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Nr: A·2007·0 0522 ! 1009·02079
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Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
P.O.Box 1394

1110 Addis Ababa


BCS Oko-Garantie GrnbH declares tha t th e above ment ion ed

company fu l fils the mentioned st andard:

USDA's Nat ion al Orga nic Pro gr am NOP

on or-ga nic production of agricu ltural products and i ndi cat ions
referr'ing t here t o on agri cul rural pro ducts and foodst uf fs. ~~ I

15" 1 Ficld/s of inspec t ion :

A Agric ul t ural Product i on

[l Proce ssing and Rel at ed Acti vi ti es

X Comm erce and Expor t

Certifi ed products :

100 % Or gani c:

Green Cof fee Beans (17.4 36 ,79 hal

in 2009 an inspec ti on of the above mentioned operato r and i t s

operat i ng site was c a rri e d out .

The cert i fic at i on o f th e above menti oned company continues in

effe ct unti l surre ndered by the organic operati on or suspended or

revoked by BCS .

Certificate renewal da te : 30. 11 ,2009

Effect i ve da te of cer t i fi catio n: 01 03 .2 005


Nurnbe rg, Q1.06} 009

~ I
1/ /
p e te r~Gr ofc rl
General Manager
BCS Oko-Car ant ie Gmb H· Ci mbern st r all e 21 ·90402 N,jrnherg . Deut schl and · Tel. : T.\Q (0) 911142139·0
Fax (lnland ): . 49 (0)9111192239 ' Fax(Ausl and): " 19 (01911/4 243971 . Int ern e t : www .bc s-oekc .com
Ell -Code -Nr.: DE ·OO 1·Oko-Kont rollste lle

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