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!"#"$%&'" )&$"*"$
+,-./0. 12,,2345 6-728 %/2/-
2uuu anu 2uu1 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu2 6th Rounu Pick of }acksonville }aguais;
Playeu two seasons with }aguais anu San Biego Chaigeis

*9:;2-, 12.<8/0.5 %2= >0?8/0. %/2/-
1989, 199u anu 1991 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1992 4th Rounu Pick of Aiizona Caiuinals;
9-yeai NFL veteian with Caiuinals anu Cincinnati Bengals; 1991 fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, Waltei
Camp, Spoits Netwoik)

@23A +30:<-//5 )2=23
1969, 197u anu 1971 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1972 14th Rounu Pick of Bouston 0ileis

!9:< +307/0.5 )2=23
196S, 1966 anu 1967 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

#3-4 !-2.5 )0?9892.2 6-:;
1971, 1972, 197S anu 1974 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; Fiist 4-time All-SLC fiist-team playei;
1974 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCA, AP); 1972 & 1974 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 197S 2nu
Rounu Pick of San Biego Chaigeis; 11-yeai NFL veteian with Chaigeis anu San Fiancisco 49eis;
1981 NFC Playei of the Yeai; Foui-time Pio Bowlei; Fiist Southlanu Confeience playei electeu to Pio
Football Ball of Fame (2uu8); Also inuucteu to College Football Ball of Fame (2uu9); Paiticipateu in
Supei Bowls XvI anu XvIII

#3-4 "B2.85 6-728 %/2/-
2uu4 anu 2uuS All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uuS Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 2uu4
Newcomei of the Yeai; 2uuS fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCA); 2uu6 7th Rounu Pick of Niami
Bolphins; Cuiient 8th yeai pio with Ninnesota vikings

C2=-8 #0,8/0.5 )0?9892.2D*0.30-
1992 anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 199S fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, Waltei Camp,
Football uazette)

E?8/A @?9,F-2?5 *:$--8- %/2/-
198u anu 1981 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1981 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1982 Siu
Rounu Pick of St. Louis Caiuinals; 6-yeai NFL veteian with New Yoik }ets anu Clevelanu Biowns

)233A >23/5 +-./32, G3<2.828
2uu8 anu 2uu9 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu8 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 2uu9 Befensive
Co-Playei of the Yeai; 2uu8 fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, Waltei Camp, Spoiting News); 2u1u Sth
Rounu Pick of }acksonville }aguais

H2,/-3 C0;.80.5 )0?9892.2 6-:;
1984, 198S anu 1986 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1986 Befensive Co-Playei of the Yeai; 198S
Fieshman of the Yeai; SLC Caieei Sacks leauei (S8); Fiist-team All-Ameiican in 1984 (AP) anu 1986
(AFCA, AP); Paiticipateu thiee seasons in NFL with Bouston 0ileis anu New 0ileans Saints

69= I.9:<A5 %/-J;-. #K G?8/9.
2uu8 anu 2uu9 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu9 Befensive Co-Playei of the Yeai; 2uu9 fiist-
team All-Ameiican (Waltei Camp)

G, )?:285 630A
1998 anu 1999 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1999 Recipient of Spoits Netwoik's Buck
Buchanan Awaiu as nation's top uefenuei; Fiist-team All-Ameiican in 1998 (Football uazette) anu
1999 (AP, Waltei Camp, Football uazette, Spoits Netwoik); Paiticipateu two seasons with Caiolina

!2B- *?:<-.8/?3=5 G3<2.828 %/2/-
197u, 1971 anu 1972 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

*23B9. $-,0=85 G3<2.828 %/2/-
1984, 198S anu 1986 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

I-. LM--5 6-728DG3,9.N/0.
196S anu 1966 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1966 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP); 1966
Befensive Playei of the Yeai

I2B9<2 O9//=2.5 *:$--8- %/2/-
1994 anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 199S Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 199S fiist-team
All-Ameiican (AFCA, AP, Spoits Netwoik, Waltei Camp); 1996 2nu Rounu Pick of Ballas Cowboys; 9-
yeai NFL veteian with Cowboys, Benvei Bioncos anu Caiolina Pantheis; Paiticipateu in Supei Bowl

C0;..A E0F9.80.5 )0?9892.2 6-:;
1978, 1979 anu 198u All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1979 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1981 4th
Rounu Pick of Los Angeles Raiueis; Paiticipateu in Supei Bowl XvIII

!2.2 %:0//5 *:$--8- %/2/-
1992, 199S anu 1994 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

13A2. %=9/;5 *:$--8- %/2/-
2uu6 anu 2uu7 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu7 Playei of the Yeai; 2uu6 Befensive Playei of
the Yeai; Fiist-team All-Ameiican in 2uu6 (AP, Spoits Netwoik) anu 2uu7 (AFCA, AP, Waltei Camp,
College Spoiting News); 2uu8 Siu Rounu Pick of Philauelphia Eagles

