Expert CCTV

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Comparison Between DVR & NVR

1. DVR has limitation on the storage. 2. NVR Storage can be assigned on the fly. 3. Multi Tasking recording ! "laback can be done simultaneously in NVR DVR su""orts analog. you can )ork on *T% to

#. NVR Su""ort $% &a'meras

(. No need to lay Video cables in case of DVR &onnect to NVR on e+isting $T $nfrastructure

,. Re"lication can be done easily in NVR. $N DVR it is not "ossible. -. the NVR can be "laced at any "lace for .ideo recording from any)here )ithin net)ork access.. /. NVRs )hich can record $% .ideo streams can record mega"i+el cameras DVR su""ort 02,#. 1. NVRs need to be su""orted e.en if both analogue and $% cameras are installed.

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