Essential for the shell an hea s of a 'essel. %. Re8&ire for each ele+ent of a 'essel. c. Necessar, for the shell of a 'essel. . Incl& in! the corrosion allo1ance for the shell of a 'essel. 6. Lo1erin! of the +a2i+&+ allo1a%le 1or9in! press&re or te+perat&re ratin! of a 'essel or %oth %elo1 the esi!n con itions is# a. Not a per+issi%le 1a, to pro'i e for corrosion. %. The preferre 1a, to pro'i e for corrosion. c. The onl, 1a, to 9eep a 'essel in ser'ice 1hen it is corro e . . A per+issi%le 1a, to pro'i e for corrosion. =. An o1ner>&ser is responsi%le for e'elopin!4 oc&+entin!4 i+ple+entin!4 e2ec&tin!4 an assessin! press&re 'essel inspection s,ste+s an inspection proce &res that 1ill +eet the re8&ire+ents of API 510. These s,ste+s an proce &res 1ill %e# a. (aintaine in an en!ineerin! proce &re oc&+ent. %. ?ept as a stan ar proce &re. c. Containe in a 8&alit, ass&rance inspection +an&al.

. In han an a'aila%le at o1ner>&ser hea 8&arters.

@. Safet, preca&tions are i+portant in press&re 'essel inspection %eca&se of the li+ite access to an the confine spaces of press&re 'essels. :&t of the or!ani"ations liste 4 1hich is the pri+ar, one that sho&l %e re'ie1e an follo1e 3 a. AS(E %. :SHA c. N$PA . NBIC 10. AAAAAAAAAA +a, occ&r if e8&ip+ent is s&%Becte to te+perat&res a%o'e those for 1hich it is esi!ne . a. Creep %. Brittle fract&re c. Stress Corrosion . Erosion 11. If a pro%a%le corrosion rate cannot %e eter+ine fro+ re'ie1in! ata fro+ the sa+e or si+ilar ser'ice 'essels or esti+ate for+ p&%lishe ata4 on>strea+ eter+inations shall %e +a e after appro2i+atel, AAAAAAAA ho&rs of ser'ice %, &sin! NCE +etho s an a corrosion rate is esta%lishe . a. 500 %. 1000 c. 5000 . 10000 1-. The +a2i+&+ allo1a%le 1or9in! press&re for the contin&e &se of a press&re 'essel shall %e %ase on co+p&tations eter+ine %, &sin! the# a. Latest e ition of the National Boiler Inspection Co e or the constr&ction co e to 1hich the 'essel 1as %&ilt. %. Latest e ition of the AS(E Co e or the constr&ction co e to 1hich the 'essel 1as %&ilt. c. Latest e ition of the API.AS(E Co e or the constr&ction co e to 1hich the 'essel 1as %&ilt. . latest e ition of the Dn er1riters La%oratories Co e or the constr&ction co e to 1hich the 'essel 1as %&ilt. 10. :&t of the +an, +etho s of inspection AAAAAAAAAAA is consi ere the +ost i+portant an the +ost &ni'ersall, accepte +etho of inspection. a. Ra io!raphic e2a+ination %. *is&al inspection c. Dltrasonic thic9ness +eas&re+ent . Ha++er testin! 17. If e2ternal or internal co'erin!s4 s&ch as ins&lation4 refractor, protecti'e linin!s4 an corrosion resistant linin!s are in !oo con ition an there is no reason to s&spect that an &nsafe con ition is %ehin the+# a. It is not necessar, to re+o'e the+ for inspection. %. It is necessar, to re+o'e the+ co+pletel, for inspection. c. It is necessar, to partiall, re+o'e the+ for inspection. . It is re8&ire to re+o'e the+ co+pletel, for inspection on so+e set inter'al. 15. What API stan ar pro'i es +ore infor+ation on the inspection of pipin!4 'al'es an fittin!s associate 1ith press&re 'essels3 a. API Reco++en %. API Reco++en c. API Reco++en . API Reco++en e e e e Practice 56;. Practice 565. Practice 567. Practice 560.

