Reality Must Be Consensual and Democratic

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Reality must be consensual and democratic.

We must all agree what reality is and how it is to function, what is normal and what is abnormal. If one or more of us disagree then the entire fabric of our existence begins to crumple. That is why your elected officials have, in discussion with the cockroaches, created a detailed definition of reality. They have agreed on your behalf the parameters of normality. -Government records. This dead rocks resources were out, except for the last few scrapes and scraps. The cities were going black and the gears of factory and industry grinding to a halt. Everything ever built by a human anywhere and any-when was on the verge of collapse. Thats when the cockroaches started helping us out. They taught us how to bend reality. Push it. Pull it. Stretch it. Spin it. Cut reality up into smaller, bite sized pieces. Things started to get back on track as a whole range of weird Ersatz alternatives started to emerge from the fringes. Started out that just the government had cockroaches, but soon they were poached by the private sector as well. And then homes got access to them. Soon consensual reality management became the catchphrase of the day. Some of the cockroaches started saying it was too much. Well, we should have listened to them. But we didnt and reality broke. Turns out when reality broke you just cant fix it. You just need to management it a little more. And thats when the Government stepped in and started saying what reality is and isnt, what normal is and isnt. It started out with just a few recommendations about behaviour, some government reality warnings that is till insanity became an epidemic. Thats when they started mandating and decreeing a consensual and agreed degree of normality with specific parameters permetted for deviancy. And they created the National Department of Reality to enforce it. And if you dont agree with what they say is real, theyll hunt you down.

Grip You live in a world were reality has been broken and cant be fixed. To ensure the life and liberty of all, the government has created and enforces a single definition of reality.

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