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7 Secrets Of Manifestation

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7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret 1 Becoming Engrossed In Something Increases Mental And Physical Manifestation

his means that !hen yo" perform the tas#s to reach yo"r goal$ yo" nee% to really &get into it& as if yo" !ere completely engrosse% in it an% as if nothing else e'iste% in the !hole !orl% apart from it. he effects of this %irectly are( a) *o"r min% +ecomes more rela'e% an% can access its %eeper states. his means the i%eas$ creati,ity$ int"ition$ inspiration$ plans$ opport"nities an% "n%erstan%ing e'cl"si,ely to!ar%s yo"r manifestation goal !ill increase. +) *o" !ill +ecome more efficient$ mentally an% physically. -hen yo" are more mentally efficient$ yo" get the right i%eas an% plans yo" nee% to achie,e yo"r manifestation ."ic#ly. -hen yo" are more physically efficient$ yo" !ill a"tomatically +egin to refine yo"r ha+its an% +ecome more %iscipline% to perform the actions to manifest the goal. c) *o" !ill %e,elop a ten%ency to get engrosse%. his means that the rate of yo"r manifestations !ill increase$ +eca"se yo" are gra%"ally getting more engrosse%$ the more engrosse% yo" get$ therefore compo"n%ing points a) an% +) a+o,e.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret 2 You Can Only Ma e !he "ight #ecisions !o$ards Manifestation %hen You Are &ocused !o$ards Your 'oal
o reach yo"r goal re."ires yo" to ma#e %ecisions. *o" can only ma#e the right %ecisions !hen yo" are foc"se%. If yo" are not foc"se%$ yo" are g"arantee% to ma#e the !rong %ecisions an% mo,e f"rther a!ay from the manifestation yo" !ant. he effects of this %irectly are( a) *o" !ill a"tomatically ma#e the right %ecisions "n%er foc"s -hen yo" are foc"se%$ yo" ma#e the right choice$ +eca"se foc"s connects yo"r min% into the %epths of yo"r o!n s"+conscio"s !hich #no!s the right choices for yo". Foc"s therefore sa,es yo" from all the hassle of analysing %ifferent choices an% ro"tes to yo"r goal !hen they appear. +) *o" !ill +e a+le to form a step +y step system to reach yo"r goal. Foc"s creates mental e'pansion an% physical efficiency. his means that the ne't imme%iate 2/0 steps to reach yo"r goal !ill al!ays +e sho!n$ an% ho! to %o them in the correct or%er !hen yo" are foc"se% to yo"r goal. his e,ent"ally lea%s to a system of manifestation to yo"r goal$ in !hich the steps yo" performe% in the past !ill contin"e to ai% in manifesting yo"r goal +eca"se they ha,e a compo"n%e% effect an% contin"e to increase in effecti,eness o,er time.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret ( An Em)ty Mind *eads !o Manifestation

