Watching God and in Alice Walker's The Color Purple. in The First Chapter I Will Discuss The

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Introduction This paper proposes to present the rise of women in Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching

God and in Alice Walkers The Color Purple. In the first chapter I will discuss the reaction to the two novels since it raised big controvers and outrage among critics and among the black communit . In the second chapter I will focus on the portra al of patriarchal societ in both novels. ! main concern will be to depict the wa s in which this s stem diminishes womens "ualities and tries to silence them b suppressing their voice. The chapter will also point out the modes b which the authors of the novels successfull redirect the power of man to women thus deconstructing the patriarchal societ . The third chapter mainl centers on the theme of silence since this lies at the background of patriarchal societ . !an can keep their control over the female members of the communit because b silencing them the cannot rebel against their suppressed situation. However these women demonstrate that silence does not necessar means passiveness but rather it is a great shield behind which the can prepare to their liberation. The are constructing their new lives in silence and each woman finds her own wa of creating precious things around them. #ut in order to achieve their freedom the need to rel on others and the need to believe in something stronger than the are. The finding of a loveable $od is the theme of the ne%t chapter. #oth women feel that the rigid rules of the &hurch further oppresses them and imposes limits on them so their 'ourne in search of identit implies the revision of their basic values and beliefs. (ince the &hristian $od does not seem to satisf their spiritual needs the embrace a new concept of $od that is genderless and can be found in ever thing. )eaching a point where the are able to create their own s stem of beliefs there is no need of a societ that tells them how to behave or what to believe in. Their 'ourne ends as the come to terms with themselves and with the world. The last chapter deals with the film adaptation of the books. Here I will focus on the main differences between the novel and the film and I will discuss their significance since "uite a few times the message of the book looses in the film. Nevertheless the adaptations and the novels complete each other thus raising the level of the book regarding its message.

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