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Calque is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal wordfor-word or root-for-root translation.

French Gratte-ciel Indonesian Pencakar langit

English skycrapper




sangre azul

blue blood

darah biru

French point de vue

English point of view

Indonesian sudut pandang

regenwald heimweh weltkrieg Dutch pijnapel

rainforest homesickness world war English pineapple

hutan hujan perang dunia

Stress placement is a different position of stress in a word that can change the world class and the meaning.
verb Implant /mplnt/ Import /mpt/ Noun Implant Import /m.plnt/ /

Present /przent/ Subject /sbdekt/ Contest /kntest/

Present /prez. nt/ Subject /sb.dekt/ Contest /kn.test/

Tone placement has different function in each language depends on what language it self. In English, tone placement doesnt change the word class and the meaning of the word itself.

Give another example of : Loan translation Enclitics and proclitics Stress placement

The clitics that attach to the beginning of the following word. e.g. : twas from it was em from them


The clitics attach to the end of the preceding word. There are 2 kinds of enclitic : auxiliaries e.g. Im I am Weve been We have been shell she will Negative nt e.g. wont will not cant cannot

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