his means that !hen yo"r min% is completely empty of all tho"ghts an% yo" are completely "na!are of manifestation$ the manifestation ta#es place. So if yo" are a!are of manifestation ta#ing place$ yo"r manifestation !ill act"ally %ecrease. his effects of this %irectly are( a) Increase% insight an% clarity to!ar%s manifestation hat is$ !hen yo" are "na!are of manifestation$ yo"r rate of "n%erstan%ing$ plans$ tho"ghts an% i%eas to!ar%s achie,ing yo"r goal !ill e'perience a s"%%en 1"mp. +) *o"r confi%ence to!ar%s yo"r goal !ill increase he greatest confi%ence comes !hen yo" are acti,ely stri,ing to!ar%s !hat yo" tr"ly !ant to manifest. -hen yo"r min% is empty$ there is no mental resistance to the gro!ing confi%ence an% so it can increase e'ponentially. c) *o"r manifestations +ecome similar -hen yo" are free of tho"ghts$ an% are only stri,ing to manifest yo"r goal$ all the manifestations !hich ta#e place !ill +e relate% to!ar%s the attainment of yo"r goal. his is +eca"se there are no other tho"ghts apart from those relating to the goal$ an% so no other manifestations can ta#e place.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret + Momentary *i,ing Creates Sudden Manifestation Changeshat is$ !hen yo" are not thin#ing a+o"t the f"t"re or the past$ an% are only thin#ing a+o"t the tas#s ahea% of yo" to reach yo"r goal$ yo"r manifestations !ill s"%%enly increase to!ar%s yo"r goal. he effects of this %irectly are( a) S"%%en mental an% material manifestations -hen yo" li,e in the moment$ yo"r conscio"sness connects to its o!n "nconscio"s fo"n%ation !hich creates the manifestation thro"gh yo". his is !hat ca"ses the increase% manifestation to happen. +) *o"r min% !ill s"%%enly +ecome crystal clear an% free of ,ain %esires. 2ain %esires 3for e'ample$ 2$ fantasising$ ,i%eo games etc etc) !ill +egin to %ecrease significantly !hen yo" li,e in the moment. *o" !ill therefore e'perience a significant increase in spare time to allo! yo" to stri,e to!ar%s the manifestation yo" !ant.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret . !he !ime "e/uired !o Stri,e !o$ards Your 'oal Can Be Increased Out Of 0o %herehat is$ yo" can create the time yo" nee% to manifest yo"r goals. his is significant +eca"se +"sy mo%ern lifestyles ten% to ma#e "s lac# the time !e nee% to achie,e o"r goals$ so if !e can increase it$ o"r manifestations +ecome a lot easier. o %o this( a) ime can +e increase% thro"gh changing yo"r actions in foc"s 4y sho!ing a single min%e% foc"s to the goal in +oth min% an% +o%y$ the actions yo" perform !ill a"tomatically create the time to perform s"+se."ent actions to!ar%s yo"r manifestation. his is +eca"se correct action in foc"s is create% from the "nconscio"s min% insi%e yo" !hich is allo!ing yo" to con%"ct the right actions. +) ime can +e increase% +y ma#ing yo"r actions into ha+its. -hen yo" ma#e the correct actions a system of ha+its$ yo" are a"tomatically creating an efficient system of manifestation !hich is a res"lt of correct ha+its.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret 1 !he 2uality Of Your &ood #iet Is !he &irst Physical E,idence Of %hat You Are In !he Process Of Manifestinghis is the most "n%errate% component in manifestation. 5iet affects the state of yo"r conscio"sness !hich is the fo"n%ation of !hat manifests in yo"r life. If yo"r %iet is poor$ yo"r manifestation is therefore g"arantee% to +e poor an% %ecreasing. he implications of this %irectly are( a) *o" m"st pay attention to !hat yo" a"tomatically eat an% change yo"r co"rse of action if yo" cra,e a+o"t certain foo%s. If yo" ha,e a cra,ing$ yo" lac# control of yo"r min% an% +o%y. -hen yo" lac# control of the min% an% +o%y$ yo" are not in control of the system of manifestation !hich comes from it. his means yo" are going to e'perience negati,e manifestations$ an% sit"ations !hich !ill +e seemingly +eyon% yo"r control. +) *o" m"st stic# to a healthy %iet at all times. 6ating &+a% foo%s& can gra%"ally increase the %isposition to cons"me them. his therefore gra%"ally increases the %isposition of negati,e manifestation !hich arises from it.

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

Secret 7 "emaining Acti,e In Manifestation As O))osed !o "eacti,e %ill 'uarantee Manifestation SuccessStaying acti,e to!ar%s manifestation means yo" are ta#ing control of the +asis of manifestation in the min% an% +o%y. If yo" remain passi,e an% reacti,e$ yo" are not in control$ an% this g"arantees negati,e manifestation. he effects of this %irectly are( a) *o" m"st maintain control of yo"r imme%iate en,ironment -hen yo" ta#e control of the en,ironment$ yo" are ma#ing yo"r min% an% +o%y more efficient to #eep the control. his is +eca"se the en,ironment is an e'tension of the control in the min% an% +o%y. o control the en,ironment re."ires yo" to remo,e all things !hich %o not help yo"r goal. +) *o" m"st acti,ely analyse an% scr"tiny e,ery ne! thing !hich enters yo"r life. 7e! things entering yo"r life are !hat change yo"r +eha,ior$ %ecisions$ tho"ghts an% actions$ to change yo"r manifestation. herefore$ in e,ery sit"ation !here something ne! occ"rs$ yo"r manifestation is on a #nife/e%ge in !hich it can either %ecrease or increase thereafter. 8888888888 -ell$ that9s it for no!: I hope yo" ha,e learne% something from these simple manifestation secrets: As al!ays$ yo" can contact me +y e/mail. s"pport; Finally$ %on9t forget that he Complete G"i%e o Manifestation strings e,ery component of manifestation together in a re,ol"tionary$ simple an% step +y step manifestation system. To Your Manifestation Intelligence! 3ads Cho$dhury

7 Secrets Of Manifestation. Copyright 2008.

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