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Jacob Lyman 4B 10/25/13 Section One

Chapters 16-19 1. Hester prefers to meet Dimmesdale in the forest rather than in the settlement because she wanted the meeting to be private and unknown to the people of the town. Also Hester wanted meet somewhere where Chillingsworth would not be able to see them speaking to each other. 2. In the book, when Dimmesdale first receives the news of Chillingsworths true identity, it says that Dimmesdale has a dark transformation and gets angry with Hester. Dimmesdale begins blaming Hester for his suffering and having to deal with Chillingsworths torture. At first Dimmesdale is very angry with her and makes a big commotion. Then after some time passes he is able to cope with the news and calms down substantially; his spirit is even lifted and begins to feel healthier. 3. The effect that Hesters news has on Dimmesdale is at first controversial and changing and then an uplifting in his spirit. The long term effect on Dimmesdale was how much healthier he felt. The book said he felt healthier and had a glow to him. This new healthier feeling would play a big part later in the story. 4. At first when Hester removes the scarlet letter she lets her hair down and she feels bright, happy and feels like a whole new person. When Hester then replaces the scarlet letter on her bosom she begins to feel like the old unhappy, trapped, depressed Hester again. The scarlet letter is like an illness that keeps returning. The scarlet letter makes Hester feel awful when she has it and is forced to wear it, but when it is removed she feels renewed and replenished. 5. Pearl reacts to Dimmesdale by trying to wash off his kiss in the river after he kissed her. Also when Pearl first meets Dimmesdale she feels like he is taking her spot and replacing her. She is angry and jealous because when he is around Hester pays less attention to Pearl and more attention to Dimmesdale.

Chapters 20-22 1. Hesters plan for Dimmesdale, Pearl, and herself is to move back to Europe. Hester was planning to move back to Europe because she wanted them to get away from the

judgmental town of Salem and because of Dimmesdales health. In Europe there was more privacy and they would get better doctors for Dimmesdale. 2. The Puritan celebration shows how much they value their political personnel. The celebration shows how they are grateful and respect people that are able to be in any political office or in any leadership position. The celebration also shows how they Puritans value the importance of being governed and being organized. 3. Chillingsworth interferes with Hester plan because he tells the captain he is with the Hester party. By telling the captain hes with Hester he makes it impossible for them to escape from Chillingsworth to Europe. By preventing them from an escape to Europe he makes it hard for a better life in Europe also his presence would not enable Dimmesdale to become Healthy. 4. Dimmesdales mental state as he walks to the meeting-house is really good. He is really happy and almost has a glow to him. Dimmesdales new outlook also makes Hester happy because he has been sick for so long and she felt good to see him feel so happy and uplifted. 5. During the sermon Pearl was just walking around the meeting-house. She was wandering around and thats when the captain of the ship informs her of Chillingsworths news. Near the end of the sermon Pearl goes back to Hesters side and tells her what the captain said to her.

Chapters 23-24 1. The topic of Dimmesdales sermon was to announce the new governor of Salem. In the book it says Dimmesdale is supposed to deliver the Election Sermon. The mood during the sermon was very cheerful and excited. They were excited about the governor because they thought he was going to make great changes in the town. 2. During the final scaffold scene the four main characters are very close together. During the sermon Hester is in the crowd, but then she makes her way up to the stage near the end. During the sermon Pearl is wandering around the meeting-house, but then near the end of the sermon she finds her way to Hester and they go to the stage together. Dimmesdale is giving the sermon so he is obviously on the stage speaking. During the sermon Chillingsworth is in the crowd, but when Dimmesdale collapses he makes his way towards the stage.

3. There were various versions of the story on what was seen on Dimmesdales chest when he died. Many people thought that when Dimmesdale died they saw a Scarlet letter on his chest much like Hesters. Other stories were told and many people did not see any scarlet letter on his chest. Both stories have many advocates, but there is no evidence to support either side. 4. Chillingsworth was affected by Dimmesdales confession because he realized that he did not have any control over him anymore. Chillingsworth had control over Dimmesdale because Chillingsworth knew Dimmesdales secret but Dimmesdale did not know about Chillingsworths secret. It also angered Chillingsworth because he now knew Hester had told Dimmesdale his secret. 5. It never said if the two lovers Dimmesdale and Hester were ever reunited, but some of Dimmesdales last words were if God wants us to be together than we will be together. So although it never actually says that they were reunited I believe that they were in the afterlife.

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