1;. $or a corro e area of consi era%le si"e in 1hich the circ&+ferential stresses !o'ern4 the least thic9ness alon! the +ost critical ele+ent of the area +a, %e a'era!e o'er a len!th not e2cee in! the follo1in! for 'essels 1ith insi e

ia+eters less than or e8&al to ;0 inches# a. 1.7 the 'essel %. 1.- the 'essel c. 1.7 the 'essel . 1.- the 'essel ia+eter or 5 inches. 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or 10 inches4 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or 15 inches4 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or -0 inches4 1hiche'er is less.

16. $or a corro e area of consi era%le si"e in 1hich the circ&+ferential stresses !o'ern4 the least thic9ness alon! the +ost critical ele+ent of the area +a, %e a'era!e o'er a len!th not e2cee in! the follo1in! for 'essels 1ith insi e ia+eters !reater than ;0 inches# a. 1.0 the 'essel %. 1.7 the vessel c. 1.0 the 'essel . 1.7 the 'essel ia+eter or 70 inches4 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or 00 inches4 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or 50 inches4 1hiche'er is less. ia+eter or -5 inches4 1hiche'er is less.

1=. $or corrosion calc&lations the s&rface of the 1el is consi ere to %e# a. 1 inch on either si e of the 1el or - ti+es the +ini+&+ thic9ness on either si e of the 1el 4 1hiche'er is !reater. %. - inches on either si e of the 1el or - ti+es the +ini+&+ thic9ness on either si e of the 1el 4 1hiche'er is !reater. c. 7 inches on either si e of the 1el or 7 ti+es the +ini+&+ thic9ness on either si e of the 1el 4 1hiche'er is !reater. . ; inches on either si e of the 1el or ; ti+es the +ini+&+ thic9ness on either si e of the 1el 4 1hiche'er is !reater. 1@. Dn er 1hat con itions is an internal fiel inspection of a ne1l, installe press&re 'essel 1ai'e 3 a. The contractor installin! the 'essel ass&res the o1ner>&ser that the 'essel is satisfactor, for its inten e ser'ice. %. A +an&fact&rerEs ata report ass&rin! the 'essel is satisfactor, for its inten e ser'ice is a'aila%le. c. The o1ner>&ser ass&res the inspector that the 'essel is satisfactor, for its inten e ser'ice. . The +an&fact&rer orall, ass&res the o1ner>&ser that the 'essel is satisfactor, for its inten e ser'ice. -0. An a%o'e !ro&n press&re 'essel shall %e !i'en a 'is&al e2ternal inspection4 prefera%l, 1hile in operation4 at least e'er, AAAAAAAA ,ears or at the sa+e inter'al as the internal on>strea+ inspection4 1hiche'er is less. a. %. 0 c. 5 . 10 -1. The perio %et1een internal or on>strea+ Inspections shall not e2cee one>half the esti+ate re+ainin! life of the 'essel %ase on corrosion rate or ,ears 1hiche'er is less. a. 10 %. 15 c. 5 .1--. In cases 1here the re+ainin! safe operatin! life is esti+ate to %e Iess than 7 ,ears4 the inspection inter'al +a, %e the f&ll re+ainin! safe operatin! life &p to a +a2i+&+ of AAAAAAA ,ears. a. 1 %. c. 0 .7 -0. If %oth the o1nership an the location of a 'essel are chan!e 4 1hat +&st happen %efore it is re&se 3 a. It +&st %e internall, an e2ternall, inspecte . %. All the recor s +&st %e re'ie1e . c. It +&st %e thoro&!hl, &ltrasonicall, chec9e . . It +&st ha'e all the paper 1or9 transferre to the ne1 o1ner. -7. A press&re 'essel has %een in ser'ice for 1- ,ears an has sho1n a histor, of corrosion o'er its ser'ice life. The

ori!inal thic9ness 1as 1.@065< thic9 an the present thic9ness is 1.705<. What is the corrosion rate for this 'essel3 a. 0.-;;-50 inches.,ear %. 0.50-500 inches.,ear c. 0.0==650 inches.,ear . 0.077065 inches.,ear