*23:?8 %J39NN85 630A
1997 anu 1998 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1998 fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCA, Waltei Camp,
0SA TouayESPN); 1999 6th Rounu Pick of Clevelanu Biowns; S-yeai NFL veteian, all with Biowns

+,0B98 %P9..-A5 G3<2.828 %/2/-
1967, 1968 anu 1969 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1969 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCS, AP);
1968, 1969 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 197u Siu Rounu Pick of New 0ileans Saints

*23B9. QJ8;2P5 639.9/A
1966 anu 1967 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1967 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCA); 1967
Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1968 1st Rounu Pick of Clevelanu Biowns; 9-yeai NFL veteian with
Biowns, Kansas City Chiefs anu St. Louis Caiuinals

)98; G42=85 %2= >0?8/0. %/2/-
1987 anu 1988 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1988 fiist-team All-Ameiican (Football News)

+;9J 1-..-//5 GF9,-.- +;398/92.
1968 anu 1969 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1969 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, AFCA); 197u
Siu Rounu Pick of Cincinnati Bengals

19,, 1-3N-A5 G3<2.828 %/2/-
1967 anu 1968 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1968 Fiist-team All-Ameiican (AFCS, AP); SLC
single-leauei with 196 tackles (1968); 1969 2nu Rounu Pick of Cincinnati Bengals; 12-yeai NFL
veteian; Foui-time Pio Bowlei with Philauelphia Eagles; Paiticipateu in Supei Bowl Xv

G.43- +2330.5 $03/;P-8/-3. %/2/-
1989, 199u anu 1991 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1991 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; All-Time
SLC Leauing Tacklei (S21); 1991 fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, Waltei Camp, Football uazette, Kouak,
Spoits Netwoik)

G./;0.A @?9,,03A5 )2=23
1964 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 196S 7th Rounu Pick of Los Angeles Rams; 4-yeai NFL
veteian with Rams anu Philauelphia Eagles

6-33A &3B9.N5 *:$--8- %/2/-
1991, 1992 anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1992 & 199S fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP,
Waltei Camp, Kouak, Spoits Netwoik); 199S Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1994 4th Rounu Pick of
Aiizona Caiuinals; S-yeai NFL veteian, all with Caiuinals

13?:- C2:<80.5 639.9/A
1969, 197u anu 1971 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

C2=2,, C0;.80.5 $03/;P-8/-3. %/2/-
2uuS anu 2uu4 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu4 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 2uuS
Newcomei of the Yeai; 2uu4 fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP)

!0?N )2.43A5 )0?9892.2 6-:;
198S, 1984 anu 198S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1984 & 198S Befensive Playei of the Yeai;
1982 Fieshman of the Yeai; Fiist-team All-Ameiican in 1984 (AFCA, AP, Football News) anu 198S
(AP, Football News); 1986 Sth Rounu Pick of San Biego Chaigeis

"39: )0<-A5 %/-J;-. #K G?8/9.
1987 anu 1988 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1988 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1988 fiist-team
All-Ameiican (AFCA, Waltei Camp, Spoits Netwoik)

'-3.0. *:*2.?85 )2=23
1964 anu 196S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 196S Befensive Playei of the Yeai

C0- *:$--,A5 )0?9892.2 6-:;
1972 anu 197S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 197S Befensive Playei of the Yeai

C-33A *?:<-.8/?3=5 G3<2.828 %/2/-
197S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 197S Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1976 7th Rounu Pick of
Chicago Beais; 7-yeai NFL veteian, all with Beais

G./;0.A E2FF5 630A
1998 anu 1999 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1999 Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 1999 fiist-team
All-Ameiican (Football uazette)

E04-39:< E0A2,5 *:$--8- %/2/-
2uu2 anu 2uuS All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu2 Newcomei of the Yeai; Fiist-team All-
Ameiican in 2uu2 (AP, Waltei Camp, Football uazette, Spoits Netwoik) anu 2uuS (AFCA, AP, Football
uazette, Spoits Netwoik)

"?N-.- %-2,-5 )2=23
198S, 1984 anu 198S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 198S Befensive Playei of the Yeai; 198S
fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP); Paiticipateu six seasons with NFL's Bouston 0ileis

H9,,9- 6;0=285 6-728DG3,9.N/0.
1976, 1977 anu 1979 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection

C-3-=92; 630//-35 %/-J;-. #K G?8/9.
1996 anu 1997 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1994 Fieshman of the Yeai; 1996 fiist-team All-
Ameiican (AFCA, Waltei Camp, Spoits Netwoik); 1998 Siu Rounu Pick of Philauelphia Eagles; 11-
yeai NFL veteian with Eagles, Washington Reuskins anu Tampa Bay Buccaneeis; Paiticipateu in
Supei Bowl XXXIX; Foui-time Pio Bowl Selection

C2F232 H9,,92=85 %/-J;-. #K G?8/9.
2uu8, 2uu9 anu 2u1u All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2u1u Befensive Playei of the Yeai

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