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Board, Interface, PWM to 0-10vdc

Item Number: 702108 Manufacturer: Deskcnc Manufacturer Part No: dcnc/vfd/opto

Th s board prov des an opto! so"ated nterface bet#een d $ ta" p#m s $na"s and ndustr a" contro""ers that re%u re an ana"o$ nput s $na"& The nterface output vo"ta$e can be offset us n$ a std res stor or potent ometer for "o#er than 10'D( nput re%u rements& The un t a"so offers t#o opto! so"ated channe"s that prov de a contact c"osure to $round output for stop!start funct on ) or d rect on contro" of motor contro""ers& Suggsted uses:

'ar ab"e speed D( motor contro"s 'ar ab"e output *( Dr ves 'ar ab"e +re%uenc, Dr ves - '+D/Inverters. 'ar ab"e output v brator, feeders 'ar ab"e " $ht d mm n$ app" cat ons 'ar ab"e temperature contro""ers /ther ana"o$ nput dev ces

P"u$ compat b"e # th the Desk(N( contro""er) other Desk(N( outputs are ava "ab"e # th d rect to term na" connect on - P0M) (0) and ((0 are opto! so"ated.& Th s board s a"so compat b"e # th other s,stems that use d $ ta" P0M s $na"s such as para""e" port contro""ers) ncP/D) 1ecko 100) etc& Input: PWM: /pto so"ated p#m) supports 0!203h4) 0!1005 dut, c,c"e) 6!7 'D( pu"se 8e $ht) and 2!7ma current dra#& CW & CCW: opto so"ated from board supp",) 6!7 'D( nput vo"ta$e) 2!7 ma current dra#& Po st ve tr $$ered& Mist, Flood, u!1,",# pass throu$h term na" connect ons from Desk(N( or other source& Iso"ated from board supp",) but not opto! so"ated& $utput: 0-10vdc " near response to pos t ve per od of the P0M s $na"& 9ource current 60 ma& M n mum stab"e "oad 200 ohm& CW & CCW ! (ontact c"osure to $round& 9upports 100vdc 200 ma contact s $na"& (an be # red to e:terna" re"a, for motor d rect on contro" or to '+D (0 ; ((0 nputs&

Po%er suppl&: 12vdc re$u"ated or 12!60 vdc unre$u"ated& <p to 122 ma re$u"ated 12vdc ava "ab"e #hen po#ered # th 12!60 vdc re$u"ated po#er supp",& Inc"udes r bbon cab"e and # r n$ "a,out) and nstruct ons for # r n$ to =eeson 9peedmaster (ontro""er) and to *utomat on D rect 19!9er es '+D&

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