Creswell, J. 2009, The Use of Theory: Qualitative Theory Use, Research Design: Qualitative

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Thesis Writing Design Reading Review Rizky Soraya 121012058

In Qualitative Theory Use Creswell discusses how the theory works and its usage in qualitative research. This sub-chapter includes variation in theory use and locating the theory in qualitative research. He started by informing the readers four main usages or function of theory used in qualitative research; it is used as a broad explanation for behavior and attitudes, a theoretical lens or perspective of marginalized groups which will shape the methods (research questions, the way data are collected and analyzed) later, an end point in which it generates theory from data collected, and last, it provides detailed description of a central phenomenon instead of conceptual structure. The marginalized groups he mentioned are class, race, and gender, though I believe that age is also influential and important. He illustrates and provides examples in each explanation of theory usage, which is good because it will give us an insight how to draw up theories in our proposal. Based on his argument, probably the theory I will be used in my proposal is not only functioning as an end point, but it also a theoretical lens as I will observe genderedmeaning produced by certain fandom. I do not know whether it is allowed or right to combine these theory usages, but I cannot start my research if I do not know the basic theory of textual poachers, on the other hand, I too need to generalize my research result later on. Creswell also gives the readers tips on theory use. Creswells book is easy to follow as he organized his writing well and his writing is short but to the point. Moreover, he used simple language that is easy to understand and to read though he is a professor. He really is positioned himself as educator not professor. Research Practice for Cultural Studies by Dr. Ann Gray gives us more insightful reading but it uses more difficult language and the organization of the writing is confusing. Overall, Creswells book is a good reading and really useful for my project.

Reference List

Creswell, J. 2009, The Use of Theory: Qualitative Theory Use, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (3rd ed.), pp. 82-87, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, available at

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