-5. When +&st a press&re test %e perfor+e on a press&re 'essel3 a. When the contractor 1or9in! on the 'essel ee+s it is necessar,. %. When the API a&thori"e press&re 'essel inspector %elie'es that it is necessar,. c. When the safet, !ro&p of the o1ner>&ser re8&ests it. . When the N$PA re8&ests it. -;. Who is a&thori"e to test an repair a press&re relief 'al'e3 a. An or!ani"ation e2perience in PR* +aintenance. %. A 'al'e repair shop. c. A certifie press&re 'essel inspector. . A contractor 1ith 'al'e +echanics. -6. What is the +a2i+&+ inspection inter'al of a press&re>relie'in! e'ice3 a. 15 ,ears %. 1- ,ears c. 10 ,ears . -0.,ears -=. What eter+ines the inspection inter'al of a press&re relie'in! e'ices3 a. The inter'al is %. The inter'al is c. The inter'al is . The inter'al is eter+ine eter+ine eter+ine eter+ine %, the a&thori"e press&re 'essel inspector. %, the o1ner>&ser. %, the perfor+ance of the e'ice. %, the si"e of the e'ice.

-@. The follo1in! is not nor+all, fo&n in press&re 'essel recor s. a. (an&fact&rers ata reports %. *essel i entification n&+%ers c. Pipin! past the first 'essel flan!e . Relief 'al'e infor+ation. 00. When repairs or alterations are to %e perfor+e on a press&re 'essel4 all +aterials4 an all 1el in! proce &res that are to %e &se +&st %e appro'e %,# a. Ins&rance carrier for the co+pan, that the press&re 'essel %elon!s to an the o1ner>&ser of the press&re 'essel %. The o1ner>&ser an the contractor perfor+in! the repairs or alterations to the press&re 'essel. c. The API a&thori"e press&re 'essel inspector an 4 if necessar,4 %, an en!ineer e2perience in press&re 'essel esi!n4 fa%rication4 or inspection. . The ori!inal 'essel fa%ricator an the ins&rance carrier for the co+pan, that o1ns the press&re 'essel. 01. What t,pe of repairs can an a&thori"e inspector !i'e prior !eneral a&thori"ation for3 a. (aBor repairs that re8&ire press&re tests. %. Alterations that re8&ire press&re tests. c. (aBor alterations that re8&ire press&re tests. . Li+ite or ro&tine repairs that 1ill not re8&ire press&re tests. 0-. When oes an inspector nor+all, appro'e all specifie repair an alteration 1or93 a. Wor9 is appro'e after the 1or9 contractor certifies the 1or9 to %e satisfactor, an the contractor has press&re teste the 'essel %. Wor9 is appro'e %, a process.che+ical en!ineer for the o1ner>&ser an the contractor has press&re teste the 'essel

