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Personal Development

Questions & Answers


What is an Initiation? An Initiation is a specific ceremony using different symbols, words, gestures, perfumes, sounds, etc. All these elements have an effect on the visible and invisible dimensions of the participant in order to awaken his slumbering potential and help the candidate to take the first step on the road back to the divine world. The Initiation places the candidate under the protection of the egregore of the Order so that he or she can take advantage of this powerful beneficial energy. Is Initiation sufficient or should I practice individual rituals? Initiation is the first major step of one who really wants to undertake an effective inner work. However, the Initiation alone is not sufficient. It is a powerful aid but only for the short term. It is for this reason that the process in the Ordo Aurum Solis is designed in a gradual structure separated by several steps. Individual theurgic rituals help to reinforce what has been received during the Initiation. The energy coming from the egregore is an aid used to progress more quickly towards self-knowledge and the use of your dormant psychic abilities. Are the theurgic rituals performed in Aurum Solis dangerous? No! The theurgic rituals are not dangerous because their goal is the elevation of the soul and the purification and harmonization of your being. In addition, these rituals are associated with a moral uprightness and integrity. Do I need a lot of room to practice these rites? No, you only have to set up the simple ritual tools you need, and then store them after use. You must be able to secure privacy alone in a room or in nature and then you can begin your training. Does Aurum Solis use meditation? Yes, meditation is an important aspect of esoteric techniques. It is interesting to know that meditation techniques that A.S. uses are

somewhat different from what is found in Eastern traditions.

Does Aurum Solis use visualization? Yes, the A.S. considers visualization as a fundamental and essential. This technique is taught from the beginning of your work. It is an extremely effective way of awakening psychic powers that gradually allows us to control our thoughts in order to get results, on the invisible and visible planes. Do you teach Qabalah? Qabalah was developed during the Middle Ages. Theurgy and Hermeticism taught in the Aurum Solis have existed for thousands of years. However, Initiates of the golden chain studied and used this new expression of the Western Tradition. It is for this reason that Aurum Solis teaches Qabalah to Initiates. However, it is used as a tool and a map, and not as a system conveying the absolute truth. Do you teach Hermeticism? Yes, absolutely! The Tradition of the Aurum Solis is the heir of the Temples of Hermopolis (City of the God Thoth) and of the Alexandrian school. As such, the Hermetic philosophy and the theurgic rituals are the sacred heart of the Aurum Solis. Do you teach the Tarot? The most common Tarot comes from the Tarot of Marseilles. It is an esoteric interpretation of a set of cards used as a game. This development occurred in France in the 19th century and gave birth to the different games that we know today. For its part the Aurum Solis has its own Tarot, which is based on elements in existence prior to this French period. It combines astrology, theurgy and the Immortal Divinities. It is taught and used in many ways. Do you teach Astrology? This very ancient science is used early in the Initiatic journey. It is a fundamental part that structures the training of every student and Initiate from the first period before the Initiation called Pronaos.

I am interested and I am eager to begin this training. How should I proceed? Just visit the website of the Aurum Solis ( and register for the Pronaos. You can also write directly to the secretary of the Aurum Solis (

Painted by a Companion of the Order

The Celestial Temenos

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