History, St. Mary's School

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Lesson Plan

School: St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School

Address: Peverell Road, Penzance TR18 2AT
Teacher: Mrs. Barnard
Curriculum Area / Area of Learning: History
Year: 5

The lesson objective: To learn about changes that have occurred in Britain since 1948 and
some of the reasons for these changes

4x JPEG Images of visualiser being used in lesson:

How the visualiser was used? The visualiser was used to look at artefacts from 1945 onwards
by the children in my class. This lesson was like a ‘show and tell’ session. The children discussed
the artefacts and had to place the objects on a timeline. We continued the lesson by looking at a
diary extract from a child’s grandfather.
The benefits of the Visualiser to teaching & learning:
• Time-saving. E.g. Literacy extracts don’t have to be written up on Powerpoint, but the
entire text can be shown.
• Able to demonstrate intricate detail.
• Able to demonstrate children’s work on the day, in the lesson it was written.
• Replaces the photocopier
• Able to annotate work infront of the children.
• Simple to use and compact.
• Demonstrate how to layout the work properly.

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