c. Wor9 is appro'e after an inspection %, the a&thori"e inspector has pro'en the 1or9 to %e satisfactor, an an, re8&ire press&re test ha'e %een co+plete . Wor9 is appro'e after an inspection an test %, the contractor an the &nit operators accept the 'essel 00. Who sho&l %e cons&lte %efore repairin! a crac9 at a iscontin&it,4 1here stress concentrations +a, %e serio&s3 a. The operators of the 'essel %. The o1ner>&ser c. An en!ineer e2perience in the operation of the 'essel . An en!ineer e2perience in press&re 'essel esi!n 07. All repair an alteration 1el in! shall %e in accor ance 1ith# a. NBIC Wel in! Co e %. AWS C1.1 Wel in! Co e c. :ri!inal Constr&ction Co e . N$PA Wel in! Co e 05. The repair or!ani"ation shall &se 8&alifie 1el ers an 1el in! proce &res 8&alifie in accor ance 1ith the applica%le re8&ire+ents of# a. Section * of the AS(E Co e %. Section IF of the AS(E Co e c. AWS 01.1 Wel in! Co e. . API Stan ar 11074 Wel in! 0;. The repair or!ani"ation shall +aintain recor s of its 8&alifie 1el in! proce &res an its 1el in! perfor+ance 8&alifications. These recor s shall %e a'aila%le to the AAAAAAAA prior to the start of 1el in!. a. operator %. o1ner>&ser c. 1el er . inspector 06. $or alterations or repairs of 'essels initiall, post 1el heat treate as a co e re8&ire+ent an constr&cte of P>1 an P>0 steels liste in the AS(E Co e4 preheatin! to not less than e!rees $ +a, %e considered as an alternati'e to PWHT. a. -00 %. 000 c. 700 . 500 0=. A car%on steel GA>-=5 HR CI 'essel +&st %e repaire %, 1el in! in a fl&sh patch Greplacin! a corro e areaI. The 'essel is in ca&stic ser'ice an 1as ori!inall, post 1el heat treate . Which of the follo1in! is correct3 a. No post 1el heat treat+ent GPWHTI is re8&ire %. The repair +a, %e pre>treate to 0005 $. 1hile 1el in! an PWHT 1ai'e c. The repair +a, %e +a e %, &sin! the te+per>%ea 1el in! techni8&e . The repair +&st %e post 1el heat treate 0@. If local post 1el heat treat+ent is appro'e for a 'essel repair Ga co+plete 0;0 e!ree %an aro&n the 'essel is not &se >onl, a locali"e spotI4 What are the +ini+&+ n&+%er of ther+oco&ples re8&ire aro&n the locali"e area to +onitor the te+perat&re3 a. 1 %. c. 7 .; 70. When repairin! 'essels 1ith stainless steel 1el o'erla, an cla in! G'essels constr&cte of P>04 P>74 or P>5 %ase +aterialsI the %ase +etal in the area of repair sho&l %e e2a+ine for crac9in! %, DT per AS(E Section *. This DT inspection sho&l %e +a e AAAAAA ho&rs after repairs ha'e %een co+plete for e8&ip+ent in h, ro!en ser'ice4 especiall, for chro+i&+>+ol,% en&+ allo,s that co&l %e affecte %, ela,e crac9in!. a. 1%. -7

c. 0; . 771. When are fillet 1el e patches Glap patchesI allo1e . a. The, +a, %e onl, &se in 'essels 1ith shells 0.=< thic9 or less %. The, +a, %e &se only if appro'e %, the operators c. The, +a, %e &se only on lo1 press&re 'essels . The, are &se for onl, te+porar, repairs

