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Lord Taylor of Warwick

House of Lords

3rd August, 2009

Sent by post and fax to 02072195979

Dear Lord Taylor,

Regarding Your Claims for £73,000 for your home that does not exist

It is clear to us that the £73,000 that you have claimed between 2001- 2007 as your
main home in the Midlands does not exist. It is also clear that your West London home
in Ealing is your main home. You have tried to avoid giving a full explanation of your
affairs instead stating that having previously been a victim of racist abuse and have been
advised by the House of Lords to avoid making your 'Domestic Circumstances' public.

Could you explain to us how you justified claiming to the House Authorities that you had
a home in the Midlands between 2001 - 2007? If not when do you propose to repay the
£73,000 that you have falsely claimed from the taxpayers on the basis of the
misrepresentation of your actual circumstances?

If we do not receive a satisfactory reply from you it is our intention to pursue this matter
with the House authorities.

Thank you for your time and cooperation in advance and we would appreciate an
acknowledgement of this letter by email or telephone.

Yours sincerely,

T : 020 7837 3312 F : 070 9201 2337 E :

Albion Buildings, 1 Back Hill, London, EC1R 5EN
A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, advocating political transparency and openness.
Christopher Galley
Centre for Open Politics

T : 020 7837 3312 F : 070 9201 2337 E :

Albion Buildings, 1 Back Hill, London, EC1R 5EN
A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, advocating political transparency and openness.

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