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Name of the Company: Larsen & Turbo (L&T) Location: Powai (Mumbai) Location that came for Placements: Mumbai Type of the Company (Hardware !oftware): Hardware !alary: "#"$ la%hs Type of the Company (MNC &ndian): Indian 'ebsite (ddress: !election Process: (!pecify all): 1. PPT 2. Aptitude Test 3. GD . Tec!nical"H# Inter$iew

TEST: Aptitude (TOP TEN WERE ALLOWED TO WRITE) %o. o& 'uestion in t!e Test( ) !ub)ects Co*ered in the (ptitude: 1. Mec!anical Aptitude 2. +o,ical #easonin, 3. Pattern Identi&ication Types of +uestions: ,# -loc%.Pulley.!proc%et 'heel systems "# &dentify the missin/ Patten -oo%s Preferred for Preparation: 1. -arron.s G#/ Group Discussion: Type of GD: General Time: 1) min No. of Members: 1* Time Gi$en( 3* minutes

Topics: 1. A ,ood mana,er s!ould be tec!nicall0 sound 2. Is India a 1ualit0 conscious nation INTERVIEW: (Technical/HR): &nter*iew Type: Tec!nical"H# No# of -atches: 122 !ub)ects Co*ered in the &nter*iew: 1. /lectrical 2. /lectronics (Analo, 4 Di,ital5 Microprocessors5 Microcontroller(6*)1) 3. Pro7ect /8planation (9er0 important) . -asicall0 :rom all our core sub7ects -oo%s Preferred for Preparation: 1. Di,ital /lectronics (:lo0d) 2. /lectron de$ices 4 circuits (:lo0d 4 -o0lestead) 3. Microprocessors 26*6) (Gaon;ar) . Microcontrollers 26*)1 (A0ala) Types of H0 1uestions: 1. About M0sel& 2. General <nowled,e (current a&&airs) 3. /8tra =urricular Acti$ities Imp !tant P int" t #e n ted: 1. Good =GPA 2. -asic <nowled,e in =ore >ub7ects 3. Primaril0 loo; &or =reati$it0 4 ,ood /8pressi$e >;ills. 5. ONLY TOP TEN E!E ALLO ED TO !ITE No# of inter*iewers: 3 per batc! Time( 3* min

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