7-. Car%on or allo, steel 1ith car%on content o'er AAAAAAA percent shall not %e 1el e . a. 0.00 %. 0.05 c. 0.70 . 0.75 70. Acceptance criteria for a 1el e repair or alteration sho&l incl& e NCE techni8&es that are in accor ance 1ith the# a. applica%le section of the NBIC %. applica%le section of the AS(E Co e c. B&ris iction . o1ner>&ser 77. A press&re test is nor+all, re8&ire after# a. an alteration %. a repair c. a li!htnin! stri9e . a &nit &pset 75. When is a re>ratin! of a press&re 'essel consi ere co+plete3 a. When the press&re 'essel en!ineer appro'es the re>ratin! %. When the a&thori"e constr&ction or!ani"ation attaches the na+eplate to the re>rate 'essel c. When the API a&thori"e P* inspector o'ersees the attach+ent of an API 510 na+eplate . When the o1ner>&ser accepts the re>ratin! fro+ the re>ratin! or!ani"ation 7;. An API certifie inspector 1ho has not %een acti'el, en!a!e 4 as s&ch4 1ithin the pre'io&s three ,ears can %e recertifie %,# a. %ein! e+plo,e %, a refiner,. %. %ein! license %, the B&ris iction. c. an oral e2a+ination. . a 1ritten e2a+ination 76. An E2a+iner is nor+all,# a. an API 510 Inspector %. A DT Le'el< NCE E2a+iner c. A person that assists the API 510 Inspector4 %&t oes not necessaril, ha'e to 8&alif, as an API 510 Inspector . An in epen ent API 510 Inspector 7=. The +ini+&+ n&+%er of T(LJs on an, !i'en 'essel is# a. Ceter+ine %, the API 510 Inspector %. Ceter+ine %, the o1ner.&ser c. At least one . At least 7 on each shell an hea 7@. If a short>ter+ corrosion rate reflects a .001< per ,ear corrosi'e en'iron+ent c&rrentl, e2ists an the lon!>ter+ corrosion rate is .00!< per ,ear4 the corrosion rate &se in calc&latin! the inspection inter'al sho&l %e# a. The lon! ter+ %. The short ter+

c. Both ter+s . Corrosion rate is not &se 50. Se'eral ifferent +etho s are &se to constr&ct press&re 'essels. (ost press&re 'essels are constr&cte to a, &sin! AAAAAAAAAConstr&ction. a. Wel e %. Hot for!e c. Ri'ete . (&ltila,er

51. The +ost co++on +aterial &se to constr&ct press&re 'essels is# a. Titani&+ %. A&stenitic stainless steel c. (onel . Car%on steel 5-. Constr&ction co es are perio icall, re'ise as the esi!ns of press&re 'essels i+pro'e an as ne1 constr&ction +aterials %eco+e a'aila%le. A press&re 'essel sho&l %e +aintaine accor in! to the# a. Re8&ire+ents &n er 1hich it 1as esi!ne an constr&cte %. Stan ar s an specifications of the o1ner.&ser c. Principles an specifications of the B&ris iction . H&i elines of the NBIC 50. The %asic reasons for inspection are# a. To +eet the prere8&isites of the AS(E Co e %. To +eet the pro'isions of the API 510 c. To +eet the re8&ire+ents of :SHA . To eter+ine the ph,sical con ition of the 'essel an to eter+ine the t,pe4 rate4 an ca&ses of eterioration 57. The +ost co++on internal corro ents in refineries are# a. S&lf&r an chlori e co+po&n s %. Ca&stics an or!anic aci s c. Water deposits an +arine !ro1ths . At+ospheric conta+inants an rain 55. Erosion is the attrition of a s&rface ca&se %,# a. Loss of +aterial ca&se %, s&lf&r an chlori e co+po&n s %. Attrition of +aterial case by aci or ca&stic attac9 c. The i+pin!e+ent of soli particles or li8&i rops . Wearin! o1n of a +aterial ca&se %, o2i ation 5;. (an, pro%le+s 1ith press&re 'essels are ca&se %, fa&lt, fa%rication. Which ite+ on the follo1in! list is not relate to fa&lt, fa%rication. a. Poor 1el in! %. Chlori e stress corrosion crac9in! c. I+proper heat treat+ent . Ci+ensional intolerance 56. The e2ternal inspection of a press&re 'essel sho&l start 1ith# a. 'essel fo&n ation an anchor %olts %. la ers4 stair1a,s4 platfor+s4 or 1al91a,s connecte or %earin! on the 'essel c. no""les an connectin! pipin! . protecti'e coatin!s an ins&lation 5=. If an internal inspection of a 'essel is not the initial one4 the first step is to#

a. +a9e a 1al9 aro&n 'is&al chec9 of the 'essel %. re'ie1 the pre'io&s records of the 'essel to %e inspecte c. chec9 1ith the 'essel operators for &n&s&al operatin! con itions . +a9e a preli+inar, +an1a, inspection 5@. Which of the follo1in! is not a tool for +eas&rin! thic9ness of 'essel shells3 a. Aco&stic e+ission trans &cers. %. Dltrasonic instr&+ents c. Ra io!raph, 1ith step !a!es . Corrosion %&ttons an epth rillin!

