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Group 3 Spellings

Week beginning Monday 4th November, Test on Friday 8th November 2013
Who for? ameron T, !o""y, #$i%abeth, Nathan &, Nathan ', #mi$y, (oki, )randon, *nya, !atri+k

2"e$$ing 3nformation4 !honeti+a$$y, a$$ yo,r -ords so,nds $ike 5ing6 and the
s"e$$ing "attern mat+hes, ho-ever, the root verb -o,$d have an 5e6 ending, ho-ever, -e remove the 5e6 and re"$a+e it -ith 5ing6.

Word to learn

Copy it once

Copy it twice

Cover and write once

Cover and write twice

Rainbow write it!

bo,n+ing +om"eting +om"osing damaging dan+ing de+iding in+reasing in+$,ding

Turn over to practise spellings using; Rainbow writing, the spelling word in a sentence. could try S"y Writing and #ac" Writing to help practise. $.T.% t ho!e you

Re!e!ber &n yo,r test, yo, -i$$ have & e'tra -ords to s"e$$. These -i$$ have the same "honi+ and s"e$$ing "attern as the 8 yo, have $earnt this -eek. This -i$$ he$" ,s find o,t -ho has $earnt the "honi+ and s"e$$ing "atterns/ Group 3 Spellings
Week beginning Monday 4th November, Test on Friday 8th November 2013
Who for? ameron T, !o""y, #$i%abeth, Nathan &, Nathan ', #mi$y, (oki, )randon, *nya, !atri+k

2"e$$ing 3nformation4 !honeti+a$$y, a$$ yo,r -ords so,nds $ike 5ing6 and the
s"e$$ing "attern mat+hes, ho-ever, the root verb -o,$d have an 5e6 ending, ho-ever, -e remove the 5e6 and re"$a+e it -ith 5ing6.

Word to learn

0ainbo- -rite it/

1se it in a senten+e

bo,n+ing +om"eting

+om"osing damaging dan+ing de+iding in+reasing in+$,ding

Re!e!ber &n yo,r test, yo, -i$$ have & e'tra -ords to s"e$$. These -i$$ have the same "honi+ and s"e$$ing "attern as the 8 yo, have $earnt this -eek. This -i$$ he$" ,s find o,t -ho has $earnt the "honi+ and s"e$$ing "atterns/

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