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SklLLS Anu CuALlllCA1lCnS

> Plghly adapLable speed learner wlLh subsLanLlal Lralnlng and experlence ln copy
and subsLanLlve edlLlng
> LxLremely efflclenL and fasL worker, readlng 700 WM wlLh excellenL
comprehenslon and Lyplng 70 WM error-free
> Skllled wrlLer wlLh experlence ln creaLlve, non-flcLlon, academlc, copy, and
reporL wrlLlng
> roflclenL ln many compuLer programs, lncludlng MlcrosofL Cfflce, CuLlook, and
Adobe deslgn programs
> SLrong compuLer skllls, lncludlng experlence ln soclal medla markeLlng
8LLLvAn1 LxL8lLnCL
CcLober 2013 - resenL
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8eadlng lnLern
> SLarLed on Lrlal basls Lo read and revlew ?A flcLlon submlsslon, lnvlLed Lo
conLlnue as a speclallzed lnLern
> Work remoLely readlng whole and parLlal submlsslons for Mlddle Crade and ?A
flcLlon, wrlLlng Lhorough reader reporLs, and asslsLlng wlLh re[ecLlon leLLers
AugusL 2013 - resenL
3%#04".5 6&7(4
lreelance WrlLer
> Plred on Lrlal basls Lo wrlLe blog posLs, promoLed Lo reLalner sLaLus wlLh
addlLlonal responslblllLles lncludlng soclal medla markeLlng on lnLeresL and
> Pelped company reach younger, female demographlc Lhrough sLyle and llfesLyle
posLs researched and wrlLLen enLlrely on own
> 1rusLed Lo work remoLely on own Llme and wlLh llLLle supervlslon afLer
successfully esLabllshlng new volce and sLyle for Lhe company
november 2012 - AugusL 2013
8$.0"#7 9&:10 ;1.<($4.',= !&%%(0( &> -.>( *2.(12(4
LdlLorlal AsslsLanL/SLudenL AsslsLanL
> Worked as asslsLanL Lo Lhe dean's offlce whlle creaLlng, edlLlng, and deslgnlng
Lhe slxLeen-page college magazlne (Sprlng 2013 lssue)
> 8esponslble for Lhe mosL successful lssue Lo daLe, wlLh an order for an
addlLlonal 1,000 roundlng lL Lo 43,000 ln prlnL
> romoLed Lo parL-Llme 8?u faculLy poslLlon as LdlLorlal AsslsLanL wlLh
reLlremenL beneflLs and a slgnlflcanL pay ralse afLer Lhe lssue's success
> used organlzaLlonal and prlorlLlzlng skllls Lo manage varlous offlce and magazlne
asslgnmenLs as well as four-person edlLorlal sLaff
> 8achelor of ArLs ln
Lngllsh and edlLlng
> Cne year publlshlng
> 1hree years edlLlng and
wrlLlng experlence
> lour years offlce and
170 W. 123rd SLreeL
ApL. A
new ?ork, n? 10027

age 2
AugusL 2012 - !anuary 2013
!(+#$ 3&$' ?:@%.4".10 A B(+.#
LdlLlng lnLern
> 8evlewed flcLlon submlsslons, wroLe reader reporLs, lald ouL galleys and reprlnLs
on lnueslgn, wroLe cover copy, and prepared fronL maLLer and cover blurbs
> Averaged four manuscrlpLs every Lwelve-hour week worklng on llne, copy, and
subsLanLlve edlLs
> 1rusLed Lo work wlLhouL supervlslon on a varleLy of lnLenslve pro[ecLs afLer
lmpresslng supervlsor wlLh fasL and Lhorough work
!anuary 2011 - november 2012
8$.0"#7 9&:10 ;1.<($4.',= 6#$&%+ 8C -(( -.@$#$,= *5(2.#% !&%%(2'.&14
> Worked as fronL desk secreLary, answerlng calls, dlrecLlng Lrafflc, managlng Lhe
offlce, and performlng all necessary Lasks ln an effecLlve manner
> Managed schedules and asslsLed ln evenLs, organlzlng necessary maLerlals and
malnLalnlng professlonal relaLlonshlps ln follow-ups
> 1ranscrlbed and edlLed academlc maLerlals, preparlng LexLs for onllne
publlcaLlon and ul formaLLlng
Aprll 2011 - !une 2011
8$.0"#7 9&:10 ;1.<($4.', D$.'.10 !(1'($
WrlLlng 1uLor
> Learned abouL wrlLer-edlLor relaLlons galnlng experlence ln managlng
professlonal relaLlonshlps and explalnlng lssues ln a professlonal way
> Worked lndlvldually and wlll fellow LuLors edlLlng sLudenLs' asslgnmenLs
> CulLlvaLed a serles of regulars who LrusLed me wlLh Lhelr varlous papers,
appllcaLlons, resumes, and asslgnmenLs
!une 2009 - AugusL 2013
8$.0"#7 9&:10 ;1.<($4.',= ?$&<&= ;E
8A, Lngllsh
> LdlLlng mlnor, creaLlve wrlLlng emphasls
> Ma[or CA: 3.80
/F#$+4 A /22&75%.4"7(1'4
> SemesLer abroad ln Lhe uk. SLudled hlsLory of Lngllsh llLeraLure, performlng
research aL Lhe 8rlLlsh Llbrary, 1he WordsworLh 1rusL, eLc. 4.0 CA.
> 8eclplenL of Academlc MerlL scholarshlp, Crea 8. 1anner Scholarshlp, and Mae
8lanch Award

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