;0. Dsin! the follo1in! escription4 pic9 the t,pe press&re>relie'in! e'ice fro+ the list The sprin! is f&ll, e2pose / it is &se on stea+ %oiler r&+s/ it is also &se for !eneral air an stea+ ser'ice in a refiner,. a. R&pt&re Cis9 %. Safet, Relief *al'e c. Relief *al'e . Safet, *al'e ;1. Dsin! the follo1in! escription4 pic9 the t,pe press&re>relie'in! e'ice fro+ the list The, are &se in li8&i ser'ice. The, ha'e close %onnets. The, sho&l not %e &se in stea+4 air4 !as4 or 'apor ser'ice. a. R&pt&re Cis9. %. Safet, Relief *al'e. c. Relief *al'e. . Safet, *al'e ;-. Dsin! the follo1in! escription4 pic9 the t,pe press&re>relie'in! e'ice fro+ the list. The, are &se in !as or 'apor ser'ice an li8&i ser'ice. The, ha'e close %onnets. The, sho&l not %e &se on stea+ %oilers. The, are &se in corrosi'e refiner, ser'ice. a. R&pt&re Cis9 %. Relief *al'e c. Safet, Relief *al'e . Safet, *al'e ;0. Dsin! the follo1in! escription4 pic9 the t,pe press&re relie'in! e'ice fro+ the list. The, &se in refiner, process in &stries for !as4 'apo&r4 air or li8&i s. The, can %e &se in corrosi'e refiner, ser'ice. The, +ini+i"e the effects of %ac9 press&re on its operation characteristics. The, sho&l not %e &se as press&re control or %,pass 'al'es. a. Safet, *al'e %. Balance Safet, Relief *al'e c. Relief *al'e . R&pt&re Cis9. ;7. What are the co++on li+itations for &se on the follo1in! press&re relief e'ices# Safet, *al'e4 Relief *al'e4 Safet, Relief *al'e an Balance Safet, Relief *al'es3 a. Dse in corrosi'e refiner, ser'ice %. Dse as a press&re control or %,pass 'al'e c. Dse as on stea+ %oiler r&+s or s&per heaters . Dse in li8&i ser'ice ;5. Which of the follo1in! in not a ca&se of a press&re>relie'in! e'ices i+proper perfor+ance3 a. Corrosion. %. Proper +aintenance c. Ca+a!e seatin! s&rfaces . $aile sprin!.

;;. Wh, is a efinite ti+e inter'al %et1een inspections of press&re>relie'in! e'ices necessar,3 a. To ins&re proper perfor+ance %. To satisf, :SHA re8&ire+ents c. To f&lfil o1ner>&ser li+itations . To +eet +an&fact&rers con itions ;6. An inspection of a press&re>relie'in! e'ice is consi ere on sche &le if it follo1s the last inspection an repairs %, AAAAAAAAA percent of the esta%lishe inspection inter'al. a. =5>105 %. @0>110 c. @5>115 . 100>110

;=. Which one of the follo1in! list is not an ite+ to %e chec9e 1hen a 'is&al on>strea+ inspection of a press&re>relie'in! e'ice. a. Chec9 to +a9e s&re the inlet no""le of the 'al'e an .or the pipin! to the 'al'e inlet is not pl&!!e %. Chec9 to +a9e s&re the correct relief e'ice 1as installe c. Chec9 to +a9e s&re no !a!s4 %lin s4 close 'al'es or pipin! o%str&ction pre'ent the relief e'ice fro+ 1or9in! . Chec9 to +a9e s&re the seals installe to protect the sprin! settin! ha'e not %een %ro9en ;@. When a press&re>relief 'al'e is first recei'e in the shop4 1hat sho&l %e one3 a. Cis+antle an clean the 'al'e %. Chec9 the 'al'e sprin! for corrosion c. Cip the 'al'e in a cleanin! sol&tion . Test pop the 'al'e to eter+ine the <as recei'e < relie'in! press&re 60. A 'essel +a e of A>-=5 Hr. C car%on steel is in ser'ice %elo1 ;0 e!rees $. It is in ser'ice %elo1 its transition te+perat&re an it has a +inor 1el efect. What t,pe of fail&re 1o&l ,o& e2pect if it is e2pose to a sharp increase in press&re. a. Stress corrosion crac9in! %. C&ctile fail&re C. Brittle fract&re . H, ro!en attac9 61. Which of the follo1in! are not corrosi'e co+ponents of cr& e oil3 a. H, ro!en s&lfi e an +ercaptans %. P&re oil 1ith no conta+inants c. H, ro!en chlori e an or!anic an inor!anic chlori es . Cissol'e o2,!en an 1ater 6-. Which of the liste of corro ents 1here a e &rin! the refinin! process3 a. S&lf&ric aci an h, ro!en fl&ori e %. H, ro!en sulfide an +ercaptans c. H, ro!en chlori e an or!anic an inor!anic chlori es . Nitro!en co+po&n s 60. Hi!h te+perat&re S&lfi ic corrosion occ&rs %et1een AAAAAAA an AAAAAAA e!rees $3 a. 000>;00 %. 750>@00 c. ;00>1-00 . -00>500

67. A co++on t,pe of stress corrosion crac9in! that occ&rs in car%on steels in petrole&+ refineries is that ca&se %, so i&+ h, ro2i e. This t,pe is co++onl, calle 3 a. chlori e crac9in! %. ca&stic e+%rittle+ent c. erosion.corrosion . hi!h te+perat&re e+%rittle+ent 65. The +ost acti'e +e ia in pro &cin! stress corrosion crac9in! in the a&stenitic stainless steels Gs&ch as 1= chro+i&+ = nic9elI are# a. h, ro!en s&lfi e %. so i&+ pero2i e c. a8&eo&s aci chlori e sol&tions . +oist s&lf&r io2i e

6;. In !al'anic corrosion4 if +aterials are liste far apart on the !al'anic series chart are place to!ether in contact G+a!nesi&+ an 1=>= stainless steelI 1ith an <electrol,te" the +aterial on the ano ic en 1ill3 a. the +a!nesi&+ 1ill not %e chan!e %. the stainless steel 1ill corro e c. not %e chan!e . corro e rapi l, 66. Incipient +eltin! occ&rs if ferritic steels are heate a%o'e appro2i+atel, AAAAAAA e!rees $. a. -;005$ %. 1;505$ c. 1-005$ . 10005$ 6=. What is the ter+ &se for escri%in! 1hen certain ferritic steels are operate %et1een =-55 $. an 17005$ an the ce+entite or car%i e 1hich !i'es ferritic steels their stren!th is &nsta%le an eco+poses into iron GferriteI cr,stals an !raphite Gcar%onI no &les. a. Incipient +eltin! %. Hraphiti"ation c. Hrain !ro1th . Hraphitic corrosion 6@. A chan!e occ&rs to nor+all, &ctile ferritic chro+e steels G700 series stainless steels# 705. 7104 700 etc.I 1hen e2pose to te+perat&res aro&n 650 e!rees $. to 1000 e!rees $. It %eco+es %rittle at te+perat&res %elo1 -00 e!rees $. a. (etal &stin!. %. Stress corrosion crac9in!. c. ==5 e+%rittle+ent . Sensiti